The first step to dividing fractions is to find the reciprocal (reverse the numerator and denominator) of the second fraction. Next, multiply the two numerators. Then, multiply the two denominators. Finally, simplify the fractions if needed.
What does division of fractions mean? The division of fractions means dividing a fraction into further equal parts. For example, If you have three-fourth of a pizza left and you divided each slice into 2 parts you would get a total of six slices but this would represent six-eighths of the total pizza.
A unit fraction is any fraction with 1 as its numerator (top number), and a whole number for the denominator (bottom number).
Dividing Mixed Numbers by Fractions
Multiply the first fraction with the reciprocal of the second. Finally, simplify the answer you get and convert it into a mixed number if required. For example, let's divide the mixed number 2 2/5 by the fraction 3/7. = 12 5 ÷ 3 7 (Convert the mixed number to improper fraction.)
To divide a proper fraction by a whole number when the numerator isn't divisible by the whole number, we need to use the inverse operation of multiplication. Simply multiply the denominator of the fraction by the whole number and the numerator of the fraction by one, simplifying the answer if needed.
Answer: 2/3 + 3/5 as a fraction is 19/15.
A fraction can be simplified if the top and bottom numbers can both be divided by the same number, without leaving a remainder. If the top number is larger than the bottom number, and neither number can be divided by the same number, divide the top number by the bottom number.
In Maths, there are three major types of fractions. They are proper fractions, improper fractions and mixed fractions.
A unit fraction is a fraction where the numerator (top number) is 1 and the denominator (bottom number) is a whole number. All these fractions are unit fractions: Children will first learn about unit fractions in Year 1, when they will be introduced to the concept of 'half' and 'quarter'.
A mixed fraction is a combination of a proper fraction and a whole number. Usually, it represents a number between any two. For instance, 1(1/3) is a mixed fraction, where 1 is a whole number and 1/3 is a fraction, and together they form this subtype of fractions.