Gemini. A way for the Mercurial Gemini to release stress is to let all of their feelings out. This could mean journaling or speaking out their emotions.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
No one likes to be bored, but the monotony of being stuck in a daily routine can really stress out a Gemini. Geminis are curious. They can't wait to get their hands on new experiences and knowledge.
Geminis are social butterflies who like to keep busy, but it can drain their energy which leads to feelings of stress. It is best for Geminis to take a break from their social life when life gets too hectic so they don't overexert themselves.
When a Gemini gets angry, they soon become calm too. Gemini can deal with anger in a sarcastic way and get over it soon. They usually will forget that they were angry at you and let things go soon.
Gemini. We all know how creative and communicative Geminis are, which is why they hate being around boring and unimaginative folks! Ruled by the planet of Mercury, they are quite fanciful, witty and inconsistent at times. Thus, conversing with soulless people and those who are dry as dust is not their cup of tea.
Geminis find it very difficult to keep their emotions under control. If they get upset by something, everyone will quickly notice it. Even if they try really hard to hide their emotions, one can comprehend their worry and disappointment. Their emotional intelligence is visible in their linguistic and listening skills.
Gemini fears silence and stagnation. This is a sign that one likes to move forward, keep learning, and expand into new experiences in life, as proof that they are growing, developing, and gaining. mired in sadness, they are antsy and feel desperate, as if they are doing something wrong.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
The worst thing for a Gemini is to get stuck in a rut or a monotonous routine. If life slows down, they begin to feel trapped. “Gemini fears silence and stagnation,” explains Perrakis.
Avoid flirting with other people or ignoring him to get his attention. This might make a Gemini think you aren't interested, and he'll be turned off by any game-playing.
Geminis must desire most of the things in accordance with their own views and preferences, which is why they are portrayed as being very insistent and stubborn.
Gemini. When it comes to Gemini, the "only way they relax is by talking—either on Zoom or a phone call," says Miller. That's when they're happiest, since Gemini is a master orator, and perhaps the wittiest of the zodiac signs.
Gemini have a twin personality that makes them contradict their own thoughts and ideas. While they may be fun-loving people, much of their anxiety comes from their need to be relevant and fun all the time. They overburden themselves by trying to fulfil people's expectations of them.
This sun sign is also pro at calming down anxious people with its relaxed attitude.
A Gemini always wants to be surrounded by people. He or she can't stay alone. Loneliness makes them sad and depressed. And because they are fun-loving people, all they want in life is to stay surrounded by a bunch of happy people and kick out all the worries from life.
Curious Geminis can lash out if they're upset.
A lot is going on in that big brain of his, and with so many ideas coming and going, he can quickly lose his temper.
Aquarius and Gemini are air signs that are highly mentally aware and super cerebral. They are highly intelligent and can transcend by being in many places at one time. This is because they're naturally curious and observant, and therefore, very sensitive, only inwardly.
Gemini. Gemini represents the age group 14-21-year old. It is the time when adolescence meets adulthood.
Typically, Geminis are incompatible with earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, who uphold structure and tradition—a stark contrast to the fun-loving and lighthearted twin sign. In addition, Geminis might not make an ideal match for emotional and sensitive water signs.
Sadness/anger/rejection is tough for everyone, but Geminis just plain don't like to feel it. So it's often easier for Geminis to switch off to get away from emotional pain. If it's more minor, he might be able to bury it and pretend like nothing happened. You might not be able to tell that he's been upset at all.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
They love indulging in self-pity and will cry their hearts out. They do it mostly for attention and will quiet down and shut you out once they have all your attention.
They'll be happy to go along with any plan and will likely plan some fun adventures. Your craziest stories will involve your Gemini friends. They're also very flexible and able to change on a dime. Spoiled plans won't ruin their day; they'll just think of something better to do.
If he loves you, he will do what most of us women crave and long for and that is the time of the man we love. A Gemini man will want to spend time with you. He will actually make time for you no matter how busy his schedule is. He could also be spontaneous and probably take you out on a weekend getaway too.
Just like their dual personalities, Geminis are two-faced people who are flaky and extremely unreliable. You shouldn't get into a relationship with a Gemini because they are lone wolfs who love adventure and spontaneity, something that doesn't go well with relationships.