Capricorn men are attracted to women who are spontaneous and up for anything. If you can show him that you're spontaneous, he'll be more likely to chase you. Go out of your comfort zone and try something new with him to mix things up and have a good time.
Checking up on you
He is always willing to listen to your thoughts and feelings in any situation. A Capricorn man will usually check up on you through text messages or through face-to-face meetings with basic questions letting you know he wants to be involved in your life.
Spending more time with you, being there for you, showing his sensitive side, having intense conversations, etc., are signs that a Capricorn man is in love. He can be reserved around you initially, begin to talk, and append time when they fall for you.
If a Capricorn man is falling in love with you, he will always be trying to impress you. He will go out of his way to do things that he knows you will like and he will always try to make a good impression on you. He will always be making good acts of service towards you or in front of you.
Capricorns will test your empathy to see if they can trust you. Emotions don't come easily to him. With the Earth as his element, he's practical and logical and can find expressions to be anything but. Before he tells you his soul, he'll open up slowly.
A Capricorn man can run hot one moment and then suddenly turn cold. This may be some issue he's trying to deal with on his own. You can broach the subject by opening the conversation that you're concerned and noticed he seems preoccupied.
As for looks, according to Alpheratz, “Capricorns love partners who exude elegance, class, and dignity. So, good style, looking well-groomed, and having an eye for beauty is attractive to them.”
A Capricorn Man in Love
These guys will show their love and affection by being uber attentive, caring, giving, and loyal. A Capricorn man is not a playboy. He's a traditional man in romance and love--his goal is marriage, family, and home.
Earliest Stages of Dating a Capricorn Man
The first few times you meet, he'll ask you to join him at a place where you can easily talk with one another with no romantic expectations. Be warm, genuine, confident, direct, and down-to-earth when you meet; share a little about yourself and ask about him.
They are extremely scared of letting out their feelings in front of a person. They prefer to stay guarded and hide their feelings, unless someone who really cares about them, comes to make them understand the meaning of expressing one's emotions.
Capricorn men like an independent female who doesn't look to others for security and her self-worth. Her time is her most valuable asset. She would never throw herself at a man or play high-stakes games trying to get his attention. No, the woman the Capricorn man prefers is confident and highly capable.
He's not good with emotions—he's the opposite of Cancer, the most emotional sign—but he tries his best to be affectionate. Acts of service is his chosen love language—his earthy nature means he's only really concerned with what's tangible, so he'll never be an over-the-top romantic.
They can get egoistic and even hide their emotions when they have a crush. Not even the people closest to them will know if they have fallen for someone. They can hold their secrets well.
He takes the relationship slow.
While this seems kind of predictable, he likes to take it slow because he's genuinely interested in figuring out if you two are compatible. A Capricorn man in love won't rush the relationship. Don't be surprised if you're good friends for a while before he advances the relationship.
It can be difficult to start a romance with a Capricorn man because these guys don't open up easily. However, the rewards of hanging in there are well worth your patience. The following tips will show you how to keep your Capricorn man happy and invested in your relationship.
It'll take a while for a Capricorn man to trust you enough to open up, but you'll be the luckiest person alive once he does. A Capricorn man is very faithful, protective, and loyal. He'll spend a lot of time planning and talking about your future together and go out of his way to make you feel loved and needed.
Because they're ambitious, Capricorns like feeling accomplished. Tell him that you're impressed by him so he feels flattered. Additionally, ask him for help or advice to show him you value his knowledge and opinions. He'll feel the love from you, and it'll make him more likely to return your affection.
Capricorn is attracted to a sentimental, thoughtful person who makes them feel special. Once a connection has been made, the relationship can be nurtured by regularly sending "thank you" cards and sharing information, articles, and even cartoons you know will interest them.
The back of the knees is known to be a special erogenous zone for a Capricorn, who can be aroused by a slow and sensual massage.
Capricorn men are attracted to women who can hold their own in a conversation. If you can show him that you're a good conversationalist, he'll be more likely to chase you. This is because he'll feel like you're someone who's interesting and fun to talk to.
Attractive Capricorn traits
Capricorns get stuff DONE. And this in itself is super attractive. They always look good too, because presenting a put-together, expensive and well styled front to the world is important to them. They tend to have dark, brooding good looks.
The no-contact rule states that after a breakup, you must stop communicating with your ex. This is undoubtedly the finest way to make your Capricorn ex miss you and regret losing you. The lack of action and stillness will bother your Capricorn man, even though he will pretend it really doesn't.
They have big picture, long-term goals and they absolutely don't want to be bogged-down by annoying details or superfluous information. However, because of their unwavering focus, Capricorns can sometimes be perceived as cold, unemotional, or even cutthroat — but that's only because Capricorn has perspective.