Pineapple seeds can sometimes be purchased from Cletus during spring on the player's island after reaching level 37 Farming, selling one for 2,850 coins in place of radish seeds. Players can only purchase 6 seeds before Cletus has to restock.
Harvesting a pineapple plant yields 1 - 3 pineapples, 1 pineapple seed, and 6 Farming XP (24 XP with the 4x daily bonus). The chance of obtaining more than one pineapple per plant is increased by the player's Farming level and for owners of the VIP gamepass. Extra pineapple seeds cannot be yielded.
They can be purchased at the Island Trader for one Magma Cap each. They can also be obtained by using the Seed Maker, as well as having a chance of being dropped from Hot Heads and Tiger Slimes. They can also be obtained from Golden Coconuts. Pineapples may also grow from Mixed Seeds planted in Ginger Island.
With a little research, it turns out that according to this article at Purdue, pineapples can produce seeds. They are used in breeding of new varieties and generally result from hand pollination. The seeds are apparently hard to germinate, which is why the commercial plants are usually propagated vegetatively.
By placing any crop with certain exceptions in the Seed Maker, players will get one to three seeds from the original crop. There are multiple ways to obtain the Seed Maker in-game. The first way most players obtain one is by completing the Dye Bundle in the Bulletin Board section of the Community Center.
Pineapple seeds can now be purchased from Cletus during the spring instead of the summer. Introduced a bug that prevented players from purchasing pineapple seeds from Cletus. Fixed bug preventing players from purchasing pineapple seeds from Cletus. Level 37 Farming is now required to purchase pineapple seeds.
There were 3 types of flower seeds: Red, Yellow, and Blue. There was a 25% chance to get a flower seed when harvesting flowers. Yellow flowers were the most common type of flower, red was uncommon, and blue was considered the rarest of all.
Most of the pineapples are grown on Oahu. So, in spite of what USDA data imply, the pineapple remains one of the larger crops in Hawaii, even though it has receded from its heyday.
Harvesting. Unlike most seeds, these cannot be bought from Cletus and are instead only obtainable by harvesting a starfruit on Buffalkor Island or Wizard Island, the drop chance being 4% or 1/25.
Once opened, the serpent egg will scroll through the items like a roulette wheel and reward one item, similar to treasure chests. The listed reward chances are community made and may not be accurate. Note: Once opened, breaking a serpent egg will NOT be returned to the player's inventory.
Propellers can be obtained from fishing, with the rarity of "legendary".
Common varieties of seedless fruits include watermelons, tomatoes, and grapes (such as Termarina rossa). Additionally, there are numerous seedless citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons and limes. A recent development over the last twenty years has been that of seedless sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum).
So, do pineapples have seeds? You will very rarely find seeds in commercial pineapples. They typically don't have seeds as a result of genetic modifications and hybridization. Wild pineapples, on the other hand, do have seeds – around 50 small black or brown seeds scattered in the fruit.
Pineapples are called a syncarp, meaning that multiple flowers fuse into a single fruit. However, they are seedless because they are self-incompatible. This means that when a single pineapple variety is grown isolated from other varieties, and self-pollinates, fertilization does not occur.
Purchasing Rare Seeds from the Traveling Cart (between 600 and 1,000 gold) is the most profitable way to grow the Sweet Gem Berry, which has a base value of 3,000 gold. As an alternative, players can place Sweet Gem Berries into a Seed Maker to create more Rare Seeds, but the profit margin can dip dramatically.
Harvesting. Harvesting a red berry bush will give 1 - 2 red berries and a 1% chance of getting a red berry seed.
The spring, summer, fall, and winter seasons cycle every 24 hours, changing at 5 pm UTC (12 pm EST/9 am PST). During each season, grass and most trees change colors and certain villagers may visit the player's island to offer a limited amount of season-exclusive seeds.
Watermelon seeds can be obtained during summer if Cletus visits the player's island, whom has a 25% chance of visiting, selling one for 1,850 coins. Players can only purchase 3 seeds before Cletus has to restock.
Neither the number of seeds produced nor the likelihood of getting Mixed Seeds or Ancient Seeds are affected by luck. This determines the type and number of seeds produced. Daily luck and boosted luck have no effect on this outcome.
The Ancient Fruit is a fruit crop that grows from Ancient Seeds after 28 days. Thereafter, the mature plant yields another Ancient Fruit every 7 days. Seeds can be obtained from a variety of sources (see Ancient Seeds).
Once players have one, though, simply place an ancient fruit in it and the seed maker will produce one to three new seeds. There's a small chance it will create mixed seeds instead, but there's only a 1.99% chance of that happening.