So how do you avoid this Spock look from Botox and Dysport? Your doctor should also inject these red zones with a small amount of Botox or Dysport so this area of the forehead muscle stops moving enough to provide a more natural looking, softly arched eyebrow.
The key is to balance the forces between the forehead elevators and depressors. Typically, a “Spock Brow” is due to overtreating depressors and/or undertreating elevators in the outer half of the forehead. It can be corrected by placing a small amount of Botox into the elevators in the outer forehead.
Spock brows happen when Botox is injected only at the central part of the upper forehead, leaving the sides untouched. When the central forehead is weakened and the outer sides remain active, it causes the central brow to drop and the outer brow to appear like it's lifted too high. The result: Spock brows.
To make sure my patients get the look that they were hoping for, I ask my patients to return for a follow-up visit about 2 to 3 weeks after receiving Botox. This is when Botox has its greatest strength and your brows will remain in that position for the next 3-4 months.
The Frontalis is the muscle in your forehead which controls the raising of your eyebrows. After 2 weeks, if you still feel heaviness, try gentle eyebrow raising exercises and blinking your eyelids rapidly for 30 seconds. Do this 4 times daily for 2-4 days as it may help resolve the heaviness.
The evil, peaked appearance of your brow following Botox is due to your unique distribution and weave. After allowing the full onset of Botox, at 10-14 days, return to your injector for a easy “tweak” of Botox into the frontalis muscle just over the peak and the arch will gently round-out.
Lid and Brow Ptosis Treatment
Lid and brow ptosis from Botox usually appears a few days to a week after being injected. Usually, it gets better after three to four weeks.
According to Dr Gavin Chan, one of the most important things practitioners can do is to, “inject the lateral tail of the corrugator which is the muscle which causes the bunching (6.35) of the frown. Superficially injecting the lateral tail of the frown (corrugator) muscle can help avoid ptosis”.
Technically no, there is no reversal for Botox. Once it kicks in you have to wait for it to wear off or augment the results in some way (when possible). The good news is that it's not permanent and results gradually wear off over 3-4 months.
The Spock eyebrow is an overly arched eyebrow that shows its peak out to the side of the forehead. The reason this occurs is because your doctor injected the central part of the mid to upper forehead – without injecting any Botox and Dysport along the sides of the forehead.
Drooping eyelids
One reason people choose Botox may be to reduce the appearance of forehead or vertical frown lines. On occasion, some of the Botox may seep into the upper eyelid and paralyze the muscle that holds the upper eyelid up. This can result in a drooping eyelid.
Specifically, injections on the forehead or between the eyes may spread into the eyebrows and cause the brow to lower, causing a droopy eyelid. In most cases, droopy eyelid occurs between one and three weeks after treatment, and patients typically experience this adverse effect for just a few weeks.
Most issues of upper eyelid heaviness after Botox injections in the forehead area are due to over paralysis of the forehead muscle, causing drooping of the eyebrow. This, in turn, pushes the upper eyelid down.
The most common negative reaction to injections to your face is a droopy eyelid, also called ptosis or blepharoptosis. Most people don't have this problem. Around 5% of people who get Botox will have problems with eyelid droop. This number falls to less than 1% if a skilled doctor does the injection.
The second stage was the creation of Spock's characteristic Vulcan eyebrows. This required Phillips to shave the outside halves of Nimoy's actual eyebrows during each makeup session. Phillips filled in the shape of the new eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil, then painted over those lines with spirit gum.
Where to inject Botox for brow lift. Eyebrow lift Botox injection sites are located between the eyebrows in the procerus and at the ends of the eyebrows in the orbicularis oculi. The reason that these are the Botox sites for eyebrow lifts is because they are the muscles that pull the eyebrows down.
Mephisto brows, or Spock brows is the term given to eyebrows which upturn sharply and unnaturally. This is an effect which can be an unwanted consequence of BOTOX treatment. While BOTOX brow lifts can be effective at rejuvenation, exaggerated eyebrows are not a good look.
Consider Low-Intensity Workouts
High intensity workouts are designed to boost your metabolism in order to burn calories and build muscle more quickly. By raising your metabolic rate, you may be causing your body to metabolize the Botox more quickly so it breaks down sooner than expected.
Zinc is known as a “Botox booster” based on a few studies. Zinc has been found to be effective in extending the effects of botulinum toxin injections up to 30 percent.
Get More Botox Injections
Another option if you are unhappy with the results of your Botox injection includes having more Botox injections in the same area in order to achieve a more desired look.
When Botox is applied to problem areas around the eyebrows, the muscles relax and the skin on top of them becomes smoother. The muscles around the eyebrows are pulled upwards, elevating the eyebrows and making a patient's eyes appear more open.
Botox is typically administered in a person's facial area. Immediately after the procedure, it is recommended that you move your face around, such as repeatedly smiling, frowning or eyebrow lifting. Doing this allows the treatment to reach all of the necessary cells within the area.
Can I sleep on my side after having Botox®? Yes, provided you wait at least four hours before lying down. Botox® takes a few hours to settle into place, so lying down straightaway could cause it to migrate to other muscles in your face and increase the risk of complications.