Does HPV positive mean high-risk?

A positive test result means that you have a type of high-risk HPV that's linked to cervical cancer. It doesn't mean that you have cervical cancer now, but it's a warning sign that cervical cancer could develop in the future.

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Should I worry if my HPV test is positive?

A positive HPV test means you do have an HPV type that may be linked to cervical cancer. This does not mean you have cervical cancer now. But it could be a warning. The specific HPV type may be identified to determine the next step.

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How do I know if my HPV is high risk?

Cervical cancer screening tests include the HPV test that checks cervical cells for high-risk HPV, the Pap test that checks for cervical cell changes that can be caused by high-risk HPV, and the HPV/Pap cotest that checks for both high-risk HPV and cervical cell changes.

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What is the difference between HPV and high risk HPV?

Sexually transmitted HPV types fall into two categories: low risk and high risk. Low risk HPVs do not cause cancer, but may cause skin warts on or around the genitals and anus. High risk HPVs account for around 12 types of HPVs and may cause cancer.

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What does it mean if your Pap is normal but HPV is positive?

The most common reason for a negative Pap test with a positive HPV result is that the patient has an HPV infection, but the infection is not causing any cellular abnormalities. Cellular abnormalities caused by HPV can be quite focal on the cervix, while the HPV infection can be more widespread.

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High-risk HPV Strains

25 related questions found

What happens if you keep testing positive for HPV?

Positive HPV test.

It doesn't mean that you have cervical cancer now, but it's a warning sign that cervical cancer could develop in the future. Your doctor will probably recommend a follow-up test in a year to see if the infection has cleared or to check for signs of cervical cancer.

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Why have I suddenly got HPV?

You can get HPV by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the virus. It is most commonly spread during vaginal or anal sex. It also spreads through close skin-to-skin touching during sex. A person with HPV can pass the infection to someone even when they have no signs or symptoms.

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What if HPV is positive but no abnormal cells?

HPV found with no cell changes - means you have high-risk HPV, but you do not have changes to your cervical cells. So you will be invited for cervical screening sooner to check that the HPV has gone. This usually after a year.

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What happens if you test positive for HPV 2 years in a row?

You'll be invited for screening in 1 year and again in 2 years if you still have HPV. If you still have HPV after 3 years, you may need to have a colposcopy. You'll be asked to have a colposcopy.

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How did I get HPV with one partner?

How did I get HPV? HPV is a sexually-acquired virus. Even if you were to have sex with a single partner in your life, using condoms every time, there is an 80% chance you will acquire HPV in your lifetime. HPV can be spread by contact between genital skin, so LGBQTI people can also get the virus.

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Why does my HPV test say high risk?

Higher risk: Your test results show either HPV infection with types 16 and/or 18, high grade cell changes on your cervix, or persistent infection with one of the other high-risk HPV types (not 16/18). It is important that you have a further follow-up because you may be at a high risk of developing cervical cancer.

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Can you live a normal life with high risk HPV?

If you've been diagnosed with HPV, you can still lead a relatively normal life. However, you need to protect yourself and any other sexual partners you have as you do so: Use condoms: Using condoms when having sex is essential to reduce the risk of transmitting HPV.

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How I cleared my high risk HPV?

Surgery is necessary to remove precancerous cells caused by high risk HPV. This is to prevent the cells from becoming cancerous. A doctor can remove these cells from the cervix with a procedure called loop electrosurgical excision or with cervical cryotherapy.

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How often do you need a Pap smear with HPV?

Updated cervical cancer screening guidelines from ACS recommend starting screening at age 25 with an HPV test and having HPV testing every 5 years through age 65. However, testing with an HPV/Pap cotest every 5 years or with a Pap test every 3 years is still acceptable.

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Can your Pap smear be normal with HPV?

In fact, many women with HPV will never have an abnormal pap smear. That being said, routine screening with your provider is the only way to follow any changes to the cervix that could lead to cervical cancer.

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Should I tell my partner I have HPV?

HPV can stay in the body for 10-20 years. Finding out you have HPV doesn't mean you or your partner have been unfaithful. It's your decision whether or not to tell your partner you have HPV.

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Can high risk HPV go away after 10 years?

HPV goes away on its own and doesn't cause health problems in many people. For most people who have a healthy immune system, HPV will clear itself within one to two years.

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Can high risk HPV clear after 5 years?

For 90 percent of women with HPV, the condition will clear up on its own within two years. Only a small number of women who have one of the HPV strains that cause cervical cancer will ever actually develop the disease.

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How do you treat HPV positive people?

There is no treatment for the virus itself. However, there are treatments for the health problems that HPV can cause: Genital warts can be treated by your healthcare provider or with prescription medication. If left untreated, genital warts may go away, stay the same, or grow in size or number.

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What happens if HPV hasn't cleared in 2 years?

This is called a persistent HPV infection. The HPV may then cause the epithelial cells to change. Changed cells can make copies of themselves and the new cells will also be different. They might turn into cervical cancer over time if they are not monitored or treated.

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Do I need a colposcopy if I have HPV?

If HPV isn't found, you won't need to be screened for another 3 years. However, if HPV is found, or if more significant cell changes (moderate or severe) are detected again, you should be referred for another colposcopy.

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Can stress cause HPV to flare up?

Those who said they were depressed or believed they had high levels of stress also still had an active HPV infection. HPV usually clears up on its own, but this study is really the first to indicate a link between stress and persistent HPV infection.

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Should I stop dating if I have HPV?

Should a person stop dating if they have HPV? A person can continue to date if they have HPV. If people know they have HPV, they may want to date a person for a while before engaging in sexual activity. This can give people the chance to get to know one another better before discussing HPV.

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Can a couple get HPV without cheating?

People can be infected with HPV without having sexual intercourse. The likelihood of exposure increases with the number of partners a person has, and HPV will often spread early in a relationship as the person is newly exposed to the virus.

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How many times can you test positive for HPV?

Testing positive for HPV more than once

If you test positive for high-risk HPV but you don't have cell changes on your cervix, you'll be asked to come back for a cervical screening in one year. If you test positive for HPV three times in a row you'll be invited to a colposcopy.

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