So, you can lose weight any time after breast augmentation without worrying about changes in breast implant size. However, patients should understand that the natural tissue around the implants will sag or droop where the skin was once tight, especially if you lose 50 – 100 pounds or more.
The risk of “rippling” – For women who want to lose weight but have breast implants, the concern is that the lost weight will make your implants look deformed. Women who lose a lot of weight after getting breast implants can reveal more of the implant, which can produce a rippling effect.
Many women find that they gain some weight after undergoing breast augmentation. In most instances, only 3-5 pounds are gained after your procedure. While some of this weight gain is caused by the presence of breast implants in your body, there are other factors that account for the rest of the weight.
If patients are planning to lose or gain weight, the time to do so is before undergoing breast augmentation surgery. And, once the surgery is completed, she should commit to maintaining a stable weight to ensure the longest lasting results.
Fat transfer breast augmentation will still be subjected to the effects of aging and weight fluctuations, meaning if you gain weight, your breasts will get even larger, and if you lose weight, your breasts may lose volume.
Fluid retention – The stress associated with a major surgical procedure, along with many of the medications prescribed during your initial recovery, may cause your body to retain fluid. This excess fluid can account for most of the weight you gain after breast augmentation.
So, yes, if a patient loses large amounts of weight after facial fat grafting, they will see a change in their results. It's essential to be at or near your ideal weight before getting a facial fat graft so that you maintain the results for many years.
Actually, this is a common misconception. Your breast implant size won't change if you lose or gain weight. Of course, there are some cosmetic concerns associated with breast augmentation and weight fluctuation. If you have questions about how your appearance may change, ask board-certified plastic surgeon Dr.
As a result, the implants settle into a lower, more aesthetically pleasing position on the chest. They appear softer and rounder, and they look larger and closer together. Hence, “drop” (settle lower) and “fluff” (round out and look fuller).
So a BMIs at or under 28 is required for most patients.
Due to the risks of surgery, I do not operate on patients with a BMI of 30 or over. For breast augmentation surgery, a BMI at or below 25 is required for safety and a beautiful outcome that will last.
Swelling and Bleeding: The trauma of the breast implant surgery may have created swelling or bleeding in the surrounding tissue, which could cause a modest weight gain. This extra pound or two should disappear relatively quickly, as your body begins to heal from the surgery.
Implants are loosely linked to weight gain, and they can slow down your metabolism over time. Removing implants can speed up metabolism and make it easier to lose weight and keep it off over time.
Improved Overall Figure
Full, beautiful breasts can improve more than just your bustline. Larger, fuller breasts can make your waist look smaller and accentuate your hips, creating a more beautifully contoured profile and well-proportioned figure.
Causes of Weight Loss Post-Op
Some pain management drugs can cause a loss of appetite in certain patients, which can make it difficult to keep your weight at healthy levels post-op. The lingering effects of anesthesia can also cause loss of appetite, as well as nausea and vomiting.
Although individual results vary depending on factors ranging from age, health, and starting weight, studies show average weight loss for this type of procedure is five to 15 pounds per week for the initial two to three months. After the first six months, patients can expect to lose one to two pounds per week.
After surgery, the implants tend to ride hide and appear small due to the patient's skin tightness in the area. There is tightness because the implants increase dimension to breast tissue causing the skin to compress the implant's shape and size.
One of the most common questions we get from patients is when breast implants start to look/feel normal and when the natural drop of the breasts occurs after breast implant surgery. Breast implants generally take six weeks to three months to adjust and look natural.
You should expect your breasts to be in their final position at three months. The type and size of the implant can affect the drop and fluff timeline. The exact process occurs with round and teardrop-shaped implants, but larger implants may drop slightly faster.
The “Fluff” Process
Over time as the breast pocket stretches, your breasts implants will eventually soften, typically by 6 months after your surgery. Keep in mind, though, that every woman is different.
Implant volume is measured in cc (cubic centimeter), wherein a given number of cc is equivalent to the number of grams. So, a 400 cc breast implant would weigh about 400 grams.
Are breast implants heavy? For every 100cc of a silicone breast implant, the weight is approximately 0.23 pounds. Thus, for the average size implants, a pair will add about one to two pounds to the body overall. Depending on your starting body size, you may barely notice this once you adjust to the implants themselves.
As far as the implant weight itself goes, for every 100cc, a silicone implant weighs 0.23lbs. For every 100cc a saline implant weighs 0.21lbs. Thus, the average 300cc silicone implant weighs 0.69 pounds and both of them together weigh 1.38 pounds or less than a pound and a half.
Technically speaking, fat transfer between non-identical people could be performed, BUT rejection of the donor fat by the recipient would be a problem. The only way around this would be for the recipient to take immunosuppression medications.
You should be resting the remainder of the day of surgery, but be sure to walk around a few times per day. During the first week, do not lift over 10 pounds. It is important that you not engage in strenuous activities in the first 3 weeks after surgery.
Though the recovery period is fairly mild for fat transfer, patients should allow adequate time to heal properly. Patients should see final results after about six months, though improvement should start to become apparent just a few days after surgery.