1 July 2023 the full pension is available, under the assets test, for homeowner singles whose assessable assets are under $301,750 – for homeowner couples the number is $451,500. The numbers for non-homeowners are $543,750 and $693,500 respectively.
The asset value limit is the amount of assets a person can own before their pension or payment will reduce from the maximum rate under the assets test. Example: Currently the asset value limit for a single service pension homeowner is $301,750 and for a single service pension non-homeowner is $543,750.
As a single person you can have up to $656,500 and still get the pension if you are a homeowner and $898,500 if you are a non-homeowner.
For example, if you are a single homeowner you can get a full pension with an asset limit of $270,500. As a couple with a home and combined assets your limit is reached at $405,000 to receive a full pension. * Anything on top of the limit will reduce your pension, but might still make you eligible for a part pension.
You can withdraw your super if you're. 65 years or over, whether you keep working or not.
By paying off your credit card, personal loan, home loan or any other debt, you will reduce the value of your assessable assets and boost your rate of pension. For example, paying off $50,000 of debt could increase your pension by $3,900 per year.
When you reach Age Pension age. We count your superannuation both: in the assets test - the value is the balance on your latest statement. in the income test under the deeming rules.
How Centrelink knows your assets without you telling them. Centrelink has multiple data-sharing agreements with government organisations like the ATO, Medicare, PayG and more. This helps them to maintain a view of your assets, and in certain circumstances they may apply additional scrutiny to individuals.
You and your partner must have no more than $5,000 in combined readily available funds. This includes any liquid assets you can sell. Liquid assets include cash you have on hand, money you have in the bank and financial investments you have. They also include gifts and other money available to you at short notice.
If you withdraw money from your super fund, you must tell Centrelink within 14 days.
It is your responsibility to update Centrelink if there are changes in your assets or income. Many people believe Centrelink has access to your bank account and will take it into consideration for your payment rate. This isn't true. Centrelink can't access your bank accounts to determine up to date figures.
Any super you have will be counted as an asset, including the balance of any account-based pensions such as your NGS Income account. Some older types of income products, like annuities or term allocated pensions, may not be fully assessed as assets.
If the inheritance you receive when added to your already assessable assets will not exceed your personal asset limit, then your pension won't be impacted. However, if it does then it likely will be.
On 1 December 2022, a one-off $4,000 income credit was added to the Work Bonus income bank of those at least pension age and in receipt of an Age Pension, Disability Support Pension, Carer Payment or certain Veterans entitlement. Prior to 1 December 2022, the Work Bonus income bank was capped at $7,800.
The 20 year rule is satisfied if the person: has lived on a property made up of multiple adjoining titles for the previous 20 years or more, and. has continuously lived on that property in more than one dwelling house on different titles for the last 20 years or more.
Loans. A loan (from an older person to a family member) is not included in the gifting amount and will not affect the older person's pension rate. However, this needs to be a genuine loan and Centrelink will require proper documentation and evidence, as a verbal agreement is not enough.
The minimum amount that can be withdrawn is $1,000 and the maximum amount is $10,000. If your super balance is less than $1,000 you can withdraw up to your remaining balance after tax. You can only make one withdrawal in any 12-month period.
You can withdraw your super: when you turn 65 (even if you haven't retired) when you reach preservation age and retire, or. under the transition to retirement rules, while continuing to work.
Lump Sum withdrawals when aged over 65
You can make Lump Sum withdrawals whenever you like from your SMSF once you turn 65. There is no maximum Lump Sum amount if you are aged over 65 and you are free to access all your Super Benefit as desired. No tax is payable on Lump Sum withdrawals made after 65.