Does Vader hate Inquisitors?

How did Darth Vader feel about the Sith Inquisitors ? He did not appear to like them. He looked down on them as being inferior to himself. He also realized that they were potential replacements for him as Palpatine's apprentice.

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What did Vader do to the Inquisitors?

They attempted to finish him off but Vader used the Force to freeze them in mid air. The two Inquisitors turned to one another to spill out their last words and the Dark Lord made their lightsabers activate to stab the pair and kill them at the same time.

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Did the Inquisitors fear Vader?

Darth the man vader and his master. Vader wasn't exectly loking the whole inquisitor things and he tried finding differer ways to slowly get each and every one of them out of the picture. Vader in cannon is a sheer beast and the grand inquisitor is rightfully afraid of him.

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Does Darth Vader respect the Grand Inquisitor?

Darth Vader is a Lord of the Sith. He sees Inquisitors as useful tools at best and a threat at worst. He probably also sees them as a source of potential apprentices for when he kills the Emperor and takes his place. That is, after all, what the Sith are all about.

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Do the Inquisitors work for Vader?

The Inquisitors worked directly for Vader, frequently fought alongside him. He trained them directly in the ways of the dark side, doing everything in his power to extinguish any remnant of Jedi light within them.

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Why Vader HATED The Inquisitors - Star Wars Canon Explained

30 related questions found

Why did Vader cut off Inquisitors limbs?

As a Dark Lord of the Sith, Vader oversaw the training of the Inquisitorius—a group of fallen Jedi who turned against the Jedi Order in the aftermath of Order 66. To teach his Jedi hunters a lesson in the pain of loss, Vader dismembered the right hand of Fifth Brother and the left forearm of Sixth Brother.

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How many Inquisitors has Vader killed?

In one of his most brutal Star Wars kills, Darth Vader murdered two Inquisitors with their own weapons after believing he was getting betrayed by the Jedi-killing hunters.

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Who did Vader respect the most?

Grand Moff Tarkin. Although his status in the Empire may rival or even surpass Vader's own, Vader nonetheless respected Tarkin a lot, for many reasons. He thought Tarkin as one of the more competent and dedicated Imperial officers, with a sense of honor and being able to inspire loyalty in his subordinates.

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Do Inquisitors know Vader was Anakin?

The clear implication is that all the Inquisitors knew Darth Vader's true origins, which is indeed something of a surprise. Still, it does make sense from an in-universe perspective. Inquisitors were not Sith, but they served the Sith's purposes, trained in many dark side arts to hunt Jedi across the galaxy.

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Did Inquisitor know Vader was Anakin?

Since Obi-Wan Kenobi on Disney+ showed that the Inquisitors know about Darth Vader's history as Anakin and his ties to Obi-Wan it means that Palpatine chose to let his apprentice's apprentices in on their master's mysterious past, or Vader flouted The Emperor's wishes and told his trusted Inquisitors about his time as ...

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Who did Darth Vader hate?

Darth Vader hated Obi-Wan Kenobi because he hated himself. This started when he thought that Kenobi was the one that poisoned Padmé into turning against Anakin when he turned to the dark side. But the truth was that Anakin was merely projecting his own self-hatred toward Obi-Wan.

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Who is Darth Vader scared of?

Luke Skywalker Is The One Person In Star Wars Darth Vader Fears. In Star Wars: Darth Vader #36 by Greg Pak and Raffaele Ienco, Darth Vader eliminates an entire army of droids who plotted to assassinate him while his 'allies', Aphra and Ochi, watch from the sidelines.

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Who was the Jedi that Vader feared?

kenobi. we have done a video in the past about how vader had actually been terrified of obi-wan. during their duel on the death star despite the fact that vader spent the better part of a decade hunting this particular jedi master he was still very much afraid of him vader had nightmares of their duel on mustafar.

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Who kills the Inquisitors?

Aside from executing Jedi, their task was also to find and capture any Force sensitives who could be a threat to the Empire. There work was often dangerous, and several Inquisitors lost their lives while carrying out Vader's orders, either killed by the Jedi they were hunting, or falling foul of the Sith lord's wrath.

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Did Darth Vader regret turning to the dark side?

The short answer is yes, without a doubt, Vader regretted becoming a cybernetic monstrosity. First, there's the constant pain and discomfort from his suit. Worse, however, is the psychological pain.

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Why did the Inquisitors turn bad?

The events with Offee and Tano left the future Grand Inquisitor feeling disaffected, and he lost faith in the Jedi Order. This left him susceptible to the pull of the dark side of the Force, and ultimately fell to the dark side.

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What if Anakin never betrayed the Jedi?

We go for the more simple answer, further considering the details of the question itself. If Anakin didn't go into that chamber as the Jedi confronted Palpatine, then Mace Windu would have defeated Palpatine, killing him. If you remember, Mace had him. He was ready to kill him.

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Did Yoda know Anakin would turn to the dark side?

Yoda didn't specifically know how this would go down, or to what degree Anakin would cause it to happen, but he was playing a much longer game by Revenge of the Sith, and that's at least, in part, explained by Yoda's Force connection with Qui-Gon's spirit.

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Did r2d2 know Anakin was Vader?

R2-D2 was present when Padmé gave birth to Leia and Luke, so he knew Luke was Anakin's son – but what he didn't know was that Anakin became Darth Vader. In addition to that, Anakin's fall was surely a painful event in R2-D2's life, one that he definitely wouldn't like to remember or even talk about.

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Who was Darth Vader's best friend?

Vader's one friend he trusted the most was Erv Lekauf, the Dark Lord's personal adjutant. After he was heavily injured in a fire, Lekauf was force to retire. Erv's bravery, honorable, responsible, personality gave Vader his respects and the two saved each others' lives a few times.

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Who is superior to Darth Vader?

Darth Vader beat the Emperor in the end, using one of his own tactics which he witnessed for the first time decades before, with Mace Windu. Darth Sidious was always stronger than Vader, which is why he ruled over him for almost 20 years and turned him into the Sith Lord he was.

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Who had a crush on Vader?

The nurse became obsessed and psychotically in love with the Dark Lord of the Sith. After the doctor discovered that she stole Vader's cape and had a container of pieces of Vader's armor and vials of his blood, the doctor sought to report it immediately.

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Which Jedi has the most Sith kills?

Published Oct 22, 2022. Jedi like Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi have long stood as light against the darkness. But the record Sith-killer is actually Darth Bane himself. Darth Bane, founder of the Rule of Two, killed more Sith than any Jedi in the history of the Star Wars galaxy.

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Is Vader more powerful than the Inquisitors?

Under no circumstance could the Inquisitors ever defeat Darth Vader, individually or as a group. The Sith Lord is far too powerful, a dominant presence in the Force who could kill them all without a lightsaber.

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Which Sith Lord killed the most Jedi?

Star Wars: Greatest Hunters of Jedi, Ranked by Number of Kills
  1. 1 Darth Vader - Hundreds.
  2. 2 Darth Nihilus - Nearly 100. ...
  3. 3 Darth Malgus - Dozens. ...
  4. 4 Darth Sion - Dozens. ...
  5. 5 General Grievous - At least 6. ...
  6. 6 Darth Sidious - 4. ...
  7. 7 Aurra Sing - 4. ...
  8. 8 Savage Opress - At least 3. ...

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