Now is the time to focus on yourself and become the best version of yourself. Take up new hobbies, read books, exercise and try new things. Not only will this make you feel better about yourself, but it will also make your ex regret losing you.
Because the truth is, during no contact with your ex, they will start to miss you no matter what. What they do with that feeling is dependent on their personality. If you were dating an incredibly stubborn person, it might take months before your ex gives in and reaches out.
Use the no contact rule
Does no contact make him miss you? Yes! One of the best ways to use silence after a breakup is to cut off all means of communication. That includes going silent on social media after a breakup.
If they are always finding ways to spend time with you and are still a big part of your life, there is a high chance of rekindling your romance. Your ex refusing to date anyone else is also a major sign that they are hoping to get back with you.
“Tell her how much you've been thinking about her, how much you want a future with her; discuss future plans and give specific examples of the two of you doing things together in the near and far future,” she suggests. You have to show you're willing to put in the work and really mean it. Be honest, too.
Here's why ignoring your ex is powerful: it gives you space to explore your own emotions and heal from the pain of heartbreak. Naming, acknowledging, and accepting your feelings. Noticing and naming emotions gives us a chance to step back and make a choice about what we want to do with them.
Your ex probably won't miss you if your relationship was short (1-3 months), a rebound, or strewn with toxicity (i.e., cheating, lying, abuse). That said, walking away and letting them go still gives you the best chance of making them miss you.
There is no specific timeline that dictates the duration of how long it takes an ex to regret that they dumped you. This means they can realize their mistakes in a few weeks or years, depending on how deliberate they are about introspection.
If you're wondering if an ex still thinks about you, the answer is probably yes. This is simply because we create deep bonds with the people we have relationships with, and our memories of our former partners don't just disappear after a breakup.
For some the “missing emotion” can be fleeting. For others, all consuming. In all though, yes, there's a high likelihood that the dumper will miss the ex at some point.
He might only think about himself.
He probably won't be wondering what you're feeling—instead, he'll only be thinking about how it's your loss or how to move on to the next girlfriend. Unfortunately, going “no contact” doesn't inspire a change of heart in every guy.
Your ex might return for various reasons. For example, they could miss you, still feel in love, or want to work on the conflicts that ended the relationship. In other cases, they might feel lonely, don't want to take responsibility for their actions or feel the breakup wasn't permanent.
Why does my ex never come back? Your ex doesn't come back because you may have hurt them badly. They don't see a future with you and are over you already. They might also be convinced that the breakup was necessary and have no reason to get back together with you.
Just making an effort to acknowledge each other and smile when you see each other can demonstrate that you want to be friends. It can be very difficult to build a friendship with an ex so remain patient and don't expect to develop a good friendship quickly.
Your ex might share sad posts on social media.
You'll hear from mutual friends that he talks about how unhappy he is or that he's pitying himself. If you still see him occasionally, you might notice that he's picked up bad habits that you broke him of—this can mean that he's given up trying to improve things.
The fastest time that it took for an ex to reach out first without being prompted was 8 days. On the other hand, the longest time was 75 days! That's a BIG range. But when you average it all out, it comes out to 38 days for an ex to reach out first, without being prompted.