Scammers use your social media accounts to learn your name and other identifying information, which they use to send emails that look like they're from a friend.
Anyone can get a hold of them. However, because they are public information, they are still tools that identity thieves can use. If you think of your identity as a jigsaw puzzle, your name and address are the first two pieces that they can use to build a bigger picture and ultimately put your identity at risk.
Your name, address and date of birth provide enough information to create another 'you'. An identity thief can use a number of methods to find out your personal information and will then use it to open bank accounts, take out credit cards and apply for state benefits in your name.
The scammers divert your mail to the new mailing address where they have access. They open your mail and access your bank statements, drivers license renewals, and other sensitive information they can use to rob you or conduct financial crimes under your name.
Spammers often release information-gathering programs called “bots” to collect the names and e-mail addresses of people who post to specific newsgroups. Bots can get this information from both recent and old posts.
A thief could plug your name and address into a publicly searchable database to see what other pieces of information can be found. One website charges as little as a dollar for reports that include someone's phone numbers, marriage and divorce records, education records, employment history, and more.
Notify the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that you have been phished. The FTC is the nation's consumer protection agency. The FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection works for the consumer to prevent fraud, deception and unfair business practices in the marketplace.
If someone is using your address without your permission, and you're receiving post addressed to someone else, simply write 'not at this address' on the envelopes and post them back to the senders. You don't need to put new stamps on them. The senders should soon stop sending correspondence to your address.
Address fraud is a type of identity theft that occurs when a fraudster uses someone else's address, or a fake one, to facilitate illegal activities. This can include obtaining credit, goods, or services under false pretenses, or it can be used to facilitate other criminal activities.
Savvy scammers know that by hijacking your mobile phone number they can assume your identity, intercept security protocols sent to your phone, and gain access to your financial and social media accounts. One way to hijack your phone number is through a porting-out scam.
The easiest way to become a victim of a bank scam is to share your banking info — e.g., account numbers, PIN codes, social security number — with someone you don't know well and trust. If someone asks for sensitive banking details, proceed with caution.
Fraudsters can try to access your online accounts (i.e., social media or banking) using your phone number. They can send a password reset to your phone and even trick automated systems into thinking they are you.
Scammers Can Impersonate You
After hacking your email accounts, they can use the account to impersonate you and contact your family members or friends. They can trick them into believing you're in big trouble and need financial aid. Others can send your contacts malicious links.
Identity theft and financial fraud: There's more than enough information on your phone to allow scammers to steal your identity or access your financial accounts. If they get access to your phone, hackers can engage in credit card fraud or even drain your bank accounts.
Check your credit report and bank statements
Check for the warning signs of identity theft — such as strange charges on your bank statement or accounts you don't recognize. An identity theft protection service like Aura can monitor your credit and statements for you and alert you to any signs of fraud.
Identity thieves will use your personal information, including your name, birthdate and Social Security number, to masquerade as you. Be cautious about anyone who asks for your personal information. Make sure you check your credit report each year to ensure nothing suspicious happens to you behind the scenes.
Log onto your accounts and make sure all transactions look familiar. Immediately report any suspicious-looking activity to the bank. Monitor your credit report. Create accounts with the big credit bureaus — Experian, Equifax and TransUnion — to keep an eye out for new accounts that weren't opened by you.
If a scammer knows your address, they could begin sending you mail to get more information out of you. This could be anything from a fake competition to a phony bank letter. Though this isn't a cybercrime, it's still worth being aware of.
Contact whoever it is that is sending the letters (the number or address will be on the back of the envelope usually) and state that the addressee does not live with you. The next step, if you keep receiving unwanted mail is to visit your nearest United States Postal Service office to launch a complaint.
Scammers can steal your identity by obtaining your personal financial information online, at the door or over the phone. What they want are account numbers, passwords, Social Security numbers, and other confidential information that they can use to loot your checking account or run up bills on your credit cards.
Someone could apply for a new credit card, bank account or loan in your name. They might steal the new credit card out of your mailbox, or have the card or account information mailed to an address they control. Get medical procedures.
Stop all contact with the scammer
Hang up the phone. Don't reply to emails or letters scammers have sent you. If you have been scammed online, block the scammer from contacting you.