Common signs of an internal or uterus infection after a C-section include: A fever over 100.4ºF degrees. Increasing abdominal pain. Chills, fatigue, body aches, or flu-like symptoms.
After a C-section, there might be a risk of developing an infection of the lining of the uterus (endometritis), in the urinary tract or at the site of the incision. Blood loss. A C-section might cause heavy bleeding during and after delivery. Reactions to anesthesia.
At four weeks your abdomen should be healed and your bleeding will taper off. At six to eight weeks, you can probably resume most of your regular activities (including sex and exercise) with your caregiver's okay.
It usually takes about 6 weeks to recover from your c-section but this will depend on your individual situation. If you had any problems during or after your c-section, or if you're looking after other children at home, you may feel you need more time to recover.
Internal Pain After C-Section
Typically speaking, you will spend around three days in the hospital following a cesarean, during which time there may be some pain at the wound site and buildup of gas in the abdomen. These are normal.
Overgrown scar tissue from a c-section can cause numbness, pain, and tightness in the lower abdomen. It can also be difficult to activate your abdominal muscles, leading to subsequent feelings of weakness or back pain.
C-Section Recovery Red Flags
Persistent fever above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Severe abdominal pain. Heavy vaginal bleeding. Swollen legs, face or hands.
Injury during a caesarean section
The bladder is especially vulnerable because it lies in front of the uterus and must be clamped downwards for the duration of the procedure. Even if all the necessary precautions are taken, it is possible that an internal organ such as the bladder or bowel suffers harm.
An isthmocele (cesarean scar defect) is a pouch, or niche, that forms on the wall of your uterus. It develops if the incision from a past c-section doesn't heal completely. Isthmocele can cause infertility or problems with future pregnancies. Laparoscopic surgery is the most common treatment for isthmocele.
Caesarean section is a relatively safe operation; however, possible complications include infection, damage to your internal organs, an increased risk of respiratory distress for your baby and complications with future pregnancies.
Cramping as your uterus shrinks is a common symptom during the postpartum period. But if you experience intense abdominal pain, or notice signs of infection like redness, swelling, or pus around the incision, visit the doctor immediately.
Severe pain in your belly. Bright red vaginal bleeding that soaks through more than one pad every 2 hours (or less). Vaginal bleeding that gets worse or is still bright red more than 4 days after you've had your baby. Signs of a blood clot, including pain in your thigh, groin, back of knee, or calf.
As your body heals and the pain decreases when you move around, you can slowly try bending (between weeks 4 and 6). First, bend slowly up to a few inches and stand back up.
Side sleeping is a great choice when you're recovering from a C-section. Research shows that sleeping on your left side can help increase blood flow to vital organs, aiding healing. It's also the most common sleeping position – you're bound to find this one relaxing.
Sleeping positions to avoid after c-section? Avoid sleeping on your front after a c-section. This can put pressure on your c-section wound and the pain can keep you up or wake you up. Try sleeping on your side, back, on your back with your head elevated, or sat fully up, if no other position is comfortable.
You'll definitely need some help with any jobs that involve stretching upwards, lifting or bending, because of the strain these activities put on your caesarean wound. This means you'll need someone to hang washing on the line, do the vacuuming and help with any other strenuous household jobs.
Since a C-section is a surgical procedure, there is some risk of getting an infection. Infections mainly result from inadequate wound care and poor hygiene. Common signs of a post-cesarean infection include redness and swelling, lower abdominal pain, and a fever.
With a cesarean birth, lifting too heavy too soon can cause your incision (either external or internal) to open, rupture, or cause other serious medical issues.
One of the changes that may come with childbirth is pelvic organ prolapse (organ movement). This is a “common” condition for women who have given birth or have had gynecologic surgery.