Does Vader actually say Padme help me?

Anakin Skywalker, in one last digged-effort, before his imprisonment as Darth Vader for the next 23 years, cries out for help. He yearns for his beloved Padme, with the words, “Padme, help me.”

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Does Darth Vader ever think about Padmé?

It's clear that Darth Vader wishes that Padmé joined him so that they could have remained together. But there are moments in Marvel's other Darth Vader series that suggest that, while the Sith Lord is very much still obsessed with the idea of Padmé, her betrayal may have caused him to think ill of his late wife.

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Did Vader regret killing Padmé?

1- He saw Palpatine actually couldn't help him save Padme. 2- It was the dark side in him that killed her. He finally understood that he himself fulfilled his nightmares of Padme's demise.

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What does Darth Vader whisper?

The only time we hear Vader speak after Obi-Wan left him but before he got his mask is at 2:10 of the video below. You can faintly hear him say “Padmé help,” but his voice is scarred and deformed as a result of his injuries.

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Did Darth Vader really love Padmé?

Arguably, Vader loved Padmé even more than Anakin did. After what he did to Padmé on Mustafar, Vader was obviously devastated. The worst part was, he believed it was his own fault, even though the choking only had a very indirect influence on Padmé's death.

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Anakin Says "Padme Help Me" Before Becoming Darth Vader

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Is Padmé cheating on Anakin?

Padme did not cheat on Anakin here is why: Padmé and a Anakins relationship was very strong they both were deeply in love. In the clone wars there is an episode called ““The Rise of Clovis.” long story short a former flame of Padmé's returns and is trying to rekindle with Padmé. Unbeknownst to him she is married.

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Did Vader regret killing Younglings?

The added risk Darth Vader takes in allowing children to live in a situation where he could have killed them proves that he regrets killing Younglings and will avoid harming any more children for the rest of his days, though intense intimidation is a dark strategy to avoid repeating his Youngling massacre.

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What if a child hugged Darth Vader?

As we know, Vader was killing children before he even got his suit on, but those were Jedi younglings and so future potential threats. Vader doesn't kill right and left just to be “evil.” A random kid hugging him would presumably be brushed rather brusquely aside, but that would be all.

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Does Vader respect Boba?

The two men shared a begrudging respect for one another that Boba was unaware had begun several years before when Darth Vader was still known as Anakin Skywalker. The two first met when Anakin had saved Boba from being nearly destroyed by the Dark Jedi, Asajj Ventress.

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Does Anakin whisper Padme help me?

He utters something that is difficult to make out, but upon hearing it, I nearly dropped my Darth Vader mug full of coffee. Anakin Skywalker, in one last digged-effort, before his imprisonment as Darth Vader for the next 23 years, cries out for help. He yearns for his beloved Padme, with the words, “Padme, help me.”

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Did Padmé know Anakin killed Younglings?

It's not shown, but it is clearly insinuated that Anakin killed the younglings. This is confirmed later in the movie when Obi-Wan informs Padme that Anakin killed them. Both are torn apart with hurt and confusion, trying to make sense of something so terrible. How could Anakin do such a thing?

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Did Obi-Wan forgive Anakin?

Yes, when Darth Vader turned back to Anakin Skywalker and sacrifice himself to save his son, he dies and Obi-Wan uses the force to connect with Anakin's spirit. In that time Anakin apologizes to Obi-Wan, desperately asking him to forgive him for everything he has done to him and everybody over the years.

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Did Anakin turn evil because of Padmé?

The story is Anakin was manipulated to the dark side by Palpatine based on fears of losing Padme and appeals to his desire power and agency, over his life and the galaxy as a whole.

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Did Vader learn how Padmé died?

Darth Vader was aware that Padmé Amidala died. That's because Palpatine told him what happened to Padmé after he saved Anakin on Mustafar. In fact, there was a big funeral held for Padmé on Naboo. But Vader didn't know that Padmé died of a broken heart as he thought she died by his hand.

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Did Vader know Padmé was pregnant?

Anakin Skywalker never knew Padmé was pregnant with twins, and he believed his child had died with his wife. He had no idea Padmé had given birth before she died, still less that the Jedi had spirited the children away and hidden them.

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Does Darth Vader blame himself for Padmé's death?

Darth Vader awakens, and his first question is about the whereabouts of Padmé. Palpatine tells Darth Vader that in his anger he killed her, placing the blame for Padmé's death on Vader. Vader denies it, saying he sensed Padmé was still alive, which the audience knows she was as Obi-Wan escaped on the ship with her.

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Why did Vader stop Boba Fett from killing Chewbacca?

Instead, Darth Vader wanted to keep Chewbacca alive because he wanted the Rebels to collectively suffer even more. He wanted them to be weak. The comic confirms how masterful of a strategist Darth Vader has always been, and it's incredibly cool to see the comic series explore this side of classic stories.

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Who had a crush on Vader?

The nurse became obsessed and psychotically in love with the Dark Lord of the Sith. After the doctor discovered that she stole Vader's cape and had a container of pieces of Vader's armor and vials of his blood, the doctor sought to report it immediately.

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Who did Vader respect the most?

Grand Moff Tarkin. Although his status in the Empire may rival or even surpass Vader's own, Vader nonetheless respected Tarkin a lot, for many reasons. He thought Tarkin as one of the more competent and dedicated Imperial officers, with a sense of honor and being able to inspire loyalty in his subordinates.

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Is Darth Vader fatherless?

In The Phantom Menace, when Qui-Gon Jinn meets tiny Anakin Skywalker and his mother, he goes on about how the Force is like, crazy strong with Anakin or whatever, and then asks his mother about Anakin's dad. Shmi Skywalker is pretty clear in her answer: There isn't a father. She was impregnated by the Force.

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Does Vader ever cry?

There are two moments in Revenge of the Sith that illustrate this. The first is when he is slaughtering the Separatist council. He is crying while he is doing this because of everything he has done. The second is after Anakin has slaughtered the Separatist council.

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Who is Darth Vader fear?

What's Anakin/Darth Vader's fear? When he was Anakin, he feared losing the people closest to him, whether it was by distance or death. He did end up losing pretty much everyone close to him, namely Qui-Gon, his mother Shmi, then lastly Padme. It was his fear of never ending loss that drove him to become Vader.

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Was Vader a disappointment to Palpatine?

Emperor Palpatine viewed Darth Vader as a disappointment, and yet he let him live.

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Did Vader realize Palpatine manipulated him?

Yes Vader knew Sidious manipulated him. In the Darth Vader (2017) comics he declares that he knows Emperor Palpatine had been lying to him about the Dark Side's ability to cheat death. In fact right from the very start, when he came off the operating table and was told Padme was dead, he realised Sidious had used him.

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Does Obi-Wan regret not killing Anakin?

David Porter provides some great philosophical context to why Obi-Wan would not regret leaving Anakin alive, as it was obviously “the will of the Force” that Obi-Wan be unable to finish him off, and “the will of the Force” that Anakin live on to kill Sidious himself in the future.

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