If they only allow you to hang out when they are available or at places that are only convenient for them, those are red flags. Beware if they ignore you when you want to make plans or are constantly making excusing when you ask to spend time with them. Relationships need to remain focused on give and take.
What are examples of someone taking advantage of you?
Putting you down and using sarcasm and critical comments to make you feel so inadequate that you give in to them. Playing the Victim. Using exaggerated complaints about their hardships to make you feel sorry for them so they get what they want.
There are signs that your partner might not be emotionally invested in your relationship like he does not talk about or resolve issues, avoids physical contact, forgets important dates or promises, is not there for you when you need him, and is always busy even when you are next to him.
Knowing what you do and do not want to do is essential to developing confidence and assertiveness. Think about the things you do for others that make you feel used, and write them down. You may be taken advantage of more than you think. For example, if you always pick up the check, put it in the "to don't" list.
A guy who is a player is interested in physical contact with you right away. Since that's often his central goal, he sees no reason to take it slow. He is eager to cut to the chase and get what he's really after. He won't bother to develop emotional intimacy because all he wants is physical intimacy.
How do you know if a guy is pretending to love you?
A man who loves you will be open and honest about his feelings. If he is not forthcoming with his emotions or doesn't seem to be emotionally invested in the relationship, it could be a sign that he is pretending to love you.
Accepting, acknowledging, and appreciating your man for the person he is, helps build a strong bond of love, care, and respect. Working on improving your own skill set while giving them their own personal space, would keep them eager and confident to reach back to you.
Being taken for granted can also be part of their attitude towards you. They may rarely make the effort to be kind, affectionate or say something nice to you. It can also show up in how they spend their time - failing to make quality time for you and prioritising time with friends or work ahead of you.
Because they are not necessarily being nice: they are being unassertive and naive, and people think being nice is exactly that. If you want to be nice yet not being take advantage of, then you need to trust others less, and begin doubting and questioning them.
How do you tell if he's not interested in a relationship?
Look out for body language cues that signal that he is uncomfortable or disinterested in your interactions. He may try to move away from you, cross his arms in front of him, or turn away from you while you are talking. He may also try to avoid physical contact, like a hug or you touching his arm, he is not interested.