In order to negate the curse, you'll need to find the Jotun Blights in Svartalfheim and destroy their red skulls. They'll leave behind a Motsognir's Clarity rune, which will remove the curse on the armor.
How to break the curse on Hreidmar's armour. To break the curse, you'll need to find a Motsognir's Clarity rune and equip it in an empty socket. This will turn the item into a piece of the Hreidmar's Blessing Set, which comes with its own unique perks if you have all five armour pieces equipped.
The Cursed Armor is located in the House Wellows Manor.
Fortunately, you won't have to travel far to get to the Cursed Armor. Go down the stairway in front of you and make your way to the right side of the bottom floor. In the rightmost room, you'll see a red chest. Open it up and you'll find the Cursed Armor inside.
Destroying 10 of the Curse Symbols unlocks the Dreamcatcher trophy or achievement. They are also needed for 100% completion in all regions.
To find Hreidmar's Armour in Assassin's Creed Valhalla Dawn of Ragnarok, you will need to find the Hodda Shelter west of Eitri. To locate the armour, head to the first passageway to the left of the exit of the shelter, once through there turning left will reveal the area where the Hreidmar's Armour is kept.
For gamers to claim the Cleanrot armor set, they first need to travel to Caelid. While there are a few areas where they can encounter Cleanrot Knights, they have the best chance of doing so in the Swamp of Aeonia. Cleanrot Knights in this location have a chance to drop the armor.
If the object is a cursed magic item, its curse remains, but the spell breaks its owner's attunement to the object so it can be removed or discarded.
Curse of Vanishing cannot be removed by a grindstone or a crafting table. However, if the cursed item is a pumpkin or mob head, placing and breaking the head removes the curse. If an item dropped by a mob (such as a zombie or skeleton wearing armor) has Curse of Vanishing, the enchantment's effect works as normal.
The weapon's curse mechanic remains active even if it is merely held in the backpack (and therefore technically not "equipped" in the usual sense). The curse effect can only be escaped by dropping the weapon entirely.
To unlock the Legendary Curse, you must reach Allegiance Level 105 with The Guardians of Fortune Faction. Once you have reached level 105, you can purchase it from Legendary Luke in the Athena's Fortune Hideout. The Legendary Curse costs 500,000 gold.
This armor set can be found on the body of the Glinstone Master Azur, who is located along a ridge in Mt. Gelmir, which requires you to take a long path through the Seethewater Terminus, south past Fort Laiedd and through the Hermit Village past the Demi-Human Queen.
Jotun Blights are cursed areas of Svartalfheim that you purify by finding and chasing after red skulls. Once you've eliminated them, you'll find a Rune that will reverse the curse on a piece of Hreidmars Armor.
Where to find Malenia's Armor in Elden Ring. Purchased from Enia for 12,000 runes after defeating Malenia Blade of Miquella.
If a player is wearing a piece of armor with Curse of Binding, another player would be the only way to remove it without the cursed player dying. The player doing the removing has to crouch and click the use button with an empty hand aiming at the piece of armor.
To remove any Dragon Priest Armory curse, you must drop the item you want to uncurse, and use an Abjuration spell directed at the cursed item.
You can not dispel a magic item or curse and then destroy it or be un-cursed. The spell states after the 1d4 rounds it recovers. In the case of a ring it would reappear on your finger as soon as the dispel time ran out.
Purified Pokemon will have better Appraisal and receive 2 points towards all their IVs. This can potentially bring a 2-star Shadow Pokemon to a 3-star if it's purified. Purified Pokemon will receive a significant boost in Combat Power (CP).
Most cursed items, like the Armor of Vulnerability, require to you attune to them in order to become cursed.
This talkative, energetic character wears simple clothes to contrast the ornate mask in an ensemble that every Faith player surely covets. Thankfully, players don't have to kill Goldmask to get his set, unlike most NPCs in Elden Ring.
As the name suggests, equipping the Immunizing Horn Charm increases your immunity to various poisons and rots. You will still lose HP without curing the rot, but the damaging effect will take long before fully draining your health bar. You can find the Immunizing Horn Charm near the lake of rot.
Cleanrot set
The armor worn by Malenia's Cleanrot Knights. This set boasts one of the highest immunity stats in the game, so is perfect when facing off against poison or scarlet rot.