So it would seem there is a strong likelihood that traumatic events, or prolonged stress responses, can activate the expression of PCOS-related symptoms.
The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. There's evidence that genetics play a role. Several other factors, most importantly obesity, also play a role in causing PCOS: Higher levels of male hormones called androgens: High androgen levels prevent your ovaries from releasing eggs, which causes irregular menstrual cycles.
Mental and physical health are interlinked, and it's important to understand that even if your periods are normal, you can still have PCOS and be at an increased risk for these and other mental health issues.
PCOS is also associated with high levels of inflammation in the body. As discussed previously, an imbalance in cortisol may have adverse health effects. Prolonged stress may cause cortisol dysfunction leading to widespread inflammation which can exacerbate PCOS symptoms (6).
People who have been diagnosed with PCOS are about 3 times more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety and depression than people without PCOS (1-3). People with PCOS are also much more likely to report symptoms of anxiety and depression and those symptoms are more likely to be severe (3-5).
It can be attributed to the physical symptoms and nature of PCOS, which is so serious that the mental illness is often overlooked. According to study results published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have an increased risk of developing bipolar disorder.
Depression and anxiety are common in women with PCOS but are often overlooked and therefore left untreated. Along with the physical disturbances, many mental problems are also associated with PCOS.
Women with PCOS are three times more likely to suffer from anxiety than the general population.
Women with PCOS are known to have a higher risk of developing depression and adult ADHD. This risk, in turn, might cause an increase in psychiatric morbidity in their children [18].
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can cause a wide range of symptoms, both physical and psychological. PCOS can cause menstrual irregularities, infertility, insulin resistance, excess and male patterned body hair, and is strongly associated with depression and anxiety.
These commonalities as well as anecdotal clinical observations have sparked a small, growing body of new research that points to an increased risk of comorbidity between the severe psychiatric disorder of BPD and the physical, endocrinological disorder of PCOS.
Women with PCOS often report signs of mood swings, depression and anxiety. Mood swings can feel like rapidly fluctuating emotions that can manifest as irritability, temper, sadness and/or anxiety that results from hormonal imbalance. Many women do experience signs of mood swings, especially near their menstrual cycle.
Excess insulin causes polycystic ovaries because it impairs ovulation and stimulates the ovaries to make testosterone instead of estrogen. We have an epidemic of insulin resistance, so it makes sense that we also have an epidemic of PCOS.
Lifestyle changes. Your health care provider may recommend weight loss through a low-calorie diet combined with moderate exercise activities. Even a modest reduction in your weight — for example, losing 5% of your body weight — might improve your condition.
Once you come off birth control you might find that your periods return to an irregular pattern, and some of the other symptoms of PCOS return. There is no change in fertility when taking the pill however, after coming off you might find it difficult to get pregnant, as this is a symptom of PCOS.
Conclusions: Child maltreatment is independently associated with PCOS in women without psychiatric disorders. In the context of all maltreatment subtypes, emotional abuse remained associated with PCOS, suggesting its unique effect on this endocrinopathy.
Lea Michele
The Glee star has opened up about being diagnosed with PCOS after experiencing severe acne and fluctuating weight. “The side effects [of PCOS] can be brutal — like weight gain and bad skin,” Lea shared with Health. “I went to a great doctor, and the minute she looked at me, she was like, 'Oh, you have PCOS.
Recent studies have shown that women who were diagnosed as having PCOS 30 years ago have a completely normal life expectancy. An inspection of more than 700 death certificates from women with PCOS has shown that there is no excess risk of cancer in any organ or of heart disease.
In inflammatory PCOS, chronic inflammation causes the ovaries to make excess testosterone, resulting in physical symptoms and issues with ovulation. Signs of inflammation in this type of PCOS include headaches, joint pain, unexplained fatigue, skin issues like eczema and bowel issues like IBS.
The group with PCOS had been diagnosed at a mean age of 27 years. The mean follow-up time was 13.1 years in both groups, during which 1,003 controls and 177 women with PCOS died. The mean age at death was 51.4 years for the PCOS group versus 52.6 years for the control women, a significant difference (P < . 001).
PCOS is a condition in which a woman's ovaries and adrenal glands produce more androgens than usual. 1 Androgens are generally considered male hormones. While all women produce some androgens, women with PCOS have higher levels of these hormones, leading to increased hair growth, acne, and weight gain.
However, their PCOS hormonal imbalance does not change with age, so they may continue to have symptoms of PCOS. Also, the risks of PCOS-related health problems, such as diabetes, stroke, and heart attack, increase with age. These risks may be higher in women with PCOS than those without.
Women with PCOS may be at higher risk for type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, and endometrial cancer. The types of treatment for PCOS may depend on whether or not a woman plans to become pregnant. Women who plan to become pregnant in the future may take different kinds of medications.