Although accurate temperament testing is not possible at a very young age, you can get a general assessment of your pup's personality. Does he seem interested in play? Does he sniff or nudge your hand when you hold it out and welcome your touch? Is he comfortable around people or does he cower when you approach?
Selecting (or having the breeder select) the puppy who is neither first or last when called, is neither shy nor a bully with littermates, and is neither outstanding or underwhelming in the litter will often be the best match for a happy family: easy to train, travel with, manage, and adapt to your daily life.
And like people, a puppy can have a wonderful mix of various personality traits. Most puppies have one trait that's more noticeable than the rest. All puppies start to have a noticeable personality when they reach 7 to 8 weeks of age.
Watch individual pups in the litter.
Focus on finding a pup that isn't too energetic but isn't too shy. While you may have a certain personality type in mind, most families do best with a pup who is neither too bossy or too submissive. Look for a good-natured, middle of the road pup who doesn't growl or bite.
Runt Puppy Personality
Runt of the litter personalities are usually very positive. Runt puppies often get handled more and loved on more, so they are usually well socialized and happy. They still need to learn boundaries, however, so don't spoil them. Let their dam handle interactions if she is a good mother.
Furthermore, the temperament was affected by litter size and season of birth. One possible interpretation of this would be that it could be possible to affect adult behaviour of dogs by adjusting litter sizes and birth times, but the present data do not allow this conclusion.
The most challenging time of raising a puppy is the adolescent period. Dogs become “teenagers” and seem to forget everything they have ever been taught. This period is individual to each dog, but it may begin when he's about eight months old and continue until he's two years old.
Around the 4-5 month age pups get quite naughty (cheeky), they have worked you out by now and know how to get around you and they begin to ignore your instructions. At first it can seem funny but it soon wears thin.
The easiest way to spot a dominant pet is through body language: a pup that holds their head high with a rigid tail and alert ears likely has a dominant personality. Other signs of dominant dog behavior include: Resistance to voice commands. Aggressive response to eye contact or verbal correction.
Be aware, however, that the decision you make will impact your life in many different ways so take your time. Pups that are shy might continue to exhibit shyness as they grow and this could develop into fear behavior as an adult that is hard to manage.
Alphas typically display confidence and assertiveness, and may be quick to start play or initiate interactions with other dogs. They may also be less likely to back down from a challenge and more likely to be the leader of a pack.
In conclusion, having the last pick in the litter is not necessarily a bad thing. We as breeders can name several “last picks” that have been the total delight of their families and grown up to be absolutely wonderful canine companions.
Is he comfortable around people or does he cower when you approach? See if the puppy will roll over on his back for a belly rub. Pups that will remain in that position are typically easygoing, while pups that resist being rolled onto their back often have a more independent nature.
A puppy that quickly runs to you and mouths at your feet or hands, makes eye contact and follows you eagerly will likely be very trainable, but may be “a lot of dog.” He/she will likely be outgoing, energetic and have a “life of the party” type personality.
Labrador Retriever takes the crown
The Labrador Retriever earned the crown as the “naughtiest” breed. Traditionally, people know this popular dog for its friendly and outgoing nature. Yet, it seems that the breed's strength and energetic spirit could sometimes steer them into less desirable behaviors.
The Brat Stage starts at about 4 months and runs until about 6 months, and it's during this time your puppy will demonstrate even more independence and willfulness. You may see a decline in his urge to please you – expect to see more “testing the limits” type of behaviors.
Typically puppies tend to bond quicker as they have fewer attachments and history with other owners than adult dogs. On average, if you've got a puppy from a breeder, it could take 3 weeks- 3 months to bond with your dog.
Most dog's truly settle down at around a year of age. While they still have quite a bit of energy and exuberance, an 11-12 month old pup typically also has quite a bit more focus and restraint when it comes to abiding by the rules!
Most puppies start to calm down as they approach their maturity age, which is usually around 12 months, but for larger breeds it can be more likely to occur between 18 months and 2 years.
The one thing to keep in mind is that in most cases puppy blues is only temporary. It probably doesn't feel like it, but puppy blues tend to fade away somewhere between a few weeks and a few months until you can barely even remember having felt overwhelmed. Give it time.
A runt is specifically an animal that suffered in utero from deprivation of nutrients by comparison to its siblings, or from a genetic defect, and thus is born underdeveloped or less fit than expected.
Generally speaking, puppies inherit their size from their parents. If you know how big mom and dad are, you'll have a good idea of how big your puppy will be. This is a good place to start if you're trying to estimate your puppy's future size.
A submissive dog will hold his head low, ears back, and slink himself down, trying to look smaller. Submissive dogs are easier to deal with than dominant dogs. If you do not feel you have a complete understanding of canines and what it takes to be a true pack leader to your dog, you should pick a submissive puppy.