In the past 12 months, the Australian dollar has been sent lower against US dollar, New Zealand dollar and the British pound. The exchange rate is also slightly down against the Japan yen and Euro. It's largely because of two large influences over the Australia dollar - interest rates and commodity prices.
1 USD = 0.9065 EUR Jul 29, 2023 19:22 UTC
Check the currency rates against all the world currencies here. The currency converter below is easy to use and the currency rates are updated frequently.
euro (EUR)
The euro is the ninth strongest currency in the world with 1 euro buying 1.09 US dollars (or US$1 equals 0.92 euros). The euro is the official currency of the Eurozone, being 20 out of the 27 countries that form part of the European Union.
What is the best euro exchange rate? The best euro exchange rate right now is 1.153 from Travel FX. This is based on a comparison of 18 currency suppliers and assumes you were buying £750 worth of euros for home delivery.
Based on its performance in 2023 the Australian dollar is currently strongest against the Sri Lankan Rupee, up 22% for the year. The Rupee is down against all major currencies due to the economic crisis in that country.
This is so entirely dependent on your own travel preferences that it's tough to estimate but we recommend putting aside roughly €700 to €1700 for spending money for one week in Europe.
1. Kuwaiti dinar. Known as the strongest currency in the world, the Kuwaiti dinar or KWD was introduced in 1960 and was initially equivalent to one pound sterling. Kuwait is a small country that is nestled between Iraq and Saudi Arabia whose wealth has been driven largely by its large global exports of oil.
What is the most stable currency in the world? As of April 2023, the most stable currency globally is the Swiss franc, thanks to the strong economy of Switzerland and its stable political environment.
Euro to US Dollar Exchange Rate is at a current level of 1.112, up from 1.106 the previous market day and up from 1.015 one year ago. This is a change of 0.60% from the previous market day and 9.58% from one year ago.
It's typically better to pay in the local currency (EUR) to avoid any additional fees or unfavorable exchange rates.
If you are looking for Forex pairs with good return, AUDEUR can be a profitable investment option. AUD/EUR rate equal to 0.6027 at 2023-07-29 (today's range: 0.602735 - 0.602735). Based on our forecasts, a long-term increase is expected, the Forex rate prognosis for 2028-07-22 is 0.663.
Iranian Rial (IRR)
The Iranian rial is the weakest currency in the world, with 1 rial buying a mere 0.000024 dollar (or, put another way, $1 equals 42,300 Iranian rials).
1. Iranian Rial (IRR) Political tensions with the USA, and the Iran-Iraq war have rendered the Iranian rial officially the weakest currency in the world. The Islamic Revolution of 1979 caused a rapid decline in the value of the Iranian rial due to the huge amount of capital flight from the country.
Iranian Rial (IRR)
Presently, 1 Indian Rupee equals 515.22 IRR, making the Iranian Rial the world's least valuable currency. This depreciation can be attributed to factors such as political unrest in the country, the Iran-Iraq war, and the nuclear programme.
Backpackers should expect to spend between $40 – $70 USD/day in Eastern Europe, $70 – $100/day in Western Europe, and $150 – $200/day in the Nordic countries.