It's generated by the Internet/WiFi [device] being used. When you connect your device, it requests an IP address from the Internet/WiFi device it is connecting to.
Mobile devices make requests through a WiFi network or a cellular network. On a WiFi network, every requesting device will inherit the IP address of the WiFi router. This means all users on the same WiFi will have the same IP address. This happens on cellular networks, as well.
When you're at home, an IP address is assigned to your computer by your Internet service provider (think Time Warner Cable, Cox Communications, or AT&T). Since they are the ones giving you access to the Internet, it's their role to assign an IP address to your computer.
Any device on your network has a global IP address, also known as a public IP address, which is how the rest of the internet perceives it. Your global IP will remain unchanged whether you're using your smartphone, pc, or other machines at home because it is network-specific.
A dynamic IP address is automatically assigned to a network when a router is set up. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) assigns the distribution of this dynamic set of IP addresses. The DHCP can be the router that provides IP addresses to networks across a home or an organization.
Each device connected to a network requires a unique IP address. At home, dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) assigns IP addresses to your smartphones, laptops, tablets, and devices like doorbell cameras. When you use wifi on your home network, typically your router is a DHCP server.
This is possible because IP address mapping is performed at the ISP level and the IP header does not contain any specific personal information. An IP address can be tracked to a device, but not a specific individual. This creates the potential doubt as to the actual identity of the person using a specific device.
Generally speaking, no two devices should have the same IP address unless they are behind a NAT device. Computers need routers to communicate with devices that are not on their same logical subnet.
No, you shouldn't worry if someone has your IP address. If someone has your IP address, they could send you spam or restrict your access to certain services. In extreme cases, a hacker might be able to impersonate you. However, all you need to do to fix the problem is change your IP address.
Can I change the IP address of my phone? Yes, you can; you can use a VPN, Tor or do it manually. The latter involves finding an unassigned IP address and then changing your current IP to the new one in your Wi-Fi network connection's settings.
A final word: Wi-Fi.
Finally, remember that every time you use a laptop computer on a different Wi-Fi (wireless) network, you're switching IP addresses. You'll be using the public IP address of whatever network you're on.
What is the difference between a dynamic and static IP address? When a device is assigned a static IP address, the address does not change. Most devices use dynamic IP addresses, which are assigned by the network when they connect and change over time.
Because of the encryption, the contents of your traffic will be unreadable to anyone who intercepts it, including your ISP. This means it can't see which sites you visit or what you're doing online. That said, it is possible that your ISP could see that your traffic is going through a VPN server.
You can hide your IP address by either using the Tor browser, a proxy server, or a free VPN. You can also join a public Wi-Fi network. Is hiding your IP address illegal? In the U.S, hiding your IP address is not illegal.
If someone manage to get a backdoor program installed on your computer, they can route all their traffic through it using it as a proxy server, thus "stealing" your ip. All their activity will show as coming from your ip address, so they can do shady stuff using your ip as cover and you might take the blame later.
Cybercriminals can use your IP to hack your device.
If they manage to connect to your device, they could take it over and steal your data stored on it. Or they could infect your device with malware and continue their hacking activities in secret.
A VPN replaces your actual IP address to make it look like you've connected to the internet from a different location: the physical location of the VPN server, rather than your real location. This is just one reason why so many people use VPNs.
Put simply, an IP address (short for Internet Protocol address) is a unique identifier for your machine. Computers have them, but so do tablets and smartphones. And, just like a fingerprint or a snowflake, no two IP addresses are exactly the same.
Conclusion : All public IPs assigned to Routers of ISPs or Routers connecting to Internet are unique. but private IPs of two hosts can be the same if both are connected to different public networks.
You may also use 3rd party websites such as Geobytes or Dnsstuff to look up the IP address. The whois lookup will reveal the name of the ISP who owns that IP address, and the country where it originated from. If you're lucky, you might also find the city of origin.
Your device's IP address is assigned by your internet service provider (ISP) and may change regularly depending on whether it's static or dynamic. Dynamic IP addresses change automatically — sometimes every time you connect to the internet or restart your computer — whereas static IP addresses remain consistent.
Automatically obtaining an IP address from a DHCP server such as a router is an easy way to connect your computer to the network. Instead of manually entering the IP address, Subnet mask, and Default gateway, these can be automatically assigned by the DHCP server.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a client/server protocol that automatically provides an Internet Protocol (IP) host with its IP address and other related configuration information such as the subnet mask and default gateway.
Can Someone See My Internet History On Their WIFI? Yes. The WiFi owner has access to the admin panel from the WiFi router, meaning they can see the browsing information performed on their WiFi network. In addition, routers see log information, including when and what you did on your computer.