Your mouth. A lady's mouth is often the very first part of a woman a guy will see. Not only are great lips and teeth sexy, but guys will look to your mouth for social cues, as it's the most expressive feature you possess.
Make sure to smile even when you're feeling down and laugh whenever you feel like it. Even if no one else is laughing. Try not to be negative or looking at the floor all day. Just remember to be yourself and be nice to everyone.
To secretly flirt with a guy, you can maintain eye contact, smile, nod when he speaks, and lightly touch his shoulder or knee. Leaning in when he speaks and using his name frequently also creates an emotional bond.
How can I attract my crush without talking to him?
Hold his gaze for 1-3 seconds, then glance away. This is a subtle way to flirt without speaking. Don't make eye contact for longer than 1-3 seconds because he might feel like you're staring. If making eye contact is hard for you, practice by staring at your own eyes in the mirror.
Some guys tend to have a nature that's naturally charming and always exhibit flirtatious behavior. Just because a guy likes to have a friendly conversation with you or throws a few flirty compliments your way, it doesn't mean he likes you intimately. Observe the little things that will give you a clue on how he feels.
Smile and make eye contact when you see the person you like.
This will show that you're confident and self-assured, and it will also show your crush that you noticed them. If you notice your crush is looking at you, make eye contact and hold their gaze for a few seconds, then smile and look away.
Cute girls are nice to everyone that they talk to and are able to make others feel comfortable when they're around. To do this, try to be friendly towards all of your classmates. Compliment someone on their shirt, say hello in the halls, or help out a classmate with their schoolwork.
Look for signs in his body language like eye contact and leaning in towards you while talking. He'll also initiate more physical touch between you. Study his behavior, including the time between text responses and how jealous he seems when other guys are mentioned.
If he seems quiet or awkward, he might be uncomfortable with the situation because he's not interested in you and doesn't feel comfortable with you hanging around his friends. Talk on the phone. Take note of how often and the reasons he calls or texts you when you aren't together.
How do you know if your boy crush doesn't like you?
Observe how they act around you: do they treat you like they treat everyone else? If they don't act like you're special, they're probably not interested. See if they remember details about you and seem to want to develop a close, personal relationship. If not, your crush might be one-sided.