The Ritual of Restoration was a curse to restore a vampire's soul. It was used on
Angel's soul was cursed upon him by the Kalderash people as a punishment for brutally murdering one of their clanswoman.
In season three (1998–1999), episode three, "Faith, Hope & Trick", Angel is inexplicably returned from hell by an unknown party and is soon found by Buffy.
Kakistos leads an attack on the pair. Mr. Trick leaves the fight halfway through, while Faith and Buffy kill Kakistos. In the library later, Buffy reveals to Willow and Giles that Angel's soul was restored just before she had to kill him. Faith stays in Sunnydale.
Angel kills the demon. Its blood, eventually found to be the Blood of Eternity, merges with his own, and he becomes human. Realizing what this means for their relationship, Angel spends the night with Buffy.
Angel, born Liam, was a vampire cursed with a soul who lived in Los Angeles in 2019.
According to the Summa Theologica, angels were created instantaneously by God in a state of grace in the Empyrean Heaven (LXI. 4) at the same time when he created all the contents of the corporeal world (LXI. 3). They are pure spirits whose life consists in knowledge and love.
In a fit of frustration, she turned on Angel. Faith bluntly and harshly blamed him for all of this, reminding him forcefully that she had done everything she could to help him when no one else would. She then went on to tell him that after his plan with Giles, she was done.
Angelus terrorizes Willow and the Gang at school, emotionally tormenting Buffy. Later, as they discuss Angel's transformation in the library, Buffy realises that having sex with Angel is what caused him to turn evil. Buffy has a dream in which Angel indicates that Jenny knows more than she is letting on.
Season two, episode 14 – Innocence
After Buffy and Angel sleep together, Angel loses his soul, reverting to his supremely evil Angelus persona and teaming up with Drusilla and then villainous Spike.
A Hole In The World
Upon discovering that releasing the spirit would kill thousands, they had no choice than to allow Fred to die. Her heroic sacrifice remains the show's most heartbreak moment and one of its saddest episodes. Fred's death hit Wesley the hardest, as they had just become a couple.
The Ritual of Restoration was a curse to restore a vampire's soul. It was used on Angelus by the Kalderash people after the notorious vampire murdered their most beloved daughter. When Angel's curse was broken in 1998, Willow Rosenberg performed the spell a second time to restore his soul.
Later, in Angel's perfect-day dream sequence, Angel and Cordelia consummated their relationship, but Angel called out "Buffy!" as he lost his soul, just as he did in Sunnydale years earlier.
Angel mentions that Buffy losing her focus to protect him as a human would cause her death, therefore he decides to give up his humanity.
"There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb"
In the season 2 finale of Angel, the Angel Investigations team arrives back to the hotel to find a grief-stricken Willow sitting, waiting for them with some bad news: Buffy is dead.
Canon is that Angel loves Buffy, but due to the curse on him, they cannot be together because if truly happy, he goes back to being Angelus.
Angel was born a human named Liam in Galway, Ireland in 1727 to a linen and silk merchant and his wife.
Finally, Tuco and Blondie reach the cemetery, but they encounter Angel Eyes and the three decide to duel to determine who will claim the treasure in an intense three-way standoff. Blondie kills Angel Eyes. Tuco's gun was unloaded earlier by Blondie, so he can't shoot.
Angel is the title character on the show. He's a vampire with a soul who was originally born in Galway, Ireland in 1727 and became a vampire in 1753 as the age of 26.
Slayers are usually called at about fifteen years old, and Faith was called approximately two years after Buffy. Buffy also called Faith her "little sister slayer" or something along those lines. And the next point doesn't matter much in the world of acting, but Sarah Michelle Gellar is older than Eliza Dushku.
Unknown to Buffy, Angel is released from his curse and turned back into the infamous Angelus. The gang eventually find out that there was a second aspect to the gypsy curse; if Angel ever were to experience a moment of true happiness, he would lose his soul and revert to his former evil self.
However, Faith Lehane (Eliza Dushku) eventually proves herself as the second most powerful Slayer after Buffy.
It is true that we believe that angels do not have gender. Angels unlike human beings are pure spirit. This is why when people say that a human being has become an angel in heaven that is incorrect. Any human being in heaven is a saint.
But it is natural to the angels that they should be moved by a movement of love toward God. Therefore, this cannot be taken away from them. But as long as they love God, they do not sin. Therefore, angels are not able to sin (peccare non possit).
The Angels were created from light, as is reported in a Hadith that Allah created the angels from light and He created the devils from fire and He created the humans from dirt. No one knows how many in number the angels are, their manner of being or their natures except for Allah.