Say, "You're beautiful," or "You are exquisite." Try picking out one particular quality to compliment her on: say, "You have the most gorgeous eyes," or "Your smile is radiant." Don't be afraid to get creative and tap into your feelings, and make sure that you mean it.
Keep it elegant with “You're ravishing” or be more forthright with “You're so hot.” “You're absolutely irresistible.” “You're stunning." “You're the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen.”
What does hot girl or hot guy mean? A hot girl or guy is a woman or man who is considered very sexually attractive. Of course, nonbinary people can be hot, too—they may just not identify as girl or guy.
Calling someone beautiful can be flirting. It's not always a romantic comment. A guy will often comment on a girl's beauty because he's attracted to her. In short, it's all about intent.
Since you two just met, compliment something you notice about her, like her laugh or her jacket. Stay away from anything too physical, though, or you could come off as creepy. Some good compliments include: “You have an amazing laugh.”
They are interested in what you have to say and ask you lots of questions. They laugh at your jokes, even the lame ones. They initiate physical contact. They try to find space where you can talk more privately (this does not always mean sex, but it often means they wish for more quality time with you).
A development girl or D-girl is a derogatory Hollywood slang term for non-influential, entry-level staff members in a film production company. Responsibilities include finding and identifying story ideas worthy of adaptation into a script and writing script coverage for scripts submitted to the production company.
A guy calls a girl “hot” in a positive way to convey that a person has sex appeal. It doesn't always mean that he finds you beautiful. If a guy thinks you're a hot girl, he likely focuses on your physical attributes, not your facial features. In this case, he's using the term as a substitute for the word “sexy.”