The Virgo man fears rejection, and this means that regardless of who ended the relationship if there is to be a second chance, it will be the woman who must face rejection. However, getting this guy back can be a mind game that's likely to be difficult.
If a Virgo man is feeling overwhelmed, he may pull away.
This is one of the number of ways that a Virgo man could pull away. A Virgo man may pull away when he's feeling overwhelmed or when he's having a hard time dealing with something. He may need some time to himself to clear his head and relax.
She may feel betrayed, angry, or hurt and she might need to work through some things. Virgos can be notoriously private, so don't try for a conversation until she's ready to talk or she may push away even more. She might need a few days to sort out how she's feeling or she might cut off communication for longer.
They like to have everything in its place and get easily frustrated when things are too chaotic or out of control. If someone is too messy and careless, this will be a major turn-off for a Virgo. They need someone who shares the same values and can help them keep things tidy and organized.
Loyalty is the Code
In a relationship, a Virgo man is sworn to give all his and more not by promise but because that's how he functions. He gets really heartbroken when he realizes that his partner is not as committed or loyal to him as it should be.
When it comes to relationships, Virgo men definitely need their own time to think things through before they take any action. So, if you can be patient and let him move at his own pace, he will eventually come around and chase you. If you make your Virgo man test his patience, he will become easily frustrated.
Being alone is when a Virgo feels the most comfortable.
Ignoring a Virgo could backfire because they simply may not care. They'll reach out to you in their own time, not because you ignored them, but because they've finished whatever they were doing.
They don't really prioritise love and romance in their lives and are not the kind who will actively look for love. They're busy with their lives and patiently wait for love to find it's way to them. They're not proactive when it comes to love and feelings and wait for the other person to take the first step.
03/8Virgo. They are extremely careful about what they express in front of others. They prefer to keep to themselves and not show their vulnerable side. Their fear of getting hurt is so strong that they will prefer staying alone over getting heartbroken.
He shows love through service and practical actions, not words or sex. Dutiful Virgo will show his love through his actions of help and service to you. If he comes and cleans your room, it's because he cares about you and is trying to improve your life.
They are very practical and direct. If you play 'hard to get' with a Virgo man, he's going to lose interest in you. They do not like to play games and believe in crisp and clear communication. So if you want a Virgo man to chase you, you'll have to be direct and have great communication skills.
He will appreciate your attention and notice it. In front of your Virgo man, avoid drama and give priority to worthwhile emotions and significant issues rather than focusing on the little things. Take the emotion out of the equation and start thinking as your Virgo man would.
He'll get jealous for the attention you're getting from (and offering to) other folks. He'll utilize their active brain to find away ways to get a lot more of your own time and attention.
Virgo. At first, Virgos will try to augment their behavior and improve their outlook regarding the breakup. Over time, they'll opt to seek out revenge on their ex if they feel gaslighted by the responses given to them during the demise of the relationship.
Virgo: Stops Working With You
But, when a Virgo falls out of love, their passiveness may lead to them staying in a relationship longer than they want. If your Virgo suddenly isn't working toward something with you, like committing to a new show to watch, an exercise plan, or budget, that is a red flag.
Virgos keep their emotions to themselves for fear of being vulnerable and getting hurt. They will share their feelings once they're comfortable with you. The best thing you can do is give them time to get to know you.
Virgos hold grudges for months, but only if they feel it is necessary. They will always try to work it out with you. But if it doesn't seem possible, they will stop talking to you. They can get over most things quickly, but that depends on whether the other person apologizes sincerely or not.