How did Apollo 13 go to the bathroom?

An curved arrow pointing right. There was no bathroom on the Apollo missions. Instead, NASA astronauts peed into a roll-on cuff, and pooped in bags that they kneaded, rolled up tight, and took back to Earth.

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How did Apollo astronauts use the bathroom?

For the Apollo crews urinating wasn't much easier, the urine collection device was basically a condom-like pouch attached to a hose that vented out into the vacuum of space at the turn of a valve. Each fecal collection bag came with a "finger cot" to allow the astronauts to manually move things along.

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How did Mercury astronauts go to the bathroom?

“On Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo, the crew members practically wore the capsules. They lived in their seat, and everything that was personal they did in their seat. They ate there, and slept there, and urinated and everything else there.”

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Did astronauts wear nappies?

A Maximum Absorbency Garment (MAG) is an adult-sized diaper with extra absorption material that NASA astronauts wear during liftoff, landing, and extra-vehicular activity (EVA) to absorb urine and feces. It is worn by both male and female astronauts.

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Do astronauts wear catheters?

Do astronauts still use tubes? Not anymore. Since the '80s, NASA has been outfitting its men and women with what are essentially high-tech diapers.

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How do you go to the bathroom in space?

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Do astronauts purify their pee?

Water is heavy and hard to transport into orbit, which is why the International Space Station is a champion when it comes to recycling. Even astronaut urine is captured and processed to make it drinkable. The system that does this work is about to get an important upgrade.

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Do astronauts need bras?

, yes they do. They don't need the support, but the bra keeps their wobbly bits in place while floating around in microgravity. They also like having an extra layer between said bits and the cameras all over the space station.

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Do female astronauts shave in space?

Do astronauts shave in space? Both female and male astronauts shave in space and are provided with either an electric razor or a disposable razor. Most astronauts choose electric razors because of the scarcity of running water on the ISS. Most male astronauts choose to keep their hair short while aboard the ISS.

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Do astronauts have periods in space?

It turns out that while most systems in the human body are heavily affected during spaceflight, the female menstrual cycle doesn't seem to change at all. “It can happen normally in space, and if women choose to do that, they can,” Jain said.

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Do astronauts get paid for life?

Ultimately, while astronauts' salaries are generally modest while they're working, they can still sometimes get a hefty payout once they retire from active duty. In short: no, astronauts do not get paid for life.

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How did the first astronauts use the bathroom?

The original toilet was designed in 2000 for men and was difficult for women to use: You had to pee while standing up. To poop, astronauts used thigh straps to sit on the small toilet and to keep a tight seal between their bottoms and the toilet seat. It didn't work very well and was hard to keep clean.

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Who was the first person to go to the toilet on the moon?

8. While Neil Armstrong may have been the first man to set foot on the moon, Buzz Aldrin was the first man to go to the toilet there, using a special tube in his spacesuit!

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Why were the astronauts not allowed to dump urine into space after the accident?

After the accident, they couldn't use the regular vent, because it needed to be heated to keep the pee from freezing. The alternate system caused droplets to float around the ship. Mission Control told them to stop dumping pee. It wasn't meant to be a permanent ban, but the crew didn't understand that.

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How are urine and feces removed in a zero gravity toilet?

In the absence of gravity, space toilets use air flow to pull urine and feces away from the body and into the proper receptacles. A new feature of the UWMS is the automatic start of air flow when the toilet lid is lifted, which also helps with odor control.

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How do female astronauts pee in space?

Women do not sit down to pee in zero gravity,” Sullivan said, describing the setup she used in the 1980s. To compensate for the lack of gravity, space toilets use airflow to force urine and feces from the body and into the respective containers. The funnel and hose are used to urinate and the seat to defecate.

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How much do astronauts get paid?

Astronauts who work for civilian agencies like NASA earn a base salary of $104,898 per year. However, their salaries can increase to $161,141 per year. Furthermore, SpaceX founder Elon Musk said that he would be willing to pay his astronauts up to $500,000 for a trip to Mars.

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Do astronauts get stinky in space?

We can't smell space directly, because our noses don't work in a vacuum. But astronauts aboard the ISS have reported that they notice a metallic aroma – like the smell of welding fumes – on the surface of their spacesuits once the airlock has re-pressurised.

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Does pee freeze in space?

Many astronauts have remarked on the beauty of extraterrestrial urine dumps (including Bill Paxton's character Fred Haise in Apollo 13). Pee particles flash freeze when they meet the vacuum of space, their crystals spreading out like millions of tiny twinkling stars glinting in the sun.

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Why can't astronauts smell in space?

Since space is mostly a vacuum, a) there aren't many molecules to smell, and b) the various fluids in your body would quickly equilibrate with the environment.

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Who was the first person to fart on the moon?

American astronaut John Young, 87, died on Saturday, after a career of many firsts: first man to fly in space six times, pilot of the first Gemini mission, commander of the first shuttle flight, and humorously, becoming the first man to fart on the moon.

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What did Neil Armstrong leave on the moon for his daughter?

It's the emotional climax of the film: Neil Armstrong in his spacesuit standing on the lip of a crater on the moon, holding a bracelet spelling out the name of daughter Karen, who had died seven years earlier, before her third birthday.

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Is the flag still on moon?

Images taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) have shown that the American flags left on the Moon by Apollo astronauts are still standing– except for the Apollo 11 mission, which Buzz Aldrin reported as being knocked over by engine exhaust as Apollo 11 lifted off.

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Would a body decompose in space?

In space we can assume that there would be no external organisms such as insects and fungi to break down the body, but we still carry plenty of bacteria with us. Left unchecked, these would rapidly multiply and cause putrefaction of a corpse on board the shuttle or the ISS.

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What is the actual Colour of space?

It turns out that if the universe was infinitely large and infinitely old, then we would expect the night sky to be bright from the light of all those stars. Every direction you looked in space you would be looking at a star. Yet we know from experience that space is black!

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