I bonds have a maturity of 30 years. They carry a 20-year original maturity period immediately followed by a 10-year extended maturity period. There are several ownership caveats with series I bonds: I bonds cannot be cashed for one year after purchase.
Series I bonds are sold at face value and mature after 30 years. Interest is added monthly to the bond's value. Series HH bonds mature in 20 years. Bondholders receive monthly interest payments until they sell the bond or it reaches its maturity.
Interest accrues monthly and is compounded semiannually. SERIES I BONDS ISSUED SEPTEMBER 1998 AND THEREAFTER All Series I bonds reach final maturity 30 years from issue. Series I savings bonds earn interest through application of a composite rate.
I Bond Cons
The initial rate is only guaranteed for the first six months of ownership. After that, the rate can fall, even to zero. One-year lockup. You can't get your money back at all the first year, so you shouldn't invest any funds you'll absolutely need anytime soon.
Backed by the U.S. government, I bonds don't lose value and earn monthly interest with two parts: a fixed rate and a variable rate. The fixed rate may change every six months for new purchases but stays the same after buying, and the variable rate shifts every six months based on inflation.
Effective today, Series EE savings bonds issued May 2022 through October 2022 will earn an annual fixed rate of . 10% and Series I savings bonds will earn a composite rate of 9.62%, a portion of which is indexed to inflation every six months.
It has been a long time coming, but 2023 looks to be the year that bonds will be back in fashion with investors. After years of low yields followed by a brutal drop in prices during 2022, returns in the fixed income markets appear poised to rebound.
The biggest red flag for short-term investors: You can't redeem these bonds for a year after you purchase them, and you'll owe a penalty equal to three months' interest if you cash out any time over the first five years of owning the bond.
I bonds can be a safe immediate-term savings vehicle, especially in inflationary times. I bonds offer benefits such as the security of being backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, state and local tax-exemptions and federal tax exemptions when used to fund educational expenses.
Cons of Buying I Bonds
I bonds are meant for longer-term investors. If you don't hold on to your I bond for a full year, you will not receive any interest. You must create an account at TreasuryDirect to buy I bonds; they cannot be purchased through your custodian, online investment account, or local bank.
You must own the bond for at least five years to receive all of the interest that is due. You cannot cash out an I bond before holding it for a year; if you do so after that point (but before five years), you forfeit three months of interest.
If you're looking to diversify your portfolio amid the sluggish stock market right now, you might consider Series I bonds as a safe long-term investment with a reliable return. For most people, long-term investing in low-cost index funds is the best path toward financial independence.
Inflation sucks, but there is one upside: It's still a great time to buy a government-backed I bond. Series I savings bonds are conservative, safe investments that rise and fall with inflation, and they're earning far more than the best high-yield savings account or certificate of deposit.
They are backed by the federal government, so unless the government shuts down and defaults on its debt (which politicians like to threaten every now and then), the interest rate on I Bonds is almost guaranteed. In essence, think of I savings bonds as like a high-yield CD.
I bonds earn interest from the first day of the month you buy them. Twice a year, we add all the interest the bond earned in the previous 6 months to the main (principal) value of the bond. That gives the bond a new value (old value + interest earned).
November 1, 2022. Effective today, Series EE savings bonds issued November 2022 through April 2023 will earn an annual fixed rate of 2.10% and Series I savings bonds will earn a composite rate of 6.89%, a portion of which is indexed to inflation every six months.
Series I savings bonds are government-backed securities that are connected to the inflation rate. Because the government backs it, it is considered a relatively safe, conservative investment with no chance of losing its principal value.
Series I savings bonds — commonly known as I-bonds — currently offer an interest rate of 6.89%. While that's lower than the 9.62% they offered during the six months that ended November 1, it's still an attractive rate for savers who would otherwise be putting money into a savings account or CD.
inflation rate can vary. You can count on a Series I bond to hold its value; that is, the bond's redemption value will not decline.
Series I bonds are considered low risk since they are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government and their redemption value cannot decline. But with this safety comes a low return, comparable to that of a high-interest savings account or certificate of deposit (CD).
Therefore, they do not count in your limit. Each child has the same yearly limit: $10,000 for electronic EE bonds; $10,000 for electronic I bonds; $5,000 for paper I bonds.
“The $10,000 limit is per entity, not per person,” says Parker. “You can have as many entities as you want.” That is, if you have a business, that business can also purchase Series I bonds up to the $10,000 annual limit.
The fixed rate for I Bonds issued between January 2023 and April 2023 is 0.40%.
If your objective is to increase total return and "you have some flexibility in either how much you invest or when you can invest, it's better to buy bonds when interest rates are high and peaking." But for long-term bond fund investors, "rising interest rates can actually be a tailwind," Barrickman says.
$10,000 limit: Up to $10,000 of I bonds can be purchased, per person (or entity), per year. A married couple can each purchase $10,000 per year ($20,000 per year total).