If you suspect criminal activity in your neighborhood, you should report it immediately. If you notice signs burglars are casing a house, call the police and report that there is suspicious activity happening in and around your home.
Social anxiety can make individuals prone to constantly worrying about being watched — but typically only when they're in public. However, for those, like me, who feel watched even when they're alone, the perpetual fear might be a result of formative childhood experiences.
Where do they look? The first place a burglar will look for keys is exactly where most people leave them, which tends to be right near the front door, for convenience of course. Other common places include nightstands, or inside purses or bags.
Jewelry and watches are two of the most commonly stolen items in a home invasion. Burglars are on the lookout for expensive fine jewelry and watches to steal and resell to make a profit.
Most burglaries happen in the summertime between the summer months of June and August. Frequent home invasions happen between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm when the home owners are commonly away from the home. However, 27.6% of all home burglaries, someone is home during a burglary.
Twice as much crime occurs during the daylight hours — between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.– as occurs at night — from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. More specifically, the three most common times at which any crime will be committed are 12 midnight (6%), 12 noon (5.8%) and 5 p.m. (5.8%).
If you hear a noise that sounds like someone breaking in or moving around, quietly call the police and wait calmly until they arrive. If you can leave safely, do so.
A bulging floor or doors or windows that no longer sit level in their frames can also point to structural issues with your home. Door and window openings are vulnerable parts of your wall and are often the areas where cracks and other problems first become apparent.
Past trauma or experience – Scelerophobia can be induced by experiencing or witnessing criminal activity. For example, your home might have been burgled or the home of someone in your family or in your street. Genetics – You're more likely to develop scelerophobia if a direct relative has a phobia or OCD.
Here are some of the top things burglars look for when targeting homes. Single-family detached homes in the middle of the neighborhood (as opposed to corner units, which are less likely to be burglarized). Homes next to empty lots or without nearby neighbors. High privacy hedges, bushes, and walls around the property.
Similarly, your 24-hour outdoor light doesn't really deter burglars. Instead, they'll be thankful for the light it provides them with. With a light on, burglars can see any obstacles that could create noise, and will also highlight any weak points or entry points around your home.
Most home burglaries take place during the day.
While the darkness tends to cause apprehensive feelings, most burglars actually prefer to break in during the day. FBI.org tells us that home break-ins are more common in daylight hours. Why?
A 2016 burglary victimization survey revealed that the most common time for burglaries was between noon and 4 p.m. FBI burglary data in 2021 showed that 196,684 of all reported residential burglaries occurred in the daytime compared to 154,723 at night.
Your attic is not likely to be visited by a burglar because they are usually hard to find and access. So, it is always a good idea to store valuables in attic storage containers.
Some studies have found that up to 94% of people report that they have experienced the feeling of eyes upon them and turned around to find out they were indeed being watched.
If you feel like you're always being watched, it may be a sign of paranoia. Paranoia is an unreasonable fear or distrust of others. People with paranoia may think that others are constantly trying to harm them or monitoring their every move. This can lead to feelings of isolation, anxiety, and fear.
Some of the most obvious signs you are being spied on include: Someone seems to always be “bumping into you” in public. As if they always know when and where to find you. During divorce or separation, your ex-partner knows more details than they should about your activities, finances, or other details.