You can buy condoms at any age – there are no restrictions. Most chemists, supermarkets and service stations sell them.
There is no age limit preventing you from buying contraception like condoms at a chemist, or from seeing a doctor about contraception without parental consent. Certain medical contraceptives, such as contraceptive pills, require a prescription that you can only get from a doctor.
MYTH: You have to be 16 to buy condoms. TRUTH: There is no age limit preventing the purchase of condoms at a pharmacy, or from getting medical advice about contraception without parental consent.
You DO NOT have to be 18 to buy condoms. You should not get carded for buying condoms and a clerk cannot legally refuse to sell them to you without looking at your ID. A checkout person also shouldn't ask your age—and if they do, you don't have to answer.
You don't need a prescription and there are no age restrictions — anybody can buy condoms. Some people feel kind of awkward going into a store and buying condoms, but your health is more important than a little embarrassment.
You can get condoms for free, even if you're under 16, from: contraception clinics. sexual health or GUM (genitourinary medicine) clinics. some GP surgeries.
Community pharmacies may place condoms in locked displays or behind glass, thereby reducing access and consequent use.
Condoms are perishable. With proper storage, male condoms remain effective for three years to five years, depending on the manufacturer and according to national policy. Female condoms have a shelf life of five years.
Depending on how you store them, what they're made of, and the brand's quality, condoms can last a long time, but they don't last forever. The average condom lasts around 3 to 5 years, but it can expire more quickly if you expose it to heat or sunlight.
Decide which condoms you're going to buy beforehand.
Determine the brand, condom size, and material (e.g. latex, polyurethane, lambskin) you prefer. Going into the store with a specific item in mind will keep you from spending extra time in the store and wandering awkwardly up and down the condom aisle.
Go to a store, and buy them. Or ask an older friend to buy them for you. There's absolutely no age requirement. Or be honest and talk to your parents.
Dating and relationships
In general, there are no laws that say when a young person can start dating another person (but there are laws about doing sexual activity with another person, which we explain below!) However, there are laws which make grooming children under the age of 16 a crime.
You can buy condoms from your local supermarket, chemists or pharmacies, convenience stores, petrol stations.
It's perfectly normal to smell a bit after using condoms or lube, just so you can be prepared.
There is no absolute rule for who should use the different condom sizes, but the following guidelines, which are in inches, may help: a girth of less than 4.7″ needs a snug fit. a girth of 4.7–5.1″ needs a regular fit. a girth of 5.1–6″ needs a large fit.
Using two condoms can cause friction between them, weakening the material and increasing the chance that the condoms might break. No other method of birth control is as successful at protecting people against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) as a condom.
The material used to make condoms can weaken over time, so don't use one that has expired. Condoms may rip during use if they don't fit properly or if they are not put on correctly (such as not leaving enough room at the tip of the condom).
Most condoms have a reservoir tip — a little extra pocket at the top that helps collect semen (cum) during ejaculation. When a condom is inside out, this reservoir tip might not work as well and the condom can break easier.
The C-Card scheme is a free and confidential service offering free condom and sexual health information and support to all young people aged 13–25 years.
Are condoms 100% effective? No type of condom prevents pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) 100% of the time. For better protection from pregnancy, many couples use condoms along with another method of birth control, like birth control pills or an IUD.
So let's discuss it. When you are using condoms to have sex, you are taking shared responsibility to protect yourself against both unwanted pregnancy and STDs. It is up to both of you to ensure you are protected, and so both partners should contribute towards any cost.