Is 3.142678 is a rational number?

3.142678 = 3142678/1000000 , It is of the form ?/? , where p = 3142678, q = 1000000 hence is a rational number.

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Is 3.142678 a rational or irrational number?

Hence, 3.142678 is a rational number and it can be expressed as \[\dfrac{{3142678}}{{1000000}}\] in $\dfrac{p}{q}$ form. Note: Here, we can also express the obtained fraction in simplest form.

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Is 3.142678 a terminating or non-terminating rational number?

Here is your answer - it is terminating.

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Is 3.14 pi a rational number?

Students are usually introduced to the number pi as having an approximate value of 3.14 or 3.14159. Though it is an irrational number, some people use rational expressions, such as 22/7 or 333/106, to estimate pi.

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How do you know if rational or not rational?

Answer: If a number can be written or can be converted to p/q form, where p and q are integers and q is a non-zero number, then it is said to be rational and if it cannot be written in this form, then it is irrational.

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Show that 3.142678 is a rational number. Express 3.142678 in the form ?/?, where ? ≠ 0.

23 related questions found

How do you identify all rational numbers?

Rational numbers include fractions and any number that can be expressed as fractions. Natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, fractions of integers, and terminating decimals are rational numbers. Non-terminating decimals with repeating patterns of decimals, that is recurring decimals are also rational numbers.

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How do you find which is not a rational number?

(i) All whole numbers are rational numbers. (ii) Negative integers are not rational numbers.

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Is 3.142857 a rational or irrational number?

c 3.142857 is rational because it is a terminating decimal.

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Is 3.141141114 a rational number?

D) 3.141141114 is an irrational number because it has not terminating non repeating decimal expansion.

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Is 3.141414 a irrational number?

Because 3.141141114... is neither a repeating decimal nor a terminating decimal, it is an irrational number.

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Is 3.14 a non terminating decimal?

pi is an irrational number. Since it is a non-repeating, non-terminating decimal, it cannot be written as a fraction. The symbol for pi is "π". π = 3.141 592 653 589 793 238 462 643 383 279 ...

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How do you know if a rational number is terminating or non terminating?

Rational Numbers as Terminating and Non-Terminating Decimals

Terminating decimals are numbers that end after a few repetitions, after the decimal point. Example: 0.6, 4.789, 274.234 are some examples of terminating decimals. Non-terminating decimals are numbers that keep going after the decimal point.

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Is terminating rational or irrational?

Every terminating decimal is a rational number but every rational number may not be a terminating decimal.

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Is 5.676677666777 a rational number Why or why not?

Jeremy says that 5.676677666777... is a rational number because it is a decimal that goes on forever with a pattern. Is he correct? Why or why not? Yes, because the decimal is repeating.

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Is 1.010010001 rational or irrational?

Justification: Since 1.010010001 is non - terminating non - recurring decimal number, therefore it cannot be written in the form p/q; q≠0, p, q both are integers. Thus, 1.010010001 is irrational.

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Is π an irrational is it true?

π is an irrational number. Hence, it is a real number.

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Is 0.6666666 a rational number?

Hence, 0.666666.. is a rational number.

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Is 3.1416 a rational or irrational number?

Apart from this the given decimal number has recurring number 1416, hence it is a rational number. Q. Explain why.

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Which of the following is an irrational numbers 3.1417 3.1416 227?

3.141141114 is an irrational number because it is a non-repeating and non-terminating decimal.

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Is 3.14159265359 rational or irrational?

Pi, 3.14159265359, is an irrational number. That means it can't be expressed as a simple fraction.

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Is 0.14114111411114 rational or irrational?

The number 0.14114111411114 . . . is irrational because it may not be expressed as the ratio of two integers. It is not a repeating decimal.

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Is 3.333333 rational or irrational?

3.333333........ is a recurring non terminating decimal. repeating, it is a rational number.

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What are 5 examples of irrational numbers?

The common examples of irrational numbers are pi(π=3⋅14159265…), √2, √3, √5, Euler's number (e = 2⋅718281…..), 2.010010001….,etc.

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Why √2 is irrational?

Specifically, the Greeks discovered that the diagonal of a square whose sides are 1 unit long has a diagonal whose length cannot be rational. By the Pythagorean Theorem, the length of the diagonal equals the square root of 2. So the square root of 2 is irrational!

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