Determining if you have a good voice is subjective, but here are some signs: - Singing in tune and hitting the right notes. - Having a pleasant tone and avoiding strain or tension. - Demonstrating control and a comfortable vocal range.
Well, by starting from the basic principles: good breathing, good support, a feeling of forward clarity and lightness in the voice, a loose throat, a healthy tone onset and understanding and having an imaginative picture of the vocal space, and … many years of structured vocal training.
Rather than making a vague comment, mention specific qualities about their voice, like “You have such a soothing tone,” “You've got perfect pitch,” or “I can really hear the passion in your voice.” For even more encouraging compliments, keep reading to find the best things you can say to describe their voice.
Genetics undeniably play a role in singing. Your physiology affects the timbre of your voice and some singers are born with vocal apparatus that naturally makes their voice sound good. But there are many factors aside from genetics that create a good singer.
It may not surprise you that genetic factors influence vocal quality. After all, voice qualities are largely determined by the size and shape of your larynx, neck, throat and facial structures all determined by genetics. But the influence of environment is too strong to be ignored.
As with most things in music, it's a bit of nature and a bit of nurture, and a whole lot of practice. Many people will naturally have a better singing voice to begin with, but everyone is capable of developing a beautiful singing voice.
As a result, women find men with lower-pitched voices more attractive. It's the opposite for men, who are more attracted to women with higher-pitched voices, which is perceived as a marker for femininity. Attractiveness in the voice is important for the impressions we give our potential partners.
euphonious Add to list Share. Other forms: euphoniously. Something euphonious sounds beautiful and pleasant. "You have a euphonious voice!" is a great compliment for a singer. This word sounds pretty when you say it, so it makes sense that it describes something pleasing to the ear.
Research confirms that deep voices give men an aura of power and sexual allure. Men with low, resonant voices are more likely to be perceived as attractive, masculine, respectable, and dominant.
A good vocal tone is not established by singing loudly, it's established at medium volume. Good tone happens when vocal muscles are strong enough in their coordination to have a good closure but not touch. Releasing too much air creates a “breathy” tone and releasing too little air creates a “nasal” tone.
As a result, women find men with lower-pitched voices more attractive. It's the opposite for men, who are more attracted to women with higher-pitched voices, which is perceived as a marker for femininity. Attractiveness in the voice is important for the impressions we give our potential partners.
Study says men find women with a lower voice more attractive.
There is also abundant evidence that women prefer men with a deep voice, while men prefer women with a high voice. Attractive male voices are around 96 Hz and the most attractive women voices are up to 280 Hz.
A mezzo-soprano has a darker sound with a robust middle voice. This type is the most common for women, spanning notes between the high soprano and lower contralto. The range for a mezzo-soprano typically spans the G below middle C to the C over two octaves higher.
First, one study has found no correlation between fo and attractiveness. Second, a study on speed dating revealed that males found female voices more attractive when their speaking pitch was reduced by about 1.5 semitones (ST), that is, when fo was reduced by about 15.8 Hz.
How rare is perfect pitch? Out of every 10,000 people, only between 1 to 5 of them will have perfect pitch. Out of every 10,000 musicians, however, between 100 and 1100 (that's 1-11%) may have the gift.
Singing falls into the same category. Some people are born with a natural ability due to genetics and seem to find a perfect pitch easily. But broadly speaking, singing is more of a learned skill than a natural one. Most people who can sing well learn how to do so at some point in their lives.
This might lead you to think you should be the next Barry White, but a recent study found that the most attractive male voices were the ones around 96Hz (that's deeper than average, but not incredibly so.) Once this average pitch fell into the 80s, women preferred a higher voice. 2.
'During menopause, the amount of oestrogen diminishes and affects the vocal cords, sometimes leading to a decrease in the pitch of the voice. That's why you'll often hear women in their 50s and 60s whose voices sound lower than they used to in their 20s and 30s.