If your woman is taking a long time to respond to your texts or calls, then she is losing interest in you. It's a sign that she doesn't find you interesting anymore and that she no longer finds her time with you valuable.
In conclusion, there are various reasons why a woman may lose interest in a man. These can include a lack of emotional connection, communication breakdown, the man stopping efforts, societal pressures, life goals/values not aligning, and more.
Losing interest or pleasure in activities or people that once gave you enjoyment, may be due to overworking, relationship problems or being in a temporary rut. However, a loss of interest in many things or people, that is ongoing, can sometimes be a sign you have a mental health condition.
One of the most common reasons why people lose interest in a person they're dating is because that person lacks confidence. Sometimes, people lose interest in dating someone because the timing isn't right for them.
If you really think she might still like you and is genuinely sick or busy, then leave the planning of the next date up to her. If she never suggests another outing with you, that's a clear sign that she's not into you, and it's time to move on.
If they're trying to blow you off, they'll be vague about when you'll see them next. Go with your gut, and if all else fails, just ask whether they're feeling it. You're trying to plan a date, but your schedules just don't line up. When you do finally find a time that works, they have to cancel.
Is she not interested or is she playing hard to get?
If a girl is playing hard to get, she may turn you down, but she won't stop you from flirting with her. She may even flirt back just to blow hot and cold, and leave you guessing. But if she isn't interested in dating you, she'll give you a cold shoulder the very minute you try to flirt with her.
Make her smile by teasing playfully, making fun of yourself, guessing her answers, roleplaying, and sending cute/funny images. Make her feel good about texting you and it will lead her to text you more. Make her chase you by disqualifying yourself and NOT over-texting.
Sometimes it may be down to something you do, distancing yourself, or hurting the other person, which leads them to zone out of the relationship. But unless they give you a reason why, the important thing is to not be too rash if your partner looses interest.
It depends on their feelings, sincerity, and the type of relationship you have with them. If they are looking for a fling and not a serious relationship, they may lose interest in a few weeks or months when the excitement of a new relationship starts to fade. 3.
In short, It is possible for someone with lost feelings to come back after a breakup. However, how likely that is to happen is going to be wholly dependent on how you handle the breakup, how close you were in the relationship and the reasons behind the breakup.