Healing Factor: Thor has an extreme healing Factor that works 300 times faster than Wolverine's. He even mysteriously healed from a disintegration beam. His body can heal from the most intense and dangerous amount of damage that could kill Gods.
Sufficient, but nothing insane. It is vastly overshadowed by the healing factors of beings like Wolverine and the Hulk, but it serves its purpose well enough. Here you can see Thor's right arm gets burnt, nearly to a crisp. Some time later, he appears with his arm having regained most of its mass and musculature.
Thor has never demonstrated the ability to regrow limbs or other body parts without any outside intervention.
Thor is at his fastest when using Mjolnir. With Mjolnir, Thor can reach Mach32 speeds which is 87,738,945 miles per hour.
In a direct physical speed matchup, The Flash will definitely trounce Thor. After all, The Flash has been calculated to travel at ludicrous speed, as fast as13x the speed of light!!! Thor on the other hand, well, the best he can do is hammer speed. The physics of both do not work, but it's lots of imaginative fun!
Old King Thor is one of the most powerful variants of the character. When Old King Thor merged with the Phoenix Force, becoming Old Phoenix King Thor, his powers greatly multiplied. This solidified him as one of the most dangerous beings in Marvel.
Thor is Immortal, Not Invincible
It's clear that age doesn't affect him the way it does normal mortals, as with most immortals, he is aging at a slower rate. While Thor will eventually die, it will take thousands of years for it to happen.
Self-Sustenance: Thor can go weeks, months, and even years without food or water. He doesn't need air or sleep. He can even breathe in the vacuum or space and can breathe underwater. Dimensional Travel: Thor can travel through dimensions with just his bare hands and can even trap people in other dimensions.
Thor, son of Gods, has enhanced longevity, augmented by the Golden Apples of Idunn. He also possesses superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability and immunity to most diseases.
Thor survives the Time Stone of time. While still aging physically, he retains his youthful appearance far longer than humans, barely changed after Thanos used the Time Stone to age by several centuries, and will only grow stronger the older he gets.
His strength according to the Champion is infinite.
In the comics, The Norse God of Thunder can destroy planets, control the weather (including summoning lightning bolts), fly through space at the speed of light, and even break adamantium. That's right, Thor could smash Wolverine's metal skeleton if he wanted to. He has beyond class 100 strength.
In the movie, it's because Wade was born with mutant genes, so every cell in his body would inherit regenerative powers – including tumor cells. The explanation is similar for comics: a mutagenic serum wouldn't distinguish between normal and abnormal tissues. Deadpool would have regenerating, superpowered cancer.
Like Deadpool and Wolverine – but way less publicized – the Hulk has the ability to grow entirely new tissue and heal from most wounds in just seconds. Severe wounds as well – including the near-complete destruction of his body mass – are also no match for the healing abilities of the Hulk.
Flash Has the Wildest Healing Factor of Any Superhero - IMDb. The Flash is one of the fastest men alive, and as such his powers involve all sorts of vibrating and moving quickly, but one thing fans may not know is that he can use this power to heal from just about any injury, even the ones he can't outrun.
Self-Sustenance: Thor can go weeks, months, and even years without food or water. He doesn't need air or sleep. He can even breathe in the vacuum or space and can breathe underwater.
There are very few powers that Mjolnir grants him, but it does seem to amplify his connection to the Odinforce at all times, and accordingly, powers him up. Still, most of Thor's powers can be performed without Mjolnir. Depending on the iteration, though, Mjolnir can disguise Thor as a mortal.
Invulnerability: Thor is immune to such human ailments as diseases, toxins, poisons, corrosives, fire, electrocution, asphyxiation, and he has a immunity to heat and subzero and lead and radiation poisoning.
How Long Thor Is Expected To Live As An Asgardian. The lifespan of a typical Asgardian is said to be approximately 5,000-years-old in the MCU.
Thor is bulletproof in the comics. So really, absolutely nothing unless those bullets happens to be made of vibranium or pure adamantium.
In Thor: The Dark World, he lost his mother and brother (temporarily) to the dark elf Malekith (Christopher Eccleston), and in Thor: Ragnarok he lost his father, his best friends, and his homeworld.
Odin. Odin is basically Thor and all the other Asgardians rolled into one—though he's even wiser, more experienced, and minus one eye. As the default King of Asgard, Odin is easily the most powerful being in his realm.
There are few people that Hela is not more powerful than. She was very easily able to defeat Thor (Chris Hemsworth), who left her to be destroyed by Surtur along with the entirety of Asgard because he couldn't defeat her himself.