Vinegar is a natural acid that can dissolve calcium deposits. You can pour vinegar into the toilet bowl and let it sit for a few hours before scrubbing with a toilet brush.
White crusty deposits that may accumulate around the toilet bowl, the end of a faucet or showerhead or appear as water spots come from water rich in the naturally-found calcium or magnesium minerals often referred to as water hardness. Water that is high in alkalinity or silica may also create this accumulation.
Citric acid
More importantly, it's probably even more effective than vinegar for getting rid of that brown stain in the toilet. Simply pour a kettle of almost boiling water into the bowl, follow up with 250ml of citric acid, and leave it for some hours – preferably overnight. The next day, scrub and flush.
Don't leave CLR for longer than two minutes.
For a more heavy-duty approach, you can pour an entire bottle of white vinegar over and around the bowl, remembering to cover all of it. Then, leave the vinegar to work for a few hours or overnight. Use your toilet brush to scrub any leftover limescale deposits away the next day.
While it can be put to a number of helpful uses around the home, WD 40 is particularly good at softening rust and limescale deposits in the toilet (and bathroom). All you have to do is spray it on the desired section of the toilet, wait a few minutes, then scrub it away with a toilet brush.
Coke - contains phosphoric acid which can not only remove rust, but also limescale.
That brown toilet-bowl stain isn't what you think it is
It's actually due to high concentrations of minerals in hard water, like calcium, iron, and manganese, that build up inside the toilet bowl over time, according to Hunker. In particular, iron oxide, or rust, is the main problem.
Cleaning with Acids or Vinegar
Vinegar or other acidic cleaners can be used to clean calcium buildup out of your toilet. The acid aids in breaking down the deposits so you can scrub them away. Of course when working with these types of cleaners its always best to take the necessary safety precautions.
How to prevent limescale build-up in your loo. To maintain your sparkling toilet, it is recommended that you regularly do a white vinegar wash – once a week should be enough. You can do this by adding 4 cups of white vinegar to the toilet bowl and then letting it sit overnight before flushing it in the morning.
Yes! Vinegar is the bomb for mineral deposits - effective, safe, and cheap. If there's a lot, you might want to wet a paper towel with vinegar and let it soak. If it's really bad, the vinegar will soften it and you can scrape it off instead of waiting for it to dissolve.
Next time you deep clean a bathroom, clean the toilet tank with vinegar – it's easier than you might expect. It's also an eco-friendly method that cuts the time you spend cleaning and doesn't involve buying any commercial cleaning products.
A frequent cause of smelly drains and dirty toilets are urine sediments. Urine scale occurs as urine particles build up on the porcelain. As hard water evaporates, it leaves behind calcium and magnesium deposits which combine to form limescale.
White vinegar is a natural solution that can be utilized to dissolve calcium buildup. Sitting overnight, you will be able to remove lime buildup from the drain while avoiding the harsh chemicals in traditional drain cleaners. Avoid putting any store-bought chemicals down the drain.
Sinks, Tubs, Porcelain Toilets, and Ceramic Tile
First, scrub as much scum off as possible and then wipe it dry with a towel. After this is done, combine two parts baking soda with one part vinegar to make a paste. Using this, rub it onto all of the surfaces affected by the calcium buildup.
To remove tough stains, add the baking soda and vinegar mix to your toilet and then allow the solution to sit in the bowl for up to 30 minutes. During that time, the chemical reaction between the sodium bicarbonate and vinegar will work to eat away at those stubborn hard water stains.
Most people don't know that WD-40 can solve many of their household cleaning needs quickly and easily. When cleaning a toilet bowl, WD-40 works by softening the rust and lime deposits, so they can be easily wiped away. You don't need to use much of it.
Pour a half cup of bicarbonate of soda into and around the bowl and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Then, apply white vinegar over the baking soda. This produces a fizzing reaction that activates the acid and can break down the most stubborn build-ups of limescale.
DO not use CLR on natural stone or marble, terrazzo, colored grout, painted or metallic glazed surfaces, plastic laminates, Formica, aluminum, steam irons, leaded crystal, refinished tubs or any damaged or cracked surface. CLR may etch older sinks, tubs and tiles. CLR is corrosive.
Safe for various applications and surfaces… (tubs, showerheads toilets, sinks, porcelain, glass, cement, stucco, brick, stainless steel, and much more)!