We can write numbers in words with the help of English Alphabets. Therefore, you can read 3 as “Three” in English.
Writing Small and Large Numbers
A simple rule for using numbers in writing is that small numbers ranging from one to ten (or one to nine, depending on the style guide) should generally be spelled out. Larger numbers (i.e., above ten) are written as numerals.
Spell out numbers zero through one hundred.
Use numeral figures to represent numbers above one hundred, but spell out whole numbers like three hundred or one thousand. Use numerals to represent non-whole numbers, such as 1,239 or 603.
Fractions as Words
For instance, we would write “2/3” as “two thirds”: He ate two thirds of the pizza by himself! This applies for most fractions.
Use the spelled-out word for single digit numbers. Numbers with more digits should be written with the digits unless it's the first word in the sentence; then write it out. In technical writing (lots of math and other sciency stuff) you generally see every number written with digits.
According to APA Style, you should normally use numerals for the numbers 10 and above. You should use words to express numbers below 10 (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine). Note, however, that APA lists a wide variety of exceptions.
Most numbers use the suffix –th, except for 1 (first), 2 (second), and 3 (third). Numbers over 20 use the suffix of the last number, for example, the ordinal for 53 is fifty–third.
A Number '3' on a number plate is basically the reverse of the letter 'E'. You will see many number plates using a '3' so try replacing this with an 'E' and see if you can figure out what it is trying to read. The number '4' is a favourite number for those who want an 'A' look alike on their number plates.
The two are unrelated. The letter З developed from the Greek letter zeta (Ζ), through an intermediate form with a tail (Ꙁ). This shape got simplified in handwriting until it became the modern form. The number 3 developed from a Brahmi glyph with three lines, similar to Chinese 三.
Why is Z written like 3? Older Russian typewriters, often to save space, sometimes used З (Ze) to write the numeral form of 3.
In both the system of numerals, 123 is written as “One hundred twenty-three”.
In the bottom section, the students record three things they learned for the day. In the middle section, the students record two questions they have. In the top section, the students describe how the information learned is applicable to their everyday lives.