How should breasts feel when full?

Your breasts should also be pain-free. Engorged breasts are very hard, and the nipples can flatten due to swelling inside the breasts. The breasts may be tender or quite painful. The skin may appear shiny.

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Should my breasts feel full before every feed?

The feeling of fullness (sometimes even engorgement) that nursing mothers notice during the early weeks of breastfeeding is really not the norm at all, but means that mom's breasts haven't yet adjusted to the amount of milk that baby needs.

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Should breasts feel engorged?

It's normal for your breasts to feel different after your baby is born. They are making milk and have extra blood flow, so they may feel tender and full. But if your breasts are warm, hard, and painful, they may be too full of milk, or engorged.

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What does breast engorgement feel like?

Breast engorgement is when, for whatever reason, your breasts become overly full. They may feel hard, tight and painful. In the early days, engorgement can be due to your milk coming in. Newborns need feeding little and often.

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Why do my breast still feel full after feeding?

This is known as the milk 'coming in'. During this time, your breasts may produce much more milk than your baby needs and they may feel full and uncomfortable. This will only last for a few days.

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Do your breasts feel softer? What does this mean?

38 related questions found

Should my breasts be empty after every feeding?

Despite views to the contrary, breasts are never truly empty. Milk is actually produced nonstop—before, during, and after feedings—so there's no need to wait between feedings for your breasts to refill. In fact, a long gap between feedings actually signals your breasts to make less, not more, milk.

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Why doesn't my breast feel empty after breastfeeding?

You're not getting let down.

If your breasts feel like they're full but you're not able to get the milk flowing out when you pump, it could be that you're not achieving let down. The let down reflex releases your milk from the milk ducts. This only occurs when you're either breastfeeding or pumping.

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What is the difference between breast fullness and engorgement?

It is normal for your breasts to feel swollen, heavy, and tender when your milk comes in. This is called breast fullness. When your breast starts to feel painful and hard, the fullness has developed into engorgement. Breast engorgement usually happens 3 to 5 days after you give birth.

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How do you trigger a let down?

The let-down reflex occurs:
  1. in response to your baby sucking at the breast.
  2. hearing, seeing or thinking about your baby.
  3. using a breast pump, hand expressing or touching your breasts or nipples.
  4. looking at a picture of your baby.
  5. hearing your baby (or another baby) cry.

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Should you massage engorged breasts?

Gentle massage: It's easier for a baby to nurse on a softened breast as opposed to a tight, swollen breast. Gently massaging the breast before feeding and while baby is nursing helps improve the flow of breast milk.

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Can I ignore engorgement?

While plenty of breastfeeding women experience engorged breasts, if left untreated it can lead to issues like cracked nipples, clogged milk ducts and mastitis—not fun. Read on to learn how to tell if your breasts are engorged and how to find fast relief.

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Should I pump if my breast hurt?

If your breasts are sore; have red streaks; or have a hard, red area, you may have mastitis. Some women also get a fever and chills. If you think you have mastitis, call your doctor. In the meantime, continue to breastfeed or pump to drain the milk from your breasts.

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Do babies unlatch when full?

A baby will unlatch naturally when she's finished breastfeeding. You shouldn't ever have to take your baby off your breast. Whether she falls asleep or just pulls away, she'll know when to unlatch when she's ready.

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How do you know when to switch breasts?

If your baby's swallowing has slowed, they have started to fall asleep, and/or they seem frustrated at the breast, it's time to switch sides. Sometimes switching breasts multiple times per feeding can be useful, especially in cases of sleepy babies or low milk supply.

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How do I make sure my breast is empty?

How do I know whether my breasts are empty? There's no test or way to know for sure. In general, though, if you gently shake your breasts and they feel mostly soft and you don't feel the heaviness of milk sitting in them, you're probably fine.

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Does slow let down mean low milk supply?

If there is a continual delay in letdown from the breast it can lead to reduced milk supply. Babies are also really in tune with how their mother's are feeling. Your baby can totally sense when you are sad, stressed, or anxious.

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Can you get milk without letdown?

It's important to know that not all moms experience these signs, and that's okay. Even if you don't have a let-down response, you can still nurse your baby adequately and pump milk without any problems.

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How many let downs should I have in a nursing session?

A pumping session should end once your breasts feel empty. This happens once you have had a few letdowns. You should aim for at least two letdowns, but three or four letdowns during the pumping session is ideal.

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Do I have milk if my breasts are soft?

Your breasts feel softer

This happens as your milk supply adjusts to your baby's needs. The initial breast fullness reduces in the first few weeks. At around 6 weeks, breast fullness is completely gone and your breasts may feel soft. This is completely normal and has no effect on your milk supply.

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Why do my breasts hurt when they fill with milk?

Some moms describe a deep ache or dull throbbing pain after they complete a feeding. This feeling can start 10-20 minutes after the feeding is over and usually lasts 10 minutes or less. The ache is from the filling up of the alveoli with blood and lymph fluid in preparation for the next feeding.

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Why am I pumping but not feeling empty?

You may feel pain with plugged ducts and may also notice that your breast does not empty very well. Plugged ducts may also be seen during engorgement and mastitis. Check your breasts after every pumping. If you find your plugged ducts soon after they form, you will be able to resolve the plugged area more rapidly.

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Why don't I feel like my breast pump is emptying me?

Change the settings on your pump: Try increasing (or even lowering) the speed to see if you respond better to that. Change your flange size: If your breast is too constricted in your flange, you may not be able to express as much milk. Try upping the flange size to give your breast more room to move.

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How long does it take to empty breast when nursing?

15 minutes or less should get you empty. Most milk comes out in the first 8 minutes (whether pumping or nursing). The automatic LET DOWN feature on high-end machines pump quickly for 2 minutes and then switch to a slower cycle to mimic how babies nurse for the let-down.

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