One cup of cooked oats contains as much as 31 micrograms of biotin.
One cup of oatmeal contains 0.2 micrograms of biotin.
Oatmeal also helps lower cholesterol levels and protects the heart.
Many cereal grains are a good source of biotin. Rice bran has a particularly high concentration, 60 mcg per 100 grams. Barley and oatmeal offer 31 and 24 mcg, respectively.
A 100-gram serving of avocado contains 3.2 to 10 mcg of biotin. Avocados may be a good option for people looking to protect skin health because, like nuts and seeds, avocado is rich in vitamin E . Learn more about avocados here.
Hair thickness
Oats contain plenty of omega-6 fatty acids to help repair split ends and damage and moisturize strands, making them feel softer and fuller. Protein in oats also helps add thickness to each strand.
Carrots. Yes, they're a stellar source of biotin, but carrots have loads of other skin and hair benefits. "Beta-carotene [in carrots] works to counteract everything from dry skin, to dandruff, to wrinkle formation," says Glassman.
Raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries, are all high in biotin. Not to mention, they're usually loaded with antioxidants for healthy, glowing skin. So if you have a sweet tooth, have a hand full of berries instead of a candy bar.
Marginal biotin deficiency may occur due to increased catabolism of biotin in smokers. Treatment with anticonvulsants such as phenytoin and carbamazepine may cause biotin depletion in serum. Alcoholics often show deficiencies of various vitamins and minerals, including biotin.
One small banana (105 grams) provides about 0.2 micrograms of biotin, or 1 percent of the DV. Bananas are also full of fiber, carbs, and micronutrients like B vitamins, copper, and potassium, so there are plenty of other benefits to consider.
Tomato. One of the most versatile and common foods, tomatoes are also a rich source of biotin. Including only one big tomato in your daily diet can supply your body with plenty of nutrients. This will ensure your body stays healthy and gets its required dose of biotin on a regular basis.
Half a cup of boiled spinach contains 0.5 micrograms of biotin, equivalent to only 2% of the RDA. However, eating half a cup of spinach in every meal can increase the dietary intake of biotin.
It's rare to be deficient in biotin. Symptoms include hair loss, dry scaly skin, cracking in the corners of the mouth (called cheilitis), swollen and painful tongue that is magenta in color (glossitis), dry eyes, loss of appetite, fatigue, insomnia, and depression.
Rich in vitamins
Cucumbers contain a number of B vitamins, including vitamin B1, vitamin B5 and vitamin B7 (biotin). They are important for brain health, nervous system, hair and skin health, energy metabolism, etc.
Fruits, including watermelon, grapefruit, banana, strawberries, raspberries, and tomatoes, have wholesome biotin content. One cup of low-fat milk contains 0.3 micrograms of biotin.
Cucumbers are rich in vitamins B1, vitamin B5, and biotin, which help relieve stress and ease anxiety (which is particularly important if you are a busy performer or in a high-stress professional speaking role). Biotin is essential for fat production in the body and cell production.
Oats. Not only do oats provide sustained energy levels, they also assist in maintaining the natural hair colour by aiding in the creation of melatonin and can help prevent hair loss. Oats contain important minerals for hair growth such as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, not to mention iron.
Peanut butter contains biotin and vitamin E. Biotin can prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth. Moreover, vitamin E provides essential nourishment to your scalp.
Traces of biotin and folie acid wore found, with the average values of 0.066 Mg. and 3Mg. per 100 gm., respectively.
Only riboflavin, biotin, folate, and vitamin B12 deficiencies have been associated with hair loss. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is a component of two important coenzymes: flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) [22].