You may be able to resume light to moderate physical activities two weeks post-op, while physically demanding exercises should be resumed four to six weeks or only after Dr Turner suggests you do so.
You should expect to be fully recovered around four to six weeks after the procedure has been completed, although some more intense procedures can take up to four months.
It usually takes around six months to see the final results of a fat transfer. It takes approximately this long for your skin to return flush against your new, leaner contours after liposuction. Furthermore, it takes roughly half of a year for all of the transplanted fat cells to take hold in the recipient area.
By the 2-week mark, soreness is usually reduced to a minor annoyance, and swelling is receding noticeably. Most patients no longer need prescription pain medication after the first 3 to 7 days, if they need it at all.
After the surgery you will notice some bruising and swelling in the are of injection. This usually peaks within 2-3 days after the procedure. After 72 hours the swelling and bruising rapidly subside. To minimize the swelling, sleep with your head elevated for 4 weeks after surgery.
I advise my patients who have undergone liposuction and fat transfer that they can go back to work within a few days to a week. You will need to wear compression garments for 4-6 weeks but should be able to work as a nanny after those first few days. Expect to be sore for a couple of weeks.
Fat Transfer Recovery
Patients should expect to take about a week off to rest and heal following surgery. Bruising, swelling, and discomfort are normal side effects, but any pain can be controlled with medication, and should subside within a few days.
The First 72 Hours
After you are home from the procedure, it's important to lay down and rest. You'll have a compression garment to wear and there may be small drains placed at the surgical sites to keep fluid from building up. Dr.
This can take anywhere from 5 to 7 days before you can return to work and 4 to 6 weeks before you can get back to physical activities, such as exercise. A long-term recovery typically lasts 3 months.
Yes. When performed correctly, the use of body fat as an augmentation material for the breasts is highly effective and long-lasting. This is yet another benefit to breast fat transfer. Many surgeons go so far as to call the procedure permanent.
Fat removal is permanent, and while fat cells removed with liposuction will not come back, it is possible to regain weight in that area. After a fat transfer, the fat cells will permanently stay in their new home. However, you may see a proportional change in the volume of fat if you have dramatic weight changes.
Ensure that you're eating a healthy diet with enough calories to help the transferred fat get established in its new location. Focus on eating healthy fats, including foods like avocados, salmon, nuts, and olive oil. This will help to provide your body with the nutrients that it needs to feed the transferred fat.
Anesthesia and Operating Facility
For almost all fat grafting techniques you most likely receive general anesthesia (you are asleep) for your own personal comfort, safety and surgical ease.
Week One to Week Three
The majority of your discomfort and swelling will occur during the first 1 to 3 weeks following liposuction surgery. Once the first week has passed, however, you will notice that you begin to feel a little bit better each day.
The results will be permanent since liposuction permanently removes fat cells from an area, and fat cells do not grow back or duplicate in the area where liposuction has been done.
We recommend our patients plan to take at least one week off from work after having liposuction. The first 1-2 weeks of recovery after the procedure is when you will experience the most discomfort and swelling. Swelling will likely get worse throughout the first week, so take it easy and listen to what your body needs.
Like other surgical procedures, liposuction causes swelling, which makes it difficult to see results. Instead of looking trim and toned, post-operative swelling may cause you to look as though you are retaining water.
How soon after surgery can I return to my normal exercise routine? While walking can begin right away, patients must typically wait 4-6 weeks before returning to their pre-surgery routine. Follow the above guidelines and slowly build pace and intensity.
Liposuction can reduce belly fat and slim your stomach better than any other procedure available (and better than any “one quick tip,” wrap, or waist trainer). Incorporate diet and exercise to take your results even further.
Weight Redistribution
Liposuction permanently reduces the number of fat cells in a treated area. If you gain weight after liposuction, however, the non-treated areas will become larger. The remaining fat cells in the treated area can enlarge, but they will not multiply.
Though you are probably anxious to see your final results immediately after getting liposuction, swelling can take several months to diminish. So don't feel discouraged if you still see signs of residual swelling months after your procedure — this is to be expected and should continue to improve over time.
For those patients that has most successful breast fat transfer, did they wear a soft bra post procedure or no bra? I was instructed to wear no bra until 4 weeks (which is two days away).