How to Be Happy Every Day with These 10 Simple Tips
Recognize that you have choices. While you can't prevent many of the difficulties that you'll encounter in life, you can control how you respond to them. ...
Scientists have found that the three things that make people most happy are PLEASURE (doing things you enjoy), ENGAGEMENT (feeling interested in your activities and connected to others), and MEANING (feeling like what you do matters).
In fact, it can create a feedback loop of happiness in your life. Helping others reach their goals brings joy. Doing nice things for others today can literally make you happier for the rest of the week. However, being a martyr stresses you out and is bad for your health.
Happiness, he says, isn't just about feeling good, it's about the joy we feel while striving after our potential. ... Achor recommends these five simple habits to follow every day:
Martin Seligman is the expert on happiness, and his 25 years of research indicates that happiness comes from five different sources. ... 5 keys to happiness
According to a new study published in the Social Indicators Research journal, we can expect to be happiest between the ages of 30 and 34. The study came to this conclusion by asking people over 50 from 13 European countries about the periods of their life in which they felt the most content.
In one large study from the Brookings Institute, for example, scientists found happiness was high for 18- to 21-year-olds and then dropped steadily until about age 40. But past middle age, the pattern began to reverse—gradually climbing back up to its highest point at age 98!
In order to live a happy life, you have to take care of yourself first. Get enough sleep, drink lots of water, eat nutritious meals, and do some exercise. These things can positively affect your mood and self-confidence. Always remember to make yourself a priority by doing the activities that you enjoy.
The most important happiness choice is to invest in your closest relationship whether it's a spouse, partner, parent, sibling or friend. We all know that exercising and taking care of yourself correlates with good health. The happiest among us actually do exercise and take care of ourselves.