Work began at creation and is a part of the dominion mandate from God. It should not be considered something we do to live, rather, as something we live to do. In other words, the gift of work is an opportunity to fulfill passion and purpose.
Praying for a Suitable Job
“Dear Lord, this day I humbly ask You for a job suited to my needs. Lead me to work that's fulfilling and useful for others. Just like You are my rock, I ask that You provide me with a stable job. God, I ask You for a job where I can put my skills and talents to good use.
Even though Job drew hasty and wrong conclusions, God still approves of Job's wrestling. God approves of how Job approached him honestly with all his emotion, only wanting to talk to God himself. God says that the right way to process through these issues is through the struggle of prayer.
His repentance is for the assumption that he had fully understood how God must act and respond in the case of his suffering. The great irony of Job is that he never hears an answer to the question that prompted him to seek God—some word of vindication of his righteousness in his circumstance.
Job complains that God has no good reason for permitting the evil that befalls him. He believes that God doesn't have a good reason because he, Job, can't imagine what that reason might be.
Obedience seems to always be a key part of God's testing. He gives us things to do which make no sense to us and are not particularly appealing, although they are good for us. Then he watches our response to learn exactly how we feel about our relationship with him. If we trust him, we typically obey.
What happens when you allow God to lead your life? Your life will never look the same again. It is the most freedom you will ever experience because you realize it is no longer about you it is about God, others and your love for all that God has created. It is a selfless life of love and goodness.
Discerning God's will involves sifting through your desires and using the data and information you've gathered on each choice before making your decision. When you see the option that brings an increase of faith hope and love to your life, you can have faith and trust in your decision, knowing it's from God.
Reflecting Our God in Our Work
He does care about your job because he cares about you, and he has given you a calling of extending his kingdom, his name, and his glory into the place that you work. How do I know that? Because you and I are made in the image of God.
If God has called you to leave your job and you are unsure where the money will come from once you resign, simply ask and keep on asking God to provide new financial opportunities. He keeps His promises, and He will answer your prayers in His perfect timeframe.
The most obvious answer to the question, “How can I know God's will for my life?” is to ask Him. Turn to God in prayer and ask Him what He wants you to do. God wants you to go through the process of seeking His will without believing the lie that He is trying to hide it from you.
In the end, God restored all that Job had lost, and gave Job twice as much as he had before. The Lord blessed him with a long life, and with seven more sons, and three more daughters who were the most beautiful women in all the land!
We don't often see it, but God does indeed work in our lives through trouble and hardship. Sometimes He uses these times to help us grow or to benefit those around us. He might use challenges to stop us from doing something harmful or to motivate us to do what is right.
Can God Reveal Your Spouse To You? The idea that God can reveal your spouse to you is an intriguing one. After all, if He knows the plans He has for us (Jeremiah 29:11), then it stands to reason that He would be able to show us the right person who we are supposed to marry.
Some people may see visions or hear God's voice. Others may not see or hear anything — but experience feelings of peace and joy that are beyond words. You may experience the presence of God through a song or Scripture the Spirit brings to mind. It may be through a providential encounter with a friend or stranger.
He also speaks to us through the glory of His creation. Additionally, He speaks to us through His Holy Spirit and through dreams, visions and our thoughts. Further, God will use events and circumstances to speak with us. More often than not, God uses the people He has placed in our lives to speak to us.
Being tested is a natural part of being human. So it is no surprise that being tested is also a biblical design pattern. Characters in the Bible experience tests throughout the entire story to see if they can live up to God's intended purpose for humanity.
be tested, the pressure in your life right now has a. purpose, it's not crushing you, it's pushing what's inside. of you.”
In all of this, the Bible says, Job did not sin with his lips. Job was reduced to sitting amidst the rubble of his once-prosperous life. After the loss of everything he held worthwhile, he still proclaimed: “Though He [God] slay me, yet will I trust Him” (Job 13:15). He was declaring his complete trust in his God.
God is not treating him as his enemy but as his child and friend. God originally allowed Job's sufferings to commence in order to show Satan and the armies of heaven that Job cherished the worth of God more than his possessions and his family and his health.
The book's theme is the eternal problem of unmerited suffering, and it is named after its central character, Job, who attempts to understand the sufferings that engulf him.