Be it a Gemini man or a Gemini woman, they both love companionship and crave stimulation from their partners. They dislike monotony and routine, so it is important to keep things fresh and interesting between you both. Try new activities together, go on dates often, and always keep communication open.
He makes you a priority in his life
When a Gemini loves you, being there for you and spending time with you are at the top of his list. No matter how occupied he is, he'll take the time to see you. He will make sure you know how he feels and how important you are to him every step of the way.
If he loves you, he will do what most of us women crave and long for and that is the time of the man we love. A Gemini man will want to spend time with you. He will actually make time for you no matter how busy his schedule is. He could also be spontaneous and probably take you out on a weekend getaway too.
Geminis are responsible and very affectionate when it comes to Love and Marriage. Simply said, Geminis want a companion who can maintain with them. Certain air signs like Aquarius and Libra are particularly mentally compatible with Geminis.
When it comes to knowing if a Gemini likes you, he will always show you. With serious determination they aren't shy to show you off and continually impress you. What is this? He'll be super flirty, and it'll be extremely obvious if he's into you.
They love texting and tweeting almost as much as they love talking IRL. In fact, the act of expression is often even more important to loquacious Gemini than what is actually being said — and they must remember to be thoughtful with their words.
If there's one thing Geminis (May 21-June 20) love - besides social gatherings, of course - it's to have long, deep conversations, so it's only natural that Gemini's love language is words of affirmation. That's because they're ruled by the super-chatty planet, Mercury.
If you're planning to make them like you right off the bat, be sure to always say something sensible, something that they can learn from you, something that's going to spark their curiosities. Geminis love to have intellectual and interesting conversations. The secret to a Gemini's heart is through his or her mind.
In general, Gemini seems to be most compatible with air signs, such as Aquarius and Libra, perhaps for their more relaxed nature and general openness. Airy Gemini is also compatible with fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, as a result of their opposing but complementary astrological elements.
Some Geminis love to be the center of attention; others love to gossip. They're typically passionate yet easy-going beings who are always down for an adventure or intellectual conversation. If you hang out with a Gemini, only one thing's certain: you'll never be bored.
Communication is the key to Gemini's heart (or at least to their bedroom)—you literally cannot talk too much to a Gemini—and a punchy dose of bold, ballsy flirting is just the sort of thing to lubricate the mood.
Being genuinely interested and interesting will get you far with them. Have your own passions, topics, expertise that you're excited to talk about – especially things they don't know. Impress them with your genius. Your brilliance attracts the Geminis in your life, and keeps them coming back for more.
Gemini zodiac sign's biggest emotional trigger is a monotonous lifestyle. They are tremendously creative and cannot live in the same repetitive routine.
Because of this, Geminis don't fall in love quickly. "A mature Gemini knows they're in love when they realize after months of dating that they still aren't bored," astrologer Brad Williams tells Bustle. "This might be an over-simplification, but it gets to the core of trust in the Gemini's heart and mind.
Geminis are very sensual and affectionate beings. They enjoy quality time with their significant other, and friendship and familial ties are very important to them.
Geminis are social butterflies and quick to make friends, but they will refrain from telling you the words until they are absolutely sure.
A Gemini can't take decisions easily
This nervousness makes them difficult to date. A Gemini man's weakness in love could be termed commitment phobia. Even though they are madly in love with a person, but when it comes to committing, they keep stepping back because they are never sure.
The worst match for Gemini is fierce Scorpio. Scorpio's ambitious nature can see them be jealous and hold grudges - which just doesn't vibe with floaty, chatty Gemini.
What are Gemini's favorite things? Since Gemini is an air sign, they often are unpredictable and lively. Many favorite activities tend to be more daring, high energy, and involve lots of people. You can find a gemini between happy hours, dance floors, or juggling a variety of creative and sporty passions.
However, because they prefer to analyse their problems and talk it all out, they may come across as a little emotionally detached. It's not that a Gemini doesn't care though, they're just in their own heads a lot of the time, and they process their feelings by thinking things over.
Tell him you like him.
Gemini is an air sign, and air signs are all about talking. That's why you'll make the biggest impact if you tell him you're into him, rather than just trying to show him through wordless flirting. Try saying something like, "You're funny, I like you. We should hang out some time."