Dr. Kassouf recommends retinol topical creams to help reduce that crepey look. Retinols help restore skin's elasticity and thicken collagen (which gives our skin its structure) as well as elastin (which gives our skin its stretch).
Crepey skin is more than an aesthetic issue. Thin, fragile skin can more easily bruise, break open and bleed. While crepey skin can't be entirely reversed, there are steps you can take to make your skin firmer and smoother.
With non-surgical skin tightening, cosmetic surgeons can effectively tighten moderately lax or "crepey" skin on the face, neck and body, helping patients improve their appearance and postpone the need for surgery.
Aging, sun exposure and genetics all play a role in thinning skin. Certain medications, such as long-term use of corticosteroids, also can weaken the skin and blood vessels in the skin. Thin skin isn't necessarily a sign of an underlying medical condition.
Include plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. Vitamin E, found in foods such as almonds and avocados, can also support skin health. The fats in these foods may help to keep the skin supple. Drinking enough water helps to keep the skin hydrated.
A person with thin skin may find they are able to see the veins, tendons, bones, and capillaries under the skin of their hands and arms. While no treatment can completely reverse the process of thin skin caused by aging, some measures may help promote healthy skin, lessening the symptoms.
Drinking adequate amounts of water is important to keeping skin hydrated and supple, and is especially important in preventing crepey skin. By ensuring you are properly hydrated with a higher water intake, you can provide your skin with the hydration it requires to stay elastic and moisturized.
Laser resurfacing This is the most effective procedure for tightening loose skin. Unlike the laser treatment described above, this procedure requires some downtime. You'll need to stay home for 5 to 7 days. Laser resurfacing also gives you the fastest results.
“When you peel the skin it stimulates collagen production,” says Cheong — and, of course, collagen is a protein that gives your skin more structure and reduces the “crepey” look we all want to avoid.
According to Zeichner, loss of hydration and the resulting inflammation worsens crepey skin. He recommends looking for purified petrolatum in your moisturizer, as in Vaseline's popular lotion. It protects the skin's barrier, prevents water loss, hydrates and plumps thin skin.
#2: Can Thin Skin Be Thickened? The short answer: yes, skin can be thickened. While you can't entirely reverse the process of skin thinning, there are ways to increase collagen, repair elastin, and improve your skin's overall appearance.
Crepey skin usually begins to appear when you're in your 40s. But it can show up as early as your 20s if you are a chronic tanning-bed user or have gained and lost substantial amounts of weight. Medications are another potential cause of crepey skin, such as long-term prednisone.
For starters, the thinness of crepey skin is affected by a lack of hydration, so heavy moisturization is key. 2 For crepey skin on your arms or legs, look for a body moisturizer that contains elastin stimulator ingredients like retinol and hydroxy acids, or ammonium lactate like Lac-Hydrin or AmLactin.
When we exercise, our muscles get longer, stronger and tighter, which can firm up the skin around those muscles. As a result, our muscles become more visible, potentially diminishing the appearance of loose, crepey skin.
What Are the Causes of Crepey Skin? While there are many causes of crepey skin, including aging, hormonal changes, dehydration, weight loss, using tobacco, and even stress, Dr. McMahan says, “The main reason people develop crepey skin is prolonged or excessive exposure to sunlight.
Apply products that contain vitamin C.
Apply serums, creams and lotions that contain vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to plump the skin and encourage the production of collagen. This helps the skin to thicken when used regularly.
Wash with a gentle, fragrance-free, moisturizing bar soap, cleanser, or body wash. Doing so will help soothe rather than dry your skin. Moisturizing ingredients that can help reduce dryness include glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and lanolin. Use warm (not hot) water.