On a submarine there's zero capacity for multiple leisurely hours in the shower so it's 10 seconds to wet, 10 seconds to lather and 10 seconds to rinse.
On a US nuclear sub, you take a shower every single day unless the evaporator is secured for a reason. In fact, the Chief of the Boat (COB) will usually demand you take a shower if you smell like sweat.
The total running time of this kind of shower can last less than two minutes – using an initial thirty seconds or so to get wet, followed by shutting off the water, using soap and shampoo and lathering, then rinsing for a minute or less.
Aboard fast-attack submarines, two bathrooms - each with four toilets and two urinals - serve 100 crew members. Crew chiefs and officers use another three baths. Designating one bath for a small number of women could disadvantage scores of men, while making them unisex raises other problems.
The showers on a submarine are set up much like the ones in your home, well kind of. They have hot and cold water access with a recirculation pump so that the water stays hot so that you can use it quickly and efficiently by minimising water usage. Reducing water usage is a constant major driver for submariners.
Most submarines have a distillation apparatus that can take in seawater and produce fresh water. The distillation plant heats the seawater to water vapor, which removes the salts, and then cools the water vapor into a collecting tank of fresh water.
It is perhaps surprising to think that there is actually space in a submarine for a smoking room. Indeed, it seems somewhat alarming that smoking is permitted given that there must be some (albeit small) increased fire risk.
Submarines sink by taking in ocean water into large tanks. This weighs them down, allowing them to sink. They take in as much as they need to go as low as they want to. When they want to come back up, they pump out the water by pumping pressurized air into the tanks.
Most of the crew sleep in “racks” of three bunk beds that are hardly ever unoccupied. They call it “hot racking,” where men on different shifts rotate through their precious sleep time.
There's no way out of communal showers. They're required. Everyone in your barracks will enter the shower room assigned to your barracks when commanded. The shower area is one large tiled room with multiple shower heads along the walls.
Hollywood shower (plural Hollywood showers) (naval slang) A long, luxurious shower, as opposed to a "navy shower".
About once every week to ten days, Soldiers would go to the rear for their shower. Upon entering the shower area they turned in their dirty clothing. After showering they received new cloths. They had their choice for size: small, medium, or large.
So a submariner may work for six hours and train, maintain equipment or sleep for 12 hours. Bunks are generally stacked three high. Space is at a premium in a submarine, and little of it is afforded to each sailor.
In the enclosed atmosphere of the submarine, these pollutants can build up and pose a health risk. Therefore, aerosol cans (such as hair spray, shave cream, spray deodorant) are not authorized to be brought on board.
Any time the submarine sends a signal, it identifies its position, and loses the secrecy that is at the core of the crew's mission. There is only one washer and dryer on board, so clean clothes are a luxury. But submarines are famous for their good food, always topped off with a desert or two, including ice cream.
According to Guinness World Records, the longest time anyone has spent underwater in a fixed environment is 73 days 2 hours 34 minutes. (A submarine spent 111 days under water.
On fast attack subs, the food is lowered into the submarine at port by hand, one box of groceries at a time. On ballistic missile submarines, food is lowered through the escape trunk opening by crane in aluminum modules measuring six by six by five feet.
They do not have an internet connection submerged at sea. External communication is tightly controlled. Facebook does not come in for anyone at 400 feet. That actually makes it harder to recruit young people nowadays. Can 2 submarines be close to each other without knowing it?
Personnel on duty may not consume alcohol while on board Royal Navy submarines and off-duty consumption is tightly regulated to ensure that individuals are fit for duty if required at short notice. Commanding Officers may further restrict alcohol consumption should operational circumstances necessitate it.
The cooling equipment of submarines consists of two separate systems, one for refrigeration proper, and the other for air-conditioning. The refrigeration plant is described here.
Red light, night light. The human eye is less sensitive to longer wavelengths, so red light is chosen to preserve the night vision of the crew while still allowing them to still see their instrument panels.
Although the actual top speed of American naval vessels is a secret, modern submarines travel faster than 30 knots underwater. Submarines are carefully designed to enhance their speed.
The propellers have a characteristic RPM band in which no cavitation noise arises. Since this rotation speed is usually relatively low, the first electric submarines had special "silent running" engines designed for optimum performance at reduced speed.
Crew members needed to get a permission to use sauna, swimming pool or the gym. Although your mental health is important, your duties on the submarine are far more significant. However, even if the waters are calm and no enemies are nearby, officers may not grant you such permission, because the pool may be taken.