How do you tell a guy who likes you you're not interested?

Just be direct and polite! Try: “I really appreciate your interest and openness, but I'm not able to reciprocate it. I know it may be hard to hear, but I'm not interested in moving forward.”

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Should you tell a guy you're not interested?

If you don't want to date someone, have the respect to tell them. Don't make them think that there's something there if you're not interested. Listen to them if they don't agree with you, but stand your ground. They may not feel the same way as you do, and that's okay.

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How do you let a guy down gently?

Letting A Guy Down Easy
  1. 1)Embrace Honesty. Honesty is often mistaken for brutal honesty, but the two are different. ...
  2. 2) Say What You Want. A part of being honest is saying what you want. ...
  3. 3) Keep It Between the Two Of You. ...
  4. 4) Follow the Golden Rule. ...
  5. 5) Show Your Face. ...
  6. 6) Make Space For Them.

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How to tell a guy you don t like him without hurting his feelings?

Be nice.
  1. “You're a great friend, but we can't be together.”
  2. “You'll make someone very happy, but it's not going to be me.”
  3. "You're great and have a lot to offer, but I don't think we're a good match based on our values." ...
  4. "I think you're an amazing guy, but I think we want different things.

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How do you reject a guy without hurting him?

This is the easiest option and works for any situation.
  1. “I'm really flattered, thank you! But tbh I'm not interested in a relationship.”
  2. “Thank you for the invitation, but I'm not interested.”
  3. "Thank you so much for asking! I really appreciate having you as a friend, but I'm not interested in dating."

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👻How to Tell Someone You're Not Interested Anymore (Instead of Just Ghosting) - DATING ADVICE

39 related questions found

How do you reject someone without sounding mean?

“You just say something like, “Sorry, I'm not interested.” or “No.” If you want to be extra gentle about it, you can say something like, “I'm flattered, but not interested.”, “No, thank you.”, or “Thank you for asking, but I'm not interested.” If they push for anything beyond that, they are the ones being rude.”

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What is the most hurtful way to reject someone?

In fact, ghosting someone could still sting as much as rejection, because it may indicate you don't value the other person enough to do so outwardly. "Ghosting someone is especially painful because the person being rejected may simply not ever know why you abandoned them," Dr.

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How do you gently Friendzone a guy?

  1. Avoid hanging out with him alone. While it is fairly common for friends to hangout in groups of two, if you make it a habit to meet him for coffee or dinner alone, he might get the wrong idea. ...
  2. Don t show any form of physical affection. ...
  3. Tell him how much you value him as a friend. ...
  4. Just be honest with him.

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How do you politely tell someone you're not interested?

Just be direct but polite. Say, "I appreciate your openness and interest, but I'm not able to reciprocate it. I know it might sound hard to hear, but I'm not interested in moving forward." This will not put them off and let them move on from you easily too.

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Should I tell him my feelings or not?

Should I confess my feelings to him? Yes! You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. But also, don't say anything if there's a really good reason not to (i.e., he's in a monogamous relationship, he's your best friend's ex, or a relationship wouldn't be feasible for other reasons).

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How do you reject someone who has a crush on you?

  1. Make things platonic. This is the first and foremost rule to follow—to make things platonic between the two of you. ...
  2. Discuss your goals and plans. ...
  3. Don't be too available. ...
  4. Show interest in someone else. ...
  5. Distract them elsewhere.

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How do you reject a guy to make him want you?

  1. Pull away without stating a reason. The foremost lesson in how to pull away to make him want you is by doing it without giving him a reason. ...
  2. Move on with your life. ...
  3. Stop the constant communication. ...
  4. Make him wonder if you love him. ...
  5. Have your own life. ...
  6. Don't be afraid to pull away. ...
  7. Reject him. ...
  8. Spend time with your friends.

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How do you subtly let someone down?

Be honest.

