The queen communicates from a place of confidence, assurance, and power. She knows what she wants, isn't afraid to ask for what she needs, and is honest and direct. She takes responsibility for her feelings and is a great listener, too. Most importantly, a queen communicates from a place of love as much as possible.
On presentation to The Queen, the correct formal address is 'Your Majesty' and subsequently 'Ma'am,' pronounced with a short 'a,' as in 'jam'. For male members of the Royal Family the same rules apply, with the title used in the first instance being 'Your Royal Highness' and subsequently 'Sir'.
Received Pronunciation old and new. Anyone who has heard the Queen's speeches will recognise her distinctive British accent. This is RP – 'Received Pronunciation'.
(of people and their voices) from a high social class: A woman with a very posh accent phoned for him earlier.
Use the royal "one." Many British royals and other speakers of the Queen's English use the word "one" instead of the words "me," "I" or "you" to sound more formal. For example, instead of saying "You're upset, aren't you?," someone speaking the Queen's English would say "One's upset, isn't one?"
British, Australian, and French were named the sexiest accents in the world, and also the most likely to make someone seem more attractive. British: British was, again, the top choice in this category, and deemed sexy by nearly half of respondents (47%).
To talk posh, you need to incorporate posh slang into your vocabulary. Some examples of posh slang include: "Golly gosh." "Old bean." Much like “old sport” or “old fellow,” this is a term of endearment used to describe a person beyond middle age.
The simple answer is that there are no obligatory codes of behaviour - just courtesy. However, many people wish to observe the traditional forms of greeting. For men this is a neck bow (from the head only) whilst women do a small curtsy. Other people prefer simply to shake hands in the usual way.
The Queen actually pronounces the word 'often' as 'orphan'. This means that her pronunciation sounds the same as the word that is used to describe a child that has lost both of its parents. Queen Elizabeth II pronounces 'often' like 'orphan'. There is no 't' in her pronunciation.
The queen communicates from a place of confidence, assurance, and power. She knows what she wants, isn't afraid to ask for what she needs, and is honest and direct. She takes responsibility for her feelings and is a great listener, too. Most importantly, a queen communicates from a place of love as much as possible.
Bowing and curtsying are the traditional greetings, and perhaps a handshake if they offer one. But when British royals meet royals from other countries, they can be much more relaxed.
Let's face it, most of us are suckers for a sexy accent. According to a recent survey conducted by the popular dating website, over 2000 American men and women regard Australian accents as one of the sexiest in the world.
The British Accent
The Great British accent proved to be the most difficult of all the accents to imitate – along with the regional Yorkshire and Cockney pronunciations, in particular.
And Swedish accents are thought to be the most “intelligent” and “trustworthy” (24 percent and 15 percent, respectively).
I'm knackered – I'm tired. Cheeky – Mischievous or playful. Bloody – This is a very British thing to say – meaning very. I'm pissed – Not meaning the regular “angry”, in British talk it actually means you're very drunk and is used quite a lot when you are out drinking with friends.
Some words are easier to say in a British accent. For example, mirror, which sounds like "mih-ra". Do not say "mirror" like a "mere"; British people almost never do that. Some awkward pauses in sentences are also removed by the addition of "r" before a vowel.