How do Aries take breakups?

They treat breaking up like a sport, and they do not want to lose. Aries would rather dump than be dumped, and so if tension has been building, they're likely to be the ones to initiate the split. Since they want to move on faster than their exes, they're often the first to rebound, but they're rarely malicious.

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How do Aries deal with breakup?

Aries is a forgiving and careless sign who despises being by themselves. They'll probably go past their hurt feelings about the split soon, and then they'll regret keeping their distance from you. Overall, it becomes a lengthy procedure because their ex-partners must go on in their lives while they are separating.

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Do Aries get over breakups?

Aries gets over a breakup by moving on immediately. It takes a long time for Aries to finally call it quits but once they are emotionally not in it anymore, they will move on no questions asked.

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How do Aries get over someone?

Aries tend to get very angry at first. Their impulsive nature makes them say and do things that become a part of the entire breaking-up process. Venting out their anger and acting up helps them feel more light-hearted about the situation.

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Do Aries go back to their exes?

Unlike any other zodiac sign, Aries is more hung up on the memories they created with the ex-partners than their exes themselves. For them, it's not at all about getting back together, but it is all about the nostalgia that hits them hard.

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Top 5 Relationship PROBLEMS Faced By ARIES Zodiac Sign

41 related questions found

Who will Aries regret breaking up with?

Leo (July 23 — August 22)

Aries will always think of their fellow fire sign, Leo, as the ultimate one that got away.

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Do Aries let go easily?

Aries are very lovable and compassionate but respond differently when it comes to moving on. They tend to quickly get over their ex because they believe that their compassionate nature will surely find someone better for them.

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What breaks an Aries heart?

Aries come across as very independent people and they tend to lose interest in long-term commitments. They may be secretive with you and not share anything about their life which will make you push away from them.

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What makes an Aries lose feelings?


They won't hesitate to leave you if they get bored. And that's the very reason why Aries breaks the relationship. They can't stand to be with a person who is boring and has a very mundane perspective towards life and so, they lose interest in such people quite fast.

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How do Aries fall out of love?

Aries loves the chase. They rush into things super quickly and fall out of it as speedily too. They don't have the time to waste. Aries are very forgiving, but if you keep making your mistakes a habit, their heart will shatter.

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Do Aries stay mad for long?

It is normal for Aries to hold grudges against those who really upset them, but that too not for a very long time. However, they get angry easily and might hold on to a grudge against you for a few days.

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Do Aries give up on love?

When something matters to this fire sign, they will hold onto the end (and then keep holding). Loyal and tough, if they've found someone they love, they will do everything in their power to keep their relationship flourishing. Not one to give up on love, Aries will fight for their relationships until the end of time.

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Why does Aries push you away?

Aries can initiate a fight only to get things going if your relationship starts to become regular. They can even determine that the connection isn't worthwhile. This adventure soul gets bored too easily and tends to push their partner away when they see things become monotonous in their relationship.

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What happens when you ignore an Aries?

If you ignore an Aries man and he sees that you're happily going on with your life, spending time with friends, dating others, smiling, being witty, and having a good time, he's likely to miss you and wonder why he ever let you go.

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How fast do Aries fall out of love?

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

They have a tendency to rush into things super quickly like love. But just as quickly as they fall in, they're quick to fall out. "Aries doesn't have time to waste," astrologer Cindy Mckean, tells Bustle. "If you fail an Aries, they're forgiving.

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How do Aries act when they are hurt?

They are quick to retaliate when they are hurt and will usually react in anger. Even if they're sad, they act like they're angry. Impulsive, they will jump into a fight, attacking others and defending themselves.

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What is the saddest thing about Aries?

Loss of Momentum

Aries shine in the moment and suffer when others attempt to exert too much control over them. Aries can be driven mad when constantly taken out of the moment. Every time an air sign talks something to death, an Aries dies a little inside.

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What do Aries cry about?

Aries. Aries cry when someone leaves them or cheats them.

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How do you know if an Aries misses you?

If he's missed you, then he's going to want to show it. Gifts are the way he will do this. From flowers to chocolates, if he starts showing up to dates with treats, or even sending them to you when you're not together, it's a sure sign that he misses you. And wants you to know it.

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What stresses an Aries out?

Capable Aries lives for a challenge—in fact, this is a zodiac sign for whom the biggest obstacle is often not having one. If you can't take initiative or find a solution, it often results in a short temper and built-up tension.

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Is it hard for Aries to move on?

Aries are incredibly kind and caring, yet they have a different way of handling moving on after a breakup. They have a tendency to move on from their ex-partners fast because they think that due to their kindness, someone better will undoubtedly come along.

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Why are Aries hard to deal with?

Aries' personality flaw is one of their most prevalent issues. The restlessness of Aries will frequently get in the way of their own achievement. When it comes to relationships, their colossal ego demands to be nourished more frequently and a bit too much, which may irritate their companion.

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Do Aries have a hard time committing?

"Aries are known for their impulsiveness and may struggle with the responsibility and dedication that a committed relationship requires," says Agape. "The thought of committing to one person or career path may feel like a cage to these wandering souls."

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Can Aries cut you off?

If you hurt an Aries or someone they love, they WILL cut you off and they won't take long to do it. No matter what your reasons are if you made the choice to hurt an Aries directly or indirectly, they'll simply remove you from their lives and never give you a chance to make them feel betrayed again.

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Do Aries like to chase or be chased?

An Aries man is always intrigued by a challenge.

For men born under this zodiac sign, the chase is just as thrilling as the catch. If you're too forward or too available, you might lose his attention entirely. Act a little coy and make him work for your attention—he'll love it.

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