It all starts with Zeus. Zeus has four siblings which include Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Hestia. Zeus also had six children which include Artemis, Apollo, Hermes,
In his private life Zeus was quite the lothario, fathering an unbelievable number of around 100 children with many different women (but don't hate him too much – it's just a myth, after all). Of this 100, he fathered a mix of sons and daughters, many of whom were gods and goddesses, and some became great leaders.
According to Hesiod's account ( c. 600 BC), generally followed by the writers of antiquity, the Nine Muses were the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne (i.e., "Memory" personified), figuring as personifications of knowledge and the arts, especially poetry, literature, dance and music.
Zeus mated with several nymphs and was seen as the father of many mythical mortal progenitors of Hellenic dynasties. Aside from his seven wives, relationships with immortals included Dione and Maia.
Zeus is the Greek god of the skies, and Hera is the Greek goddess of marriage and birth. Hera is also known as Queen of the Gods because of her matriarchal role in Greek mythology. Together, Zeus and Hera had three children: Ares, Hebe, and Hephaestus.
Accounts Vary, But Some Estimate Zeus Might Have Had Around 92 Different Children. As with many Greek characters, different stories over the centuries give varying accounts on Zeus's life.
Athena is the ancient Greek goddess of wisdom, craft, and strategic war. She is also the patron goddess of the city of Athens and the protector of all heroes. She is the daughter and first-born child of Zeus. Athena is also the favorite child of Zeus, being allowed to carry his Aegis, or armor, into battle.
Zeus finally became enamored of the goddess who was to become his permanent wife — Hera.
Before his marriage to Hera, Zeus consorted with a number of the female Titanes (and his sister Demeter). These liaisons are ordered by Hesiod as follows: (1) Metis; (2) Themis; (3) Eurynome; (4) Demeter; (5) Mnemosyne; (6) Leto.
According to mythology Hercules, Theseus, and Perseus would be his eldest sons and Kratos and Deimos would be his youngest (we aren't shown any of his other demi god children in the series that I can remember).
Known as the most beautiful woman in Greece and the primary cause of the Trojan War, Helen was the daughter of Zeus, either by Leda or by Nemesis, and the sister of the Dioscuri, Castor and Polydeuces. She was also the sister of Clytemnestra, the wife of Agamemnon.
Helen was the immortal daughter of the god Zeus (Jupiter) and the mortal Leda, Queen of Sparta. Zeus, lusting after Leda, ravished her in the form of a swan. She later gave birth to Helen and her brother Polydeuces (Pollux), fathered by Zeus, and Castor and Clytemnestra, fathered by her husband Tyndareus.
In mythology, Athena, was Zeus' favorite daughter.
In Greek mythology, Caerus /ˈsɪərəs, ˈsiːrəs/ (Greek: Καιρός, Kairos, the same as kairos) was the personification of opportunity, luck and favorable moments. He was shown with only one lock of hair. His Roman equivalent was Occasio or Tempus. Caerus was the youngest son of Zeus.
Zeus even managed to impregnate mortal women when he was a swan or a bull. Hercules was the illegitimate child of Zeus and a mortal woman, as were Perseus, Helen of Troy and Minos (among other very, very famous offspring of Zeus). Yep, the Greek God family tree is very, very tangled.
Zeus fathered many children. Among the most well-known are Athena, the goddess of war; Perseus, the hero known for slaying Medusa; and Persephone, Demeter's daughter and wife to Hades. Zeus is known for his many sexual (and oftentimes nonconsensual) relationships outside of his marriage to his wife and sister Hera.
A while later, he rapes her, she agrees to marry him and they create a family on Mount Olympus, the Deities' new home. Unfortunately, Zeus constantly cheats on Hera and he has done it over a hundred times, but in the end Hera always forgives him.
His first and favorite lover was Metis, a Titan goddess and mother of Athena.
According to a Homeric Hymn, there are three goddesses whom Aphrodite “can't persuade or decieve”, i.e. who don't feel sexual desire and are perpetually virgins. They are Athena, Artemis and Hestia. So, we are sure that Zeus did never have affairs with any of those three.
Some estimates put the count at well over a hundred, with the lovers being mostly but not exclusively female. In some cases, ancient authorities differ, so the exact lineage and relationships remain open to debate.
Amphitrite, in Greek mythology, the goddess of the sea, wife of the god Poseidon, and one of the 50 (or 100) daughters (the Nereids) of Nereus and Doris (the daughter of Oceanus). Poseidon chose Amphitrite from among her sisters as the Nereids performed a dance on the isle of Naxos.
Greek goddess of marriage, very jealous wife of Zeus, queen of gods.
Zeus saved their unborn child, Dionysus, from the womb and kept him in his thigh until the baby was ready to be born.
Two of his children were born in a manner he might have learned from his father or grandfather; that is, like his father Cronus, Zeus swallowed not only the child but the mother Metis while she was pregnant. When the fetus had fully formed, Zeus gave birth to their daughter Athena.
Zeus Father Cronus
Afraid his children would overtake him in the same way he had done to his own father, Cronus swallowed all five of Zeus's siblings as soon as they were born. Saturn by Peter Paul Rubens depicting Cronus (Saturn) as he swallows his child.