Hot water showers and baths are sources of heat that can result in elevations in core body temperature. In multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, this can further interfere with electrical signals from already damaged nerves and lead to a temporary exacerbation of symptoms or the appearance of new ones.
Many people with MS experience a temporary worsening of their symptoms when the weather is very hot or humid, or when they run a fever. These temporary changes can result from even a slight elevation in core body temperature (one-quarter to one-half of a degree).
MS damages the protective sheath around nerve cells in your brain and spinal cord. This slows down nerve signals, so your body doesn't always respond the way it should. Heat can slow these signals even more. MS can also affect the part of your brain that controls your body's temperature.
If you have a condition like multiple sclerosis (MS), cold temps can make your symptoms worse and make you flat-out uncomfortable. You might find that it's harder to move your limbs, you get more muscle spasms than normal, or your muscles feel tighter.
Unsurprisingly, MS patients who incorporate cold showers into their daily routines report serious benefits such as regained feeling in body parts that had lost sensation, increased energy, and even recovery from MS related urinary difficulties.
Although a steamy soak may be tempting to help ease muscle stiffness or nerve pain, hot temperatures can actually worsen MS symptoms, even if temporarily.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) triggers that worsen symptoms or cause a relapse can include stress, heart disease and smoking. While some are easier to avoid than others, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and overall health and wellness can have outsized benefits for MS patients.
Increased activity, hot weather, hot baths and showers, saunas, and hot tubs are all sources of heat that can cause issues for someone living with MS. These sources can trigger a phenomenon known as an MS pseudoexacerbation, which is the experience of having symptoms appear or worsen due to heat exposure.
You're more likely to catch a cold or flu virus if you have MS, especially if you take certain medicines that curb your immune system -- your body's defense against germs. And when you get sick with the flu, your MS raises the chances of health problems that may need treatment at your doctor's office or a hospital.
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the effects of heat on people with MS were used in the diagnosis of the condition. The hot bath test involved lying in a bath of warm water. If this caused or worsened neurological symptoms, it was taken as evidence that the person had multiple sclerosis.
Despite having a similar core temperature to those without MS while resting and exercising, people with MS show a significantly reduced sweat response.
MS temperature sensitivity is primarily driven by temperature-dependent slowing or blocking of neural conduction within the CNS due to changes in internal (core) temperature; yet changes in skin temperature could also contribute to symptom exacerbation (e.g. during sunlight and warm ambient exposure).
Abnormal sensations can be a common initial symptom of MS. This often takes the form of numbness or tingling in different parts of your body, such as the arms, legs or trunk, which typically spreads out over a few days.
Fatigue is also among the most common symptoms, reported by at least 75% of MS patients at some point in the disease course. For many, fatigue is considered to be the single most debilitating symptom, surpassing pain and even physical disability.
MS relapses are caused when your immune system attacks the protective covering (called myelin) around nerves in your brain and spinal cord. These attacks damage the myelin. Inflammation around the nerves is the sign of an attack.
Now, a study led by Stanford Medicine researchers has proved that the Epstein-Barr virus, a common type of herpes virus, triggers multiple sclerosis by priming the immune system to attack the body's own nervous system.
The most common treatment regimen is a three or five-day course of intravenous (Solu-Medrol® - methylprednisolone) or oral (Deltasone® - prednisone) corticosteroids. Corticosteroids are not believed to have any long-term benefit on the disease.
Sun exposure has been shown to reduce the severity and progression of MS and also lift depression.
Studies show that certain ethnic groups have a markedly lower prevalence of multiple sclerosis, despite living in countries where MS is common. For instance, the Sami or Lapps of northern Scandinavia and the Inuits in Canada have very low rates of MS. A similar pattern is observed amongst the Maoris of New Zealand.
Research has shown that maintaining enough vitamin D in the body may lower the risk of multiple sclerosis (MS). Several studies have shown that people who get more sun exposure and vitamin D in their diets are less likely to have MS .