Don't beat around the bush, make up excuses, or reach for cliches ("it's not you, it's me")—just be honest about where you're at with this person. "It's hard, but letting a person know why you feel things won't work is usually the best move," Battle says.

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Why do guys keep you around if they're not interested?

A man might honestly just be going through the motions of trying to have a relationship and hoping that love develops. Some reasons that could be motivating him to interact with you in a hot-and-cold manner involve his desire to avoid hurting you. He sees that you're interested in him and even likes you.

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Why would a guy reject a girl he likes?

If a guy is rejecting you while he obviously likes you, it might be because his mind is wandering to thoughts that he's just not good enough for you; he might wonder why you like him and think that you'll leave him for someone else eventually anyway.

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How do you tell a guy you don't like him after leading him on?

Be kind but honest.

Keep it short and direct so there isn't any confusion and he reads your message loud and clear. For instance, you could say, “I just don't see you in that way” or “I'm really not interested in getting into a relationship right now.”

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How do you politely reject a guy over text?

Be tactfully honest.

This reduces the chance that their feelings will be hurt later from false expectations. Instead of just replying with “No” or “No thanks,” try texting “It was so nice meeting you, but I'm just not really feeling a connection” or “I'm sorry, but tbh I just don't think we're compatible.”

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How do you tell someone to back off?

Just say, “Leave me alone” or “Please leave me alone from now on.” Though this won't be pleasant, the sooner you get the message across, the better. If this is someone whom you really need to be firm with, then you shouldn't waste time on small talk. Look the person right in the eye and show that you're not afraid.

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How do you Friendzone someone you have feelings for?

How To Friendzone A Guy Who Likes You Without Ruining Your...
  1. Start Introducing More Group Activities. ...
  2. Be Careful Not To “Lead Him On” ...
  3. Tone Down Any Physical Contact. ...
  4. Be Supportive of Him Dating Someone Else. ...
  5. Don't Seek Out Flattery. ...
  6. If He Asks You Out, Be Upfront. ...
  7. Make Your Intention To Stay Friends Clear.

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Have I been friend zoned by a guy?

On the most basic level, you are in the friend zone with someone if they only see you as a friend and don't have any romantic or sexual feelings for you. They might even see you like a sibling. This usually occurs with someone you've known for a while, such as a childhood friend or someone in a shared friend group.

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Why are guys afraid of friendzone?

Most men's brains are hard-wired to see having sex or intimate relations with women as one of their primary goals in their interactions with them. Men can be platonic- but if friend zoning is imposed on the male without his consent then he is likely to feel deprived or aggrieved.

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How do you reject someone and not feel guilty?

Just saying no – honestly and politely – right in the beginning.
  1. Don't String Them Along — Be Honest Upfront. You know what sucks more than getting shot down? ...
  2. Give Friendly Compliments as You Politely Decline. Keep it light. ...
  3. Don't Make Excuses. ...
  4. Don't Feel Guilty. ...
  5. Don't Get Discouraged.

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What is a strong emotional response to rejection?

Several interpersonal emotions reflect reactions to real, anticipated, remembered, or imagined rejection. Hurt feelings, jealousy, loneliness, shame, guilt, social anxiety, and embarrassment occur when people perceive that their relational value to other people is low or in potential jeopardy.

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How do you tell someone you don't like them romantically?

“The nicest thing you can do is be direct and kind,” Kuburic says. Pointing out flaws or faults doesn't help the other person, Brigham adds. Instead, simply explain that you don't have romantic feelings for them and would rather be friends. “You want to be thoughtful in how you approach the situation.

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How do you handle rejection from a guy gracefully?

Below we've laid out some basic steps and thoughts to keep in mind as you work through a brush with unrequited love.
  1. Don't take it personally. ...
  2. Be kind. ...
  3. It's OK to feel hurt, but it's no one's fault. ...
  4. Distance is good. ...
  5. Keep busy. ...
  6. Keep Looking.

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