How does a Virgo respond to stress?

Virgos like to plan and execute, if things seem to go otherwise they lose control. Therefore, to feel like themselves and de-stress they are often seen arranging their bookshelves, cupboard, or pantries just to feel that they have everything under control.

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How does Virgo handle stress?

Virgos have an in-born talent of keeping everything under control. They deal with stress in a practical manner and do not wait for the stress to take over them. They are reasonable and always find a way out to deal with stress.

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What stresses a Virgo out?


They bottle up all their worries and when they are unable to load off those worries, it causes them stress, affecting their physical health while trying to put a lid on their deteriorating mental health. They overload themselves with work and end up experiencing burn out.

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What relaxes Virgos?

"Virgo likes to be engaged," says Miller, which means that they're going to seek out something like puzzles as a form of modern meditation. Their detail-oriented eye will help them get through those jigsaws in record time.

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How do Virgos respond to conflict?

One of two things may happen with a Virgo: They don't expect the conflict because they feel they already did everything right, or they might have low expectations of themselves and take a “you knew what you were getting into” attitude, says Holmes.

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NEVER EVER say these things to VIRGO

18 related questions found

What does a Virgo do when upset?

Virgos are normally very patient. They will usually let go of small things, and not get very angry easily. Only major things can trigger a Virgo.

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How do Virgos calm down?

A way for Virgos to relax is by including calming activities into their daily routines such as meditation and gardening.

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What do Virgos overthink?

Additionally, their minds are constantly occupied with “what ifs” and potential outcomes, causing them to be indecisive and hesitant. Virgos' overthinking tendencies also extend to their relationships. They analyze every word, every gesture, and every action, searching for hidden meanings or ulterior motives.

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When a Virgo is overwhelmed?

Overwhelmed by the imperfections of the world as well as their own flaws, Virgos sometimes get moody and weird and retreat into the inner sanctum of their rooms. They switch off their phones and computers and try to wind down by reading a self-help book, but then get enraged when they find a minor typo.

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What makes a Virgo anxious?

Virgo natives need order and control in their environment and may feel anxious or worried when things are chaotic or disorganized. They may constantly strive to create structure and order in their surroundings. It can contribute to worry when things feel out of control.

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What turns Virgos on and off?

A huge turn-on would be lots of intellectual stimulation and foreplay where you're offering them lots of attention. Poor hygiene can be a real turn-off for Virgos, as they shun all things that may seem unsanitary.

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What is a Virgos mental illness?


Virgos like perfection. Whatever they do, they expect the best. Therefore, when things don't work out their way, they become bitter, which is why they're likely to develop Borderline Personality Disorder. This mental health disorder influences the way a person thinks or feels about themself.

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What breaks a Virgos heart?

However, heartbreak usually comes in the form of a partner who's unwilling to work things out. "Because Virgo focuses so much on fixing any potential problems, it can really break their heart if their partner doesn't make them aware of any problems and/or just blindsides them with a breakup," Monahan says.

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What is the emotional side of Virgo?

Emotional Suppression

Virgos are introverts who live in their minds and are careful with their emotions. Showing their feelings threatens their perfect image of being calm, cool, and collected at all times.

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How often does Virgo cry?

Virgo. Once every six months or so because they can take only so much.

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What is a Virgos worst fear?

Virgos are known to keep things orderly and organized. The same sentiment rings true when dealing with their emotions. Therefore, being pushed over the edge and having to expose their inner frustrations (which could lead to out of control behavior) is what deeply scares them.

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How do Virgos express sadness?

VIRGO: When sad, Virgos become compulsive. They don't prefer to invest their time in depression and sadness and hence, become unresponsive in the face of sadness. But when Virgos become angry, they become blunt and cruel and can disagree with everything you say.

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How do you know if a Virgo cares?

Here are the most common signs that a Virgo man could be falling in love with you.
  1. He Always Has Time For You. ...
  2. He Spoils You Silly. ...
  3. He Notices Every Detail About You. ...
  4. He Texts You All The Time. ...
  5. He Talks About The Future. ...
  6. He Is Keen To Offer Help. ...
  7. He Is Caring And Possessive Of You. ...
  8. He Admires Your Intelligence.

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When a Virgo is moody?

If a Virgo is at work and there is something they are enthusiastic about but their surroundings sound otherwise, they will become moody. But, they possess a serene nature. Thus, with a double speed, they calm down and focus on finding solutions instead of focusing on the negative situations.

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What is a Virgos biggest insecurity?

Virgos are always striving for perfection. So the thing that makes them feel most insecure is the fear of being criticized. Because of that, they might end up becoming their own biggest critic.

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What is a Virgos strength and weakness?

Virgo: Perfectionist but self-critical

Meticulous, organised and diligent, if the world were to end tomorrow, you would want a Virgo to lead the march into the new dawn. However, that pesky niggle of self-doubt in their head means that they are often harsher on themselves than anybody else can be.

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How long does a Virgo stay mad?

Virgos hold grudges for months, but only if they feel it is necessary. They will always try to work it out with you. But if it doesn't seem possible, they will stop talking to you. They can get over most things quickly, but that depends on whether the other person apologizes sincerely or not.

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How do you make a sad Virgo happy?

Virgos are difficult to help out because they love micromanaging, and hate interference but are quite nervous and prone to anxiousness. In that situation, what you should do is give them ideas and space to speak out and vent, but not dictate the terms or criticise their methods. Let them do what they think is best.

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Why Virgo is very sensitive?

Virgo has the ability to see the big picture. They don't get so wrapped up in minute details. This helps them with psychic abilities and being receptive, they're almost 'too' worried about other people's judgements and opinions. And that makes them incredibly sensitive.

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