How long do you walk hunched over after a tummy tuck? You will need to walk hunched over or bent at the waist for about a week. This helps prevent additional pressure on your incision lines.
You should bear in mind that you won't be able to lift yourself into a completely upright position immediately after one week. Rather, straightening after tummy tuck is a slow and gradual process, with most patients recovering their straightened posture in 2-3 weeks.
You may not be able to stand up straight when you first come home, but this will improve. You'll need to get up and walk every day to regain your normal movement. Between walks, move your feet and legs often. A tummy tuck leaves a long scar that will fade with time.
To prevent lower extremity blood clots, it is very important that you take slow 10-minute walks every two hours, except while you sleep, starting on the day after your surgery.
On the other hand, full-tummy tuck patients require about four weeks, with six weeks of limiting any strenuous exercise or lifting.
Spend at least a few days relaxing at home after your tummy tuck. You can take a short walk after a few days and light exercise after a few weeks. The more you are active, the more prompt the recovery. Staying active will help to reduce swelling, minimize the risk of blood clots and make you feel better too.
Stay mobile: While it is essential that patients get plenty of rest during tummy tuck recovery, it is also important to incorporate very light walking into your daily routine. This helps to reduce swelling, improve circulation, and minimize the risk of postoperative complications, such as blood clots.
You should avoid any stretching of the abdominal area as it may separate the scar or abdominal muscles if they were operated on, hence, only walking is recommended. Week 1 – 2: walk at least 5 minutes every hour. Week 2 – 4: Walk at least 20 minutes per day.
The reason why you can't sleep on your side after a tummy tuck is that it creates too much tension in the surgical area and can be painful. Sleeping on your side after 3 or 5 weeks after the tummy tuck is even better. In addition to sleeping in the right position, it is also important to ensure a comfortable recovery.
Tummy tuck recovery is approximately three months long. While post-op swelling may last several weeks, a tummy tuck generally takes six weeks to heal and look normal.
Posture after a Tummy Tuck
It's almost instinctive for all patients after a tummy tuck surgery to have a slightly hunched-over posture. This is absolutely normal, and you should never force yourself into an upright position even when your back starts to protest.
The worst days after your tummy tuck will be the first one to three days. You may experience some discomfort, bloating, pressure, and swelling, but these symptoms are normal and will resolve themselves.
In general, you need to keep a straight abdomen with slight bending while recovering after your tummy tuck. You should avoid bending over too much (e.g. to pick up your child) for the first 4-6 weeks after your abdominoplasty.
Stand up tall, lengthen your spine like you're pressed back against a wall, and make sure to keep your shoulders back, belly tucked in, and knees straight. 3. Get some exercise to strengthen your core muscles.
You can massage the scars in the shower, with soap and water, and then again with moisturizing cream after you have showered. We suggest scar massage many times throughout the day for 5-10 minutes each session. It is important to strictly follow your post-operative tummy tuck instructions.
Zemmel generally advises patients to avoid alcohol for at least one to two weeks after surgery—and only after you have finished taking your pain medications. This is because mixing alcohol with painkillers can be a dangerous combination, putting you at risk of damaging your wounds and over-exerting yourself.
Dr. Sajjadian recommends you sleep in a reclined position for three to four weeks after surgery, depending on the level of correction performed. Traditional tummy tucks with incisions running the length of your pelvis may require up to four weeks of sleeping in a recliner to enhance healing during recovery.
Depending on the nature and extent of your procedure, you may need to continue sleeping on your back at a bent angle for about 3 – 6 weeks or longer. In some cases, patients who undergo a mini tummy tuck or less extensive procedure may be able to return to stomach-sleeping earlier.
Can I walk on the treadmill after a tummy tuck? You can walk on a treadmill as well as incorporate any other cardiovascular exercises six weeks after getting a tummy tuck.
If you are planning to go on vacation after your tummy tuck, Dr. Kole requests about three weeks before leaving the area for an extended car trip or airplane ride. Your body needs the proper amount of time after a tummy tuck in order to heal.
Hydration is essential following a tummy tuck. The human body is made from 70% water, so it cannot function properly if it is dehydrated. You may think that drinking more fluid will worsen swelling, but it can help by flushing out your system. Aim to drink at least 2 litres of water per day to stay fully hydrated.
Tummy tuck surgery causes changes to the patient's lymphatic drainage system. Increased fluids in the area will cause it to grow larger during initial healing. Swelling is a normal response to an injury, so most of the swelling will be located near the incision.
Vegetables and fruits. As with any diet, fruits and vegetables are recommended, especially dark leafy greens. Other good foods include red onions, broccoli, pineapples and apples, and capers to decrease swelling faster. These provide your body with essential vitamins to help you heal and fight infection.