Labor contractions are the periodic tightening and relaxing of the uterine muscle, the largest muscle in a woman's body. Something triggers the pituitary gland to release a hormone called oxytocin that stimulates the uterine tightening. It is difficult to predict when true labor contractions will begin.
Sometimes it will feel like a tight band around the top of your womb, which can be felt externally by placing a hand on your bump. Some women feel contractions most strongly in the back which is usually caused by their baby is facing a certain way (back to back).
A contraction is when the muscles of your uterus tighten up like a fist and then relax. Contractions help push your baby out. When you're in true labor, your contractions last about 30 to 70 seconds and come about 5 to 10 minutes apart. They're so strong that you can't walk or talk during them.
Dilation and other cervical changes
As you get closer to labor, your cervix can start to soften and efface (get thinner). These changes allow your cervix to then dilate (open and grow wider), which will be necessary to deliver your baby.
"Lying on your side, standing, sitting, walking, rocking—anything that keeps you active can help decrease pain and speed up labor," says Dawley. Other benefits of upright labor positions include: Reduced need for medication. Help in dilating your cervix and widening your pelvic opening.
Contractions move in a wave-like motion from the top of the uterus to the bottom. Some women describe contractions as strong menstrual cramps. Unlike false labor contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions, true labor contractions don't stop when you change your position or relax.
If you're in early labor, your contractions aren't back-to-back or extremely painful and you feel the urge to poop, chances are, you really do have to go. Poop happens in labor in tandem with all those contractions as a natural way to clean house in preparation for baby.
So many of my clients go into labor, or begin having contractions in the middle of the night. If this is your first baby, you are probably feeling very excited that the time is finally here! If this is your second or third baby, you are probably feeling very excited that this is finally here!
Some women don't feel any kind of contraction until delivery day, and that is completely normal. You don't need to worry if you haven't felt any warm-up contractions. Many women, however, do feel their Braxton Hicks contractions, usually any time after the 20- week marker of pregnancy.
Our general rule is to sleep as long as possible if you're starting to feel contractions at night. Most of the time you can lay down and rest during early labor. If you wake up in the middle of the night and notice contractions, get up and use the bathroom, drink some water, and GO BACK TO BED.
Early labor
You may feel mild contractions that come every 5 to 15 minutes and last 60 to 90 seconds. You may have a bloody show. This is a pink, red or bloody vaginal discharge. If you have heavy bleeding or bleeding like your period, call your provider right away.
Both contractions are painful and can be as close as five minutes apart. However, instead of gradually getting closer together and even more painful, prodromal labor stops. During active labor, contractions are longer, stronger and closer together.
You may want to start timing your contractions when you think labor has started to see if there is a pattern. You may also want to time contractions for a bit after there has been a change in how the contractions feel. That can give you a better idea of how much time you have to rest between each contraction.
Braxton Hicks contractions are felt during pregnancy and can be mistaken for true labor contractions. Unlike true labor, Braxton Hicks are irregular in frequency, less intense and usually go away if you change positions. They are your body's way of getting ready for labor, but it doesn't mean labor is coming.
Real contractions start at the top of the uterus and, in a coordinated fashion, move through the middle of the uterus to the lower segment. Braxton Hicks contractions feel like a tightening of the abdomen and tend to be focused in one area. They don't always travel through the whole uterus.
Side Lying
Since it is gravity-neutral, it may work to slow down your labor or birth. It can also be used for taking pressure off the perineum and lowering the risk of perineal trauma. This position may be used in conjunction with epidural anesthesia or other medications.
Spending most of your time in bed, especially lying on your back, or sitting up at a small angle, interferes with labor progress: Gravity works against you, and the baby might be more likely to settle into a posterior position. Pain might increase, especially back pain.
If this is your first baby, you should go to the hospital when your contractions feel strong to you, last 45 to 60 seconds each and occur every 3 to 4 minutes for at least 2 hours. If you've had a baby before, go to the hospital when your contractions have been occurring every 5 minutes for at least 1 hour.
Irregular contractions are not the same timing, duration, or strength as each other. They are common in early labor, as active labor is approaching. They are usually one of the strong signs labor is 24-48 hours away. Irregular contractions can feel like your belly is tightening, with cramping lower in your pelvis.
Watching the clock makes you acutely aware of how much time is passing – or not passing – and you're more likely to get caught up asking yourself “How much longer can I do this?” instead of staying mindful and present in the moment and focusing on relaxing during and between contractions. DON'T hold your breath.
Lying on your back in labour
In addition to this, when you're on your back, you're not working with gravity – you're working against it. So your surges (contractions) are having to work so much harder (and therefore labour could take longer - and that's not something you want either, is it?).
Foods to avoid during labor include rich foods such as large pieces of meat and heavy meals. Though rare, if aspiration does occur during labor, solid foods are more dangerous than liquids. Dairy and acidic beverages like juice should also be avoided because they can upset your stomach during labor.