Generally speaking, your lips should be "pink, soft, and smooth," according to Chase. If you have healthy lips and want to maintain them, heed Kominiarek's advice: "Make sure to drink plenty of water, use lip moisturizers and balms, and visit the doctor if you have any non-healing lesions."
Cracked or peeling lips: Heartache, worry, dryness in the body, feeling cold. Discoloration or faded colour in the lips: Lack of proper circulation throughout the body. Hot/burning/red lips: Inflammation or too much heat within the body due to overly spicy foods, too much sugar, alcohol or caffeine.
Normal, healthy lip color varies, depending on skin color and other factors, but should fall in the reddish-pink-to-brown range.
Normally the lip tissue should be resilient, smooth and have a homogenous pink color (Figure 8). The vermillion border should be distinct and even. Early ultra violet damage may present as an indistinct or broken vermillion border with color variations or white blotches within the lip tissue.
A person should contact their doctor if they are concerned about the appearance of their lips. A doctor can diagnose different types of discoloration affecting the lips. People should also seek medical attention if they experience any of the following symptoms: irregularly shaped skin lesions.
Most of the skin on your face has 16 cellular layers. But your lips only have three to five. The skin on your lips lacks the skin cells called melanocytes that produce pigment.
The lips are normally symmetrical, pink, smooth, and moist. There should be no growths, lumps, or discoloration of the tissue. Abnormal findings are asymmetricality, cyanosis, a cherry-red or pale color or dryness.
Here are the most common lip types:
Thin lips. Round lips. Bow-shaped lips. Heart-shaped ips.
One face expert believes your pout is directly correlated with the way you behave. If you have thin lips you are probably independent and self-reliant. If you have artifically enhanced lips you might have a more sensual side to you.
PALE OR WHITE LIPS: Pale or white lips are a clear sign of being anaemic. This means that your body lacks red blood cells or haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is the main part of the red blood cells and binds oxygen. Therefore, if your body lacks this, then your lips are bound to turn pale.
Science has found that the most attractive lip shape has an upper-to-lower lip ratio of 1:2. Lips are most desirable in different shapes and forms for different people – 60% of people prefer a 1:1 ratio where the lips are completely symmetrical and evenly full.
Butterfly lip form is the rarest lip shape. This lip shape gives women strong expression and youthful appearance. Women mostly have this type of lip shape during puberty. Doing lip augmentation in a dose gives your lips a natural spring form.
A study of 1,000 people in 35 countries revealed that the perfect lip shape is all down to symmetry. More than 60% of respondents thought a 1:1 ratio between the upper and lower lip was the most attractive shape. A cosmetic surgeon in London said a heavily-defined cupid's bow is the most-requested lip feature.
After recording the measurements of the lips and surrounding skin area, the team noted that the thickness of the upper and lower lips decreased with age while the width of the lips broadened as well.
Children with Van der Woude syndrome typically have a combination of a cleft lip and/or cleft palate in addition to a pit or slit on both sides of the lower lip. These slits, or depressions, are usually the same on both sides of the mouth, although their appearance can range from very wide to barely noticeable.
An oral precancerous lesion, also called dysplasia, is a growth that contains abnormal cells confined to the lining of the oral cavity, or mouth. This lining is called the mucosa. It covers the inside of the cheeks, the inside of the lips, the gums, the tongue, and the roof and floor of the mouth.
The term “cheilitis” describes general lip irritation. Eczematous cheilitis is the most common form, but other common types include: Angular cheilitis, which usually affects the corners of the mouth and is often the result of a fungal or yeast infection.
White roll is the white line that borders the top of the upper lip. It's an adnexal mass of specialized glands and fat. White roll occurs naturally for nearly everyone, although it can be not white and less visible for dark skinned individuals.
What Is It? The white film in your mouth is a condition known as oral thrush. It is an infection caused by the candida fungus, which is a naturally occurring yeast in your body. Usually, this fungus is kept under control by other bacteria, but sometimes mitigating factors can lead it to grow out of control.
Your lips lose pigment as you age, for the same reasons they may become thinner—with a loss of collagen and moisture, they appear less vibrant. It's a natural part of aging, but there are some ways to make sure you're not accelerating the process